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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11501979 No.11501979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

pol says the virus never leaves your body

>> No.11501982

gullible fucking retard faggot get the fuck off this board

>> No.11501986


>> No.11501989


I already wrote an answer to your neuroticism earlier today

>> No.11501997

Pol says you are a faggot and like the BBC

>> No.11501998

man you are on a whole elevated level of fucking retard dude, what the fuck does a lab losing someone's covid test got to do with whether or not the virus stays in your body forever?

>> No.11502027

do you know anything about medical imaging or radiology?

>> No.11502028

fuck off tripfag, your opinions is irrelevant, get the fuck out of this sub

>> No.11502039

pol believes in eugenics, too
see a pattern emerge, anon?

>> No.11502041
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>> No.11502044

lmao, i thought someone would comment to the fact that I intentionally said 'sub'.

>> No.11502057

i've read cubic (and higher) spline interpolation is one of the best interpolators according to approximation theory. are there any good interpolators besides spline interpolation?

>> No.11502148

are you saying they're always right?

>> No.11502168
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>links an article from a tabloid publication
He's not joking guys he really is from pol

>> No.11502217
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>pol says

>> No.11502221

this board is literal trannies

>> No.11502245

Where can I get one of these?

>> No.11502259

>people still haven't realize the OP is a major faggot troll purposely spamming shit he doesn't even believe
>still replying to the threads
>not even using sage

fucking retards

>> No.11502270

Haha pol also says the jews control everything. You must be retarded

>> No.11502287

No virus ever leaves your body. This is virology 101

>> No.11502340

how about i put my cock into your body and we'll see if it ever leaves

>> No.11502349

jews created this virus to destroy the economy and let china overtake america as the dominant power. Not even kidding. The thing causes too many unusual complications for it to be a natural disease.

>> No.11502353

all .5 inches of it

>> No.11502354

No one cares what /pol/ says except literal autist retards.

>> No.11502366

i care

>> No.11502368

That's hot ngl

>> No.11502371

Wow! The jews sound pretty powerful. Maybe they are God's chosen people.

>> No.11502373

Because you're dumb. And no one cares what dumb people think.

>> No.11502376


>> No.11502380

Why would jews destroy their own economy that they are the masters of (according to your favorite trailer trash board)? Aren't they hurting themselves? And if they are intentionally hurting themselves, doesn't that make them by definition clinically retarded, the very opposite of the evil geniuses you paint them as?

>> No.11502383

israeli jews are not intelligent.

>> No.11502385

+ 8 inches
full 8.5 for you

>> No.11502454

Because they only have power when it's convenient for them to do so, e.g. they control the world markets, economy and media yet somehow can't prevent their arch nemesis (lol) President Worms for Brains from being heroically elected.

>> No.11502537

I have been mildly sick for 2 months now...

>> No.11502538

You're right, they're superpeople.

>> No.11502542
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>israeli jews are not intelligent.

>> No.11502545
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>> No.11502547

but muh dumb Palestinian goyim!

>> No.11502549
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>Goys, /pol/ is doodoo head! Don't go there. It's bad poo board, it teach bad sec- bad stuff. Don't go to poo head board, listen to what we say, it's better for you. Listen to us.

>> No.11502550

I never said they were intelligent, you guys make them seem way to intelligent.

>> No.11502554

>I never said they were intelligent
So they are not intelligent?

>> No.11502555


>> No.11502556

Is this what /pol/tards are like? Men who have the mentality less than 5 year old kids using the word 'poo' and 'doodoo' while attempting to act woke but failing miserably? Do us all a favour and die.

>> No.11502559
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>> No.11502562
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>> No.11502563

like what?

>> No.11502566

I'm not a Jew, but whatever you say so /pol/tard.

>> No.11502568
File: 23 KB, 536x498, whosbehindthepost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a Jew, but whatever you say so /pol/tard.

>> No.11502571

infertility/permanent lung damage/shows up in spine fluid

>> No.11502579

Pretty sure SARS did all that too. Was it a bioweapon?

>> No.11502581


>> No.11502583
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>> No.11502584

and this thing is literally sars just worse

>> No.11502587

>shows up in spinal fluid
what could happen has a result of this?

>> No.11502588

Troll. But I don't what to say to you as you'll keep spamming 'Jew' pics. Do whatever you want anon, life can get boring too.

>> No.11502592

it turns you into a zombie

>> No.11502593


DNA has been an accepted scientific fact for a while anon.

>> No.11502595
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im out of jew pics

>> No.11502598


>> No.11502600 [DELETED] 
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>Leave this board, flat-fags.
rip, sad. here, see mine. pretty fun.

>> No.11502614
File: 29 KB, 279x374, bad goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip, sad. here, see mine. pretty fun.

>> No.11502634


>> No.11502641

wiggers are real fuckin dumb

if this was a Chinese bioweapon, why didn't they release it in the west? Absolute double digit IQ tards

>> No.11502652

It makes you eat dog

>> No.11502660

Sneed's seed and feed
Chuck's suck and fuck

>> No.11502677

/pol/ needs to be deleted

>> No.11502689

>pol says

>> No.11502826
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>> No.11502829

pol says kys

>> No.11502848

>pol says
stopped reading right there

>> No.11502911

I am a hardcore sceptic but I haven't seen a single thing /pol/ was ever fundamentally wrong on. There are some tremendously well informed people from government and top research circles there leaking things.

>> No.11502913

>reisdent schizophrenics and larper trolls
>tremendously well informed people

>> No.11502930

that's /x/

>> No.11503001

Where to buy

>> No.11503009

get gassed

>> No.11503025
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>> No.11503031

You know I don't like polfags, but I gotta give it to them, they know how to troll

>> No.11503034

I read the same "paper" that has been circulated. I've looked at the sources and the paper is wildly extrapolating without understanding the sources.

>> No.11503042

That's how viruses work, dumb dumb. You've got viruses from millions of years ago in your body right now

>> No.11503066

>dumb dumb
>Replying to OP, who is from /pol/
"Man says that death is nation's top killer, Dr Obvious gets awarded Nobel Prize"

>> No.11503081

It's a scheme to get more power at the cost of everybody losing money

>> No.11503186

That shithole also believes in meme magic and thinks that jews are evil lizard aliens. Stop listening to that schizo containment center.

>> No.11503207

W-wait, yu---you don't believe in .. meme magic?

>> No.11503212

Shitty meme magic to be specific.

>> No.11503243

Only reasonable reply so far and everyone ignores it. Sad.

>> No.11503259

elaborate then god damnit, THE MOAR I KNOW, Y'KNOW???? GIMMEEDAT INFO

>> No.11503342

you have to go back

>> No.11503364

That sucks. Now /pol/tards will have more viral RNA than brain cells in their body.

>> No.11503772
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so it makes me white?

>> No.11503792

Have you ever wondered if polfags for real? At the same time, their behavior seem honest. Like this is what they think is real, what is in fact truth. But on the other fact is so absurd its almost abstract. Is this possible to be unironically so full of wishful thinking, to bu fully aware when picking a source, to say a source is shit when they disagree with it, but minute later use it as a proof?

>> No.11503811

So if an infected person sneezes on you, does it spontaneously create a virus out of thin air as the saliva droplet hits your face?

>> No.11503815

The OP for sure believes none of this and is shitposting. The faggot already admitted it in another of his 30+ COVID19 threads he's made.

>> No.11504462

bumping to make you seethe

>> No.11505111

1. More fear causes more people calling for authoritarian measure.
EX. The young people with a variety of races on twitter in California are calling for a strict lock down because so many people are living like nothing happened.

2. The world population needs to decrease because of overpopulation and the effects of it on every person.
This connects into the 3rd thing
3.Automation of many jobs calls for a lower population to avoid extreme homelessness and widespread economic panic. With all the dead all that money can be funneled into the next generation

>> No.11505159

Everyone on /pol/ is as dumb as OP though

>> No.11505197

pol can kiss my big Hebrew ass

>> No.11505200

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.11505279

just look at the first 10 threads

>> No.11505497

You're coping dude. Arabs and jewniggers bring it down at least 5-10 points

>> No.11505508

read again what you posted anon. seek mental help

>> No.11505536
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Pol are schizophrenics who exist to be contrarian
Before the main stream picked up covid, Pol was saying it's the end of days or some Jewish plot, now [after every "journalist" rattles on about the virus non-stop] they are saying it's a overhyped cold
Truth lies more inbetween the two extremes, since it's similar to previous scares of the 21st century but has a much higher then initially though death rate

t. Used to visit Pol back when Ukranian happening was going on, up until the election of trump (it turned to race baiting cancer with no irony soon after)

>> No.11505571

Now this post reeks of tumblr.

Well OP maybe the patient has shitty defenses, Idk sometimes pol has leftypols and trannies disguised

>> No.11505575

/pol/ failed HS Biology.

>> No.11505582

>The thing causes too many unusual complications for it to be a natural disease.

Reality is almost always FAR stranger than fiction.

>> No.11505677

Imagine replying multiple times to the same thread pretending to be different people to bitch and whine about le ebin pol.

>> No.11506124

Pol hasnt taken HS biology yet

>> No.11506129

what's with Herpes Z. then

>> No.11506136

Nice LARP, microdick

>> No.11506142

You just described liberalism, anon.

>> No.11506831
File: 425 KB, 505x3125, 1585324744301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im scared

>> No.11506845

Stop browsing /pol/.

>> No.11506872

u wot m8

there's been nothingburgers and doomers since january
and a ton of people saying shit will hit the fan and to prepare your angus

>> No.11506928


>> No.11506943

/pol/ is currently only shills, trannies and corona doomer fags.
Only reason I'm not on there much anymore until corona blows over. Literally quarantined myself off of these fags for the time being.
plz be nice to me /sci/

>> No.11506977

It might not. Are you ascared of the chicken pocks anon?

>> No.11506995

b-b-but muh /pol/tards are secretly geniouses!!!!

>> No.11507002

based Dr. House Anon

>> No.11507006

This is contradictory in of itself and retardation of the highest tier

>> No.11507039

eugenics are factually correct.
Only reason it's not being done is based on emotions and morality.

/pol/ at large is pretty smart tbqh
Yes, you have a lot of nutjobs and shills, but you have a really diverse group of people and ideas. So usually when they agree on something it's based on some sort of weird, all-knowing hivemind that is exceptional at predicting things.
Maybe it's just like the warp in 40k and if enough autists believe in something it will happen, but who knows.

>> No.11507176

so it's true than...

>> No.11507184

Why? Where else would you get your news?

>> No.11507203

Want to know why there aren't great publications in the area of spline interpolation?

>> No.11507229

How the fuck is /pol/ diverse? Who would want to browse a board full of NEETsoc racist low lives unless they were one

>> No.11507362

is it because higher degree splines are inherently instable?

>> No.11507461

That. And also splines are VERY useful for quantitative finance. Chances are if you have some breakthrough, you'll get paid a lot of money by a big firm for your ideas.
t. knew a guy from my grad program who had such a breakthrough and now works at one of these firms

>> No.11507499

/pol/ and /sci/ are the two dumbest boards on 4chan. It's funny to see them going at it about this virus.

>> No.11507517

The opposite is always true what those poltrolls and polidiots say

>> No.11507566

Not fucking /pol/, that's for sure.

>> No.11507600

a good example would be HPV, human papillomavirus, can stay in your system for your entire life time. and it can cause cancer

think about ebola... people who survive it, suffer a sort of post ebola syndrome. google ian crozier. guy survived it, but he still had ebola in his body. the concentration of ebola virus found in his eye was higher than when he was sick with it in his blood.

>> No.11507869

Congrats on getting some gullible retards to believe this. You win the internet award for the day.

>> No.11507871

>people who would swear their IQ is >120 swallowing the most obvious bait I've ever seen for the 19218th time today.


>> No.11507874

>you're coping
>but my excuses aren't coping
Nice try you inbred monster

>> No.11508314

You have a lot of non-whites just as you have whites, you have trannies and fags, lawyers and janitors. Successful people and total losers. Communists and Nazis. Authoritarian types and lolbertarians.
The only somewhat consistent thing is that most people on /pol/ are autistic enough to actually enjoy politics and shitposting. Also
Isn't an argument. If you believe all people are equal and intelligence and mental capacities aren't partially inheritably (thus over hundreds and thousands of years in isolation detrimental) you don't belong here.