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File: 464 KB, 1916x932, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11502090 No.11502090 [Reply] [Original]

>Chinese number's haven't changed since the end of February.
What the fuck?

>> No.11502111

They literally locked down entire cities and shut down everything. You could even see the cities' industrial co2 output drop from satellite images. The same thing can't happen in Italy.

What I'm suspicious of more are the German numbers(playing some game here), French numbers (not counting deaths from nurseries/not testing), and US (not testing). Most of East Asian countries mainly has it under control now due to their various mandatory lockdowns.

>> No.11502463

nice trips, chang.

>> No.11502468

They are probably executing people at sight to keep it under control, there are more than 1 Billion chinks to sweep under the rug before it gets ugly

>> No.11502475

The chinks are fudging the numbers to look good to their people and international peers. Sick people will be diagnosed with something else. Medical staff will be watched, threatened, and vanished.

>> No.11502476

according to kraut friends they must be severely underreporting everything

>> No.11502505

at one point 10% of the world's population was locked down

>> No.11502510

cope amerifat
your Easter churchpacking will end in a bloodbath

>> No.11502534
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They're lying, there's at 40k cases that weren't included in the current estimate.



>More than 43,000 people in China had tested positive for Covid-19 by the end of February but had no immediate symptoms, a condition typically known as asymptomatic, according to the data. They were placed in quarantine and monitored but were not included in the official tally of confirmed cases, which stood at about 80,000 at the time.

I'm more apt to believe the death count in China is under reported too. More than likely at least 6-7k total are dead there but not advertised.

>> No.11502543

>They literally locked down entire cities and shut down everything.
Wish the west would do the same, then we'd be over with this crap in two months max.

Germany is in the late game. Deaths will rise up quickly soon, US and Italy stopped testing, so no real info to be gained there. Don't know about France.

Isn't China afraid of a second wave? Especially when borders are open again?

>> No.11502567

>40k cases
big fucking deal
outside china, that's how many new infections happened in the last 24h

>> No.11502607


They have been using malaria drugs, antibiotics, and zinc drug cocktails to stop inflammation, secondary infections, and virus replication to allow for the immune system to kill the virus without side effects. It's been a best practice for treatment in east asia for a couple months now (which is why I am baffled why some governors are banning doctors from using it).

>> No.11502628
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Keep seething anon, the fact is China isn't being upfront with their stats. And considering they've been secretive concerning this entire event it's safe to assume they are doing a significant amount of lying.

The total cases, total deaths, how much it's spread, the fallout and how the coronavirus even came to be. All of it is suspect and China won't be able to convince the world otherwise. They did themselves a huge disservice.

>> No.11502640

it's peanuts, unlike your golden calf's shitshow
that's unraveling
your post is a pathetic attempt to deflect attention from the biggest culling of americans in a century

>> No.11502662 [DELETED] 
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I don't believe anything the CCP puts out. Everything is all about face and deceit there.

>> No.11502668

China's lying to the fucking moon.

>> No.11503494

The point is, if China's is lying, then the western states like German/France/US are creating entire universes out of fiction and living in fantasy world.

>> No.11503529


US is increasing the testing everyday you fucking Chinese shill.

>> No.11503530

What's the point? People said they lied about their initial numbers but everything we've seen in other countries this past month confirms the rate of cases they reported was correct. "China lied" is a cope the western leaders use to defend their incompetence, despite the warning being there since early January.

>> No.11503533
File: 381 KB, 848x892, CIDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him and not an Amerifat but you need to go back to your homeland Chang.

>> No.11503537


They lied about human to human infection you fucking shill

>> No.11503546

No it doesn't, for fuck sake. Stop lying out your ass. Iran, Italy, Spain, the US, and UK show sustained exponential growth over several weeks. China's basically rushed to flatline and they have reported hardly any cases or deaths for the past month, even though they report having started lifting quarantine measures weeks ago.

>> No.11503562
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I feel like China acted very quickly, barracading people inside who left their houses. Already practicing social distancing and forcing people to wear masks. Leaving 90%+ of people participating in social distancing. Menaining the pandemic is likely to have be in control within 1 - 3 months (Feb - April). China still has traffic restriction in Wuhan until April and pic related is a study that was created in Sydney about the amount of people who need to participate in social distancing to slow or prevent this pandemic.
Seeing videos of China during the Wuhan epidemic would be deemed unethical by first worlder standards though.
But it is embarassing seeing the amount of tightly packed people rushing around the mall today with no masks on. People were hanging around mall sushi shops and coffee shops. Maybe 5% of the people I saw had face masks on.
Hundreds of people also just casually going by their day. Although I did get told to fuck off by some old lady because I go too close to her.

>> No.11503573

The early exponential growth checks out, I don't know what you're talking about.
Also if their recent report data is a lie, with all the draconian measures in place, it's fucking GAME OVER at that point for the world. Like even if China can't contain it, how can the western countries do?
If the Chinese can't be trusted, why didn't western leaders look at this problem independently, instead of taking every word from China as granted? They are either lazy or completely stupid, in both cases none of the fault is of China.

>> No.11503575

The guy who was uploading the numbers, is dead.

>> No.11503581
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>Can hear sirens 24/7
>Krauts claim everything is fine and life will get back to normal stat

>> No.11503592

cant have new cases if you're not testing

>> No.11503667
File: 157 KB, 1200x675, https _cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_200317140447-clearwater-beach-spring-break-coronavirus-mxp-vpx-00000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder why
yeah they are probably lying, the US is taking more precautions and the numbers are still growing exponentially. i wonder why

>> No.11503690

I can't see more liberty minded westerners being able to conform to such strict controls, especially not Americans. It appears to be working though in any case if this video is accurately reflecting what's happening in China right now.

>> No.11503695


>If the Chinese can't be trusted, why didn't western leaders look at this problem independently, instead of taking every word from China as granted?

Because some information even if ultimately faulty is better than none you shill. The pandemic started in China so it makes sense to gather as much info on what occurred there as possible. Especially since they manufacture so much products and Covid-19 has a long life span on various surfaces.

The truth is no one really trusted what the Chinese said the moment it was realized they sat on information concerning the coronavirus. But again you don't reject the info given to you even if faulty. Valuable pieces of info can still be extracted from it.

>> No.11503698

great argument, bubba

>> No.11503701

Just as good as yours bud.

>> No.11503733

>They literally locked down entire cities and shut down everything.
Shutting down Wuhan isn't enough to stop the fucking virus entirely. The 1 week asymptomatic period and 2.5r0 make those numbers literally impossible even if they locked down the ENTIRE 1.5 billion person country because there is no fucking way they have the manpower to do that all at once

>> No.11503761

what do you think about South Korean numbers /pol/sucker?

>> No.11503786 [DELETED] 

>he didn't hear how the jews teamed up with china in the supreme jew-lizard-batchink alliance to lie about numbers in all countries
lmao at u

>> No.11503791

Nigga, the information hasn't really changed since late January. That thing was in Japan and Korea by then. We had pretty good idea what we were facing, and while Japan and Korea took measures immediately, the west was sitting on their ass. Details of how the virus properties were not known initially, because imagine this concept: it's a novel strain of the coronavirus. You don't put this thing under a microscope and an hour later you have a complete idea what it is. It's not just China that stumped the spread, but I guess the other asian countries are lying as well.

>> No.11503797

Stop eating bat chang

>> No.11503849
File: 35 KB, 380x488, 1558548121426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he doesn't think China is lying it then that must mean he's from /pol/

>> No.11503884

not even close
packing churches on Easter is ubiquitously condemned
It's Jonestown tier insane

>> No.11503897

Who are you arguing against? I don't recall anyone ITT taking the opposite view of this.

>> No.11503944

>50 yuan has been deposited into your account

>> No.11503953

When you kiss Putin's ass, do you aim at the cheeks or go for the hole?

>> No.11504156

Germany has tested 400k so far, mostly asymptomatic and is expanding testing from 160k per week last week to 300k per week. Italy only tested hospitalized cases and probably didn't catch a much larger number of mild cases. Relative lethality is really low.

>> No.11504177

There are thousands of people lying dead in their homes across Asia

>> No.11504182

There are tons of retards on America right now who think it’s all fake or that if they catch it it will just be like a mild cold.
We are doomed

>> No.11504195

>China’s exclusion of people without symptoms from its official count of confirmed coronavirus cases is renewing concerns over whether its outbreak has truly come under control.

>> No.11504201

>Many disease experts are calling China's claim that it has not had a single domestic case of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in days, especially since it has left 43,000 asymptomatic cases out of its tallies.

>> No.11504203

>Wuhan authorities have already closed the 10 or so temporary hospitals that were set up after regular ones came inundated with patients. The temporary facilities were doing tests on people showing mild symptoms.

>Officials say these tests are not needed as the number of new infections has fallen sharply.

>But a Wuhan resident, who gave his surname as Wan, disputed this claim. He said that his 70-year-old mother suffered from pneumonia once again after she was discharged from hospital and is now in isolation at a hotel.

>He said no hospitals were prepared to admit her because she wasn't tested positive.

>He said there is nothing much he can do because he can't leave his home as a lockdown is still in force, and local health authorities only told him to wait.

>"I feel helpless," he said.

I wonder why China's numbers aren't rising...

>> No.11504249

Chinkoid shills are so obvious it reads like a /pol/ parody

>> No.11505038

The CCP doesn't want you to know about the 5+ million corpses they had to bury because it would be an embarrassment and could permanently trash their reputation

>> No.11505065

>US and Italy stopped testing
I'm in Southern California and I can tell you that some hospitals are testing every single person admitted. It doesn't matter why the person is admitted to the hospital, it could be for appendicitis, but they are getting a test.

>> No.11505074

Answer the question fucktard given the similarities and massive authoritarian shitdown of entire cities.
The onus of proof is on you and your claim. I haven't claimed anything, all I asked was "do you fucking believe the South Korean numbers which are essentially the same you dumb underage piece of shit animefag?'


>> No.11505109

I'm not a conspiracytard, but this must be a classic "China being shady" episode

>> No.11505114
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>show evidence that China isn't being truthful about coronavirus cases
>strawman with what about South Korea though?

>> No.11505119


>> No.11505127

yeah, US has considerably ramped up testing in the last couple days

>> No.11505130

It's textbook whataboutism, a commie shill tactic.

>> No.11505137

they may be lying but how are you going to hide the same critical situation as, say in new york? their media would have leaked the horrors. how can you hide overcrowded hospitals and millions of corpses? doesnt seem possible

>> No.11505147

Chinese media is state run and they kicked out all foreign reporters a month ago

>> No.11505152

I think the USA is now at the highest average tests per day of any country. Sure would have been nice if they had been testing at this rate a month ago.

>> No.11505175
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>I trusted you China

>> No.11505199

Why did they expel foreign reporters? Any official excuse? Also. ALL reporters? Or just tit for tat cause Trump called some of their reporters in the US Chinese spies?

>> No.11505207

>the biggest culling of americans in a century
And no, that's heart disease and cancer

>> No.11505210
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china stronk
ccp stronk

>> No.11505211
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Can't be help, have to convince le orange man that the virus isn't a liberal hoax. Even though you know his senate intel chief literally sold stocks last month because he knew shit was going to hit the fan. On top of trusted allies like Japan shutting down schools nationwide in anticipation of the virus.

>> No.11505215


>> No.11505218
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>> No.11505224

Any chanxr of wavr 2? Plz, I wanna witness a new plague and gerontocide. Have been going around crowded places, but all I got is just a lame regular cold.

>> No.11505226


>> No.11505232

There will be another admitted outbreak in china that they will blame on foreigners bringing it in because they have already conquered it :^)
Screencap this post

>> No.11505250

They're already laying the groundwork for that new lie.

>> No.11505354

>heart disease and cancer
who cares, those aren't contagious

>> No.11505360

a few dozen cases every now and then, nothing that they can't nip in the bud

>> No.11505375

Fuck Chinks. I hope coronavirus wipes them out. Fuck them for poisoning our products and shipping fentanyl here.

>> No.11505393 [DELETED] 

for china this was a mere speed bump
we'll see if u.s. is even a nation anymore after thid year

>> No.11505397

for china this was a mere speed bump
we'll see if u.s. is even a nation anymore after this year

>> No.11505403

lol, faggot

>> No.11505428

They realized that if they shut down for a year everyone would start divesting. Consequently, they used authoritarian magic to vanish the issue and kill anyone who tries to let the cat out of the bag. There's a reason why they kicked out a fuckload of foreign media and why every whistleblower is mysteriously dying of covid or vanishing off the face of the Earth.

>> No.11505441
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its an escaped SARS vaccine. we should unironically go to war with the Chinese government.

>> No.11505467


whataboutism is a leftist buzzword

>> No.11505468

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.11505474


nuke the chinks

>> No.11505490


not an argument


>> No.11505570


>> No.11505577

Not reading that tinfoil ju shit nigga
>inb4 not an argument
Your batshit, tinfoil, look-at-this-infograph, schizophrenic, paranoid, incelposting doesn't constitute a solid argument either

>> No.11505903

Where are you? It's pretty calm here for the moment, although there's 260 confirmed in this city or something. Also, don't reply in G*rman. By the way, do you know if the numbers are fudged?

>> No.11506252

>Cold War term coined by Conservative Soviet Union critics
>leftist buzzword
Neck yourself.

>> No.11506255

Man, good to know we've got a psychic who can look at the thousands of rotting corpses in Asia through some out of body experience. Terrific!

>> No.11506288

Nuke China. The world's at the mercy of fucking subhumans who eat bats. Small, microdicked manlets with the mental capacity of a cockroach, who can barely speak and don't know how to read, fucking peasants. NUKE CHINA

>> No.11506319

> I did get told to fuck off by some old lady because I got too close to her

>> No.11506741
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Is this your picture?

>> No.11506765

Proof: 21+ million anomalous cancelled mobile phone accounts. We all know these numbers are tied to the State IDs given by China, and changing them is as onerous as trying to change your Social Security Number, and trying to do without one is like trying to live without cash, credit or debit cards.

>> No.11506838
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Literally this book.

>> No.11506840


>> No.11506841

They're retards basically.
>muh pol! pooooooooooooool!
They sound like deranged lunatics.

>> No.11506851

run along little redneck, or you'll miss your banjo duel

>> No.11506864

>a month ago
are you fucking retarded
Lets just magic, tests out of thin air fucking rerard. It doesn't help that china has sent out 600,000 faulty test kits fucking chigger

>> No.11506867

>isnt a liberal hoax

show me where he said that retard, people like you unironically need to be shot for lying so blatantly

>> No.11506889

Thats not proof. US stock crashed. To 1/3 of value. We didn't lose 2/3 of our population.

>> No.11506890

>are you fucking retarded
>Lets just magic, tests out of thin air fucking rerard.
I think you might be. We were a month behind in testing because the CDC wanted to create their own test rather than using the WHO's, and then there were problems with the test. It was ineptitude that caused the USA to fall so far behind in testing.

>> No.11506894
File: 67 KB, 960x436, 1492868713833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-if he thinks I'm a retarded LARPing commie then that must mean he's a redneck. H-haha gottem.

>> No.11506897

>US stock crashed.
The stock market isn't assigned to each person the same way everyone in China has a mobile account tied to their name. I agree that it isn't necessarily proof (I'm not the other anon), maybe they had to cancel plans due to lack of funds or something, but not having a phone in China is a really bad idea. It's an ominous sign if nothing else.

>> No.11506898

US stock is a confidence game. It has almost nothing to do with human capital.

>> No.11506917

>not denying

>> No.11506918

Everything being shutdown, everything under lockdown, economy collapse are all related. China's new smartphone sales market collapsed by 40%. No new users = no new sign ups. Old users cancelling didn't stop, they increased due to no one having money to pay for the service under lock down.

Are people really retarded? Lockdowns/Shutdowns do not just affect people directly, they affect their economic actions indirectly.

>> No.11506935

>Old users cancelling didn't stop, they increased due to no one having money to pay for the service under lock down.

That does not match consumer saving and spending habits in China. One thing the Chinese are good about is keeping a portion of their salaries as savings no matter what. They do not spend everything they have, and basically all of them have reserves.

>> No.11506940

Do you know how many companies give out work lines to their employees?
How many professionals have two lines one for work one for personnel use

A lot of it was companies shutting down their work lines since they don't need to pay for them for 8 weeks.

Also no way in earth could China hide 19 million dead bodies

Go ask /pol/ about the math on cremating millions of bodies

>> No.11506941

>No new users = no new sign ups.
Someone crunched these numbers, the lost users compared to expected sign-ups still differed by several million.

>Old users cancelling didn't stop
But this is where I think it's ominous, because you can't do anything in China without a cell phone. Public transportation, ID verification, and payment all require the use of a phone.

>> No.11506942

Millions of people have multiple phone numbers you mongoloid

>> No.11506946

People have savings in China, but that doesn't mean they'll spend it carelessly. In the case of using up savings, they'll be even more thrifty. Why pay for 5 smartphones for a family underlock down when you can get cancel 4 and keep 1? If someone in the family is tech saavy, they'll just hook up the phone and use it as wifi router for others in family to connect to.

>> No.11506950

Not just multiple phones but multiple sim cards.

>> No.11506951

>German numbers
They test around half a million people weekly.
I hate krauts but I think until now they were just lucky.

>> No.11506955

I'm 95% sure Germans are playing some sort of game with their numbers. Every other European countries much smaller had much larger death rate.

>> No.11506957

They are reporting corona deaths as deaths by pneumonia or death by heart attack

>> No.11506958

Only have unreliable source of hearsay, live in a neighbouring country, but apparently they often count people who die of other things than the direct effects of Corona as someone who didn't die of Corona.
But I don't see the point of testing so many people and then lie about the rest. But then again, Germans are animals in terms of mentality and would probably panic buy immediately again.
Weird situation.

>> No.11506962

They're all dead.

>> No.11506984

>Only have unreliable source of hearsay, live in a neighbouring country, but apparently they often count people who die of other things than the direct effects of Corona as someone who didn't die of Corona.
Kind of the opposite of Italy then, who's being criticized for counting every COVID-19 related death as caused by COVID-19.

>> No.11507008

>they’re lying
>I'm more apt to believe the death count in China is under reported too.
I now provide my baseless opinion without anything to back it up whatsoever

>> No.11507042

>I now provide my baseless opinion without anything to back it up whatsoever
Um, leaked documentation showing that China has been accumulating cases and not counting them is a pretty good argument that their numbers can't be trusted.

>> No.11507048

That is not what the RKI (official institute in germany responsible for dealing with epidemic outbreak) says. Three days ago on a press conference, that exact same question popped up and they stated that every patient, who dies after positively tested for COVID-19 is counted as a COVID-19 death.

I agree that the numbers look weird, but I attribute them to two factors:

1) Up until two days ago, they actually tested everyone regardless of symptoms as long as they demanded a test and had some reason to believe they were infected. Now they are prioritizing people who actually show symptoms. Thus their numbers were inflated by many asymptomatic carriers, who seem to be in no medical distress. In Italy the situation seems to be reversed, that they only test the worst cases due to limited testing capabilities. Thus the relative amount of deaths per positive test is much higher.
2) The death numbers are lagging behind by multiple days, due to bureaucratic inefficiencies.

>> No.11507068

The weirdest thing to me was that their deaths frequently exceeded their critical patient numbers by several fold, which is backward from every other country.

>> No.11507166

not news worthy, try to shock and titillate again

>> No.11507185

> spread the virus by eating bat soup
> Be grateful to me!

>> No.11507209
File: 76 KB, 1500x500, 1550621809786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even American lol. Why do you commies allow yourselves to be stereotyped so easily? I guess it comes from the extreme purity spiraling you stupid faggots engage in.

>> No.11507509

>Proof: 21+ million anomalous cancelled mobile phone accounts.

>> No.11507573

Watch this anon

>> No.11507605

Fuck the CCP.

>> No.11507610

If you actually do digging regarding the day to day numbers it is blatently obvious they are manipulated. I think one day the Chinese official statistics reported that X number had died one day, but if you added that number to the previous days total death count, it was higher than what China was reporting.

>> No.11507622

China is so fucking shameless its insane.

>> No.11507626

>a few dozen cases every now and then
Yeah that's what the CCP state controlled news is going to report. Meanwhile, ignore the fact that 1/3rd of the country has come down with crippling pneumonia for some reason.

>> No.11507646

Not even the Chinese believe their own numbers.

>> No.11507657

Are you retarded?

>I bash Chinese communist apologists ITT using whataboutism logical fallacies
>Some retard replies saying whataboutism is a leftist buzzword
>I explain whataboutism is a term from the Cold War coined by Conservatives (like me, I'm a conservative)
>Proceed to call me a commie anyway
You must be a CCP shill. Hard to believe someone could be this retarded on purpose.