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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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11503778 No.11503778 [Reply] [Original]

It feels good to know that I was right about this virus and its pandemic that will kill millions and collapse the world economy. I warned you retarded normies that it would be a bad pandemic but you scoffed at me. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy your destroyed economy.

>> No.11503817
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>> No.11504250


>> No.11504272

>replying to yourself


>> No.11504292

so what? you were right? you still dont get to have sex, you still die a horrible death and the people who get saved are still mostly normies with money.

Congrats, you were right about something for 5 seconds, the only upside your life ever had

>> No.11506024

*our destroyed economy

>> No.11506035

if you make a guess about something and are later right.. is it really that amazing?

>> No.11506221

It hasn't killed millions though so you werent right

>> No.11506466

Yeah. Idiots. It was obviously exponential. Utter fuckwits. In charge supposedly. Ought to be a law that u have to have a stem degree to be in Parliament/congress.

>> No.11506468

>Kill millions
>Might not reach 100k toll worldwide
You're a retard.

>> No.11506469

Yet. Look at the WHO data. Yet.

>> No.11506472

Retardation confirmed. This particular retard does not understand geometric progressions. Might not even have encountered them as was prob held back at school.

>> No.11506481

I still get sex. I did not die a horrid death. Just had two days of fatigue and abut two weeks of feeling a bit rough.

>> No.11506482

>Might not reach 100k toll worldwide
>That's literally 4 days worth of people dying from starvation
>Not a single person (in the first world) about starvation but all of a sudden people are freaking out about this virus.
And people will call you selfish and uncaring for literally going outside.

>> No.11506484
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Did you short the economy or buy out of the money puts and make millions? Did you alert authorities and gain the reputation of a hero? If not, it doesn't really matter if you were right at all.

>> No.11506500

Take your meds.

>> No.11506515

Who also predicted a 3.4% mortality rate when it's clearly much lower then that

>> No.11506550

>y-you'll see! just wait a couple months!

>> No.11506936
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I listened, sold my stock, and prepped. Surely I'm not the only one.

Thanks bro. I will always owe you two fat packs of tp.

>> No.11506945
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Except the virus doesnt leave your body, it will come back, the bodies have only begun to start piling. Heh, you thought you would get off easy? You wish kiddo

>> No.11506954
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>Except the virus doesnt leave your body, it will come back,
God /pol/fags make me laugh

>> No.11506968

>I'm a big boy from /pol/
You don't need the wehrboo image I'll already got it from the text

>> No.11507034

hahahaha imagine being in denial twice

>> No.11507202

I'm sorry, I thought the unofficial infection rates were far greater than reported, meaning the kill ratio is far lower than reported?

This. Let future destitute generations learn of the great economic fallout of 2020 and know we did this to ourselves.