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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11497352 No.11497352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which board offers more intelligent people?

/lit/ or /sci/?

>> No.11497358
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>> No.11497361


>> No.11497363


>> No.11497365

/lit/ is LARPing retards, /sci/ is autistic schizos. take you're pick

>> No.11497379


>> No.11497383
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thinly veiled STEM v. humanities thread. daily reminder that true gigachads are into both

>> No.11497404

both, then you start hating both places and leave them but still study each subject.

>> No.11497603

/lit/ is literally retarded.

>> No.11497624

my /lit/ boyfriend tells me that /sci/ boys like me are smarter but i think he's smarter than me UwU

>> No.11497639


115IQ 10SD

110IQ 17.5SD

>> No.11497796

>You're pick
>You are pick
/Lit/ confirmed

>> No.11497800

holy shit nigga are you for real

>> No.11497953

/lit/ because it has a broader intelligence, why /sci/ seems to be mainly focused only on mathematical intelligence.

>> No.11497969

I legit have a PhD in cell biology and 95% of /sci/ is full of nothing but college-101-class shitty pop-sci, I just learned how to do derivatives and lets discuss this useless baby physics problem that was solved 300 years ago

/lit/ at least reads the books they talk about (well, half of them do), sci just pretends that discussing a college math problem is somehow important or doing science

>> No.11497979

This. There was a guy doing some chemistry at home a few months ago, but all the other “science” threads are either popsci or /lgbt/ fags incessantly screaming about /pol/. In all honesty this board should be renamed /math/.

>> No.11498039

both are full of absolute retards like every 4chan board except /an/ which is the only one where you'll find people that are somewhat qualified and aren't talking out of their asses

>> No.11498055


>> No.11498179

Unironically /pol/. Really.

>> No.11498228

>lets discuss this useless baby physics problem that was solved 300 years ago
>obvs 'cause they're stupid
So, you don't know why

Is it really schizophrenia if you're just that predictable?

>> No.11498479


>> No.11498516

/pol/, unironically

you have to take away all the slide, bots, shills, and retards, but what remains is probably smarter than everyone else combined

>> No.11498525


>> No.11498542

>bro... bro... let me tell you... did you know... that the extreme outliers of group X are smarter than the average of group Y!? crazy right?

>> No.11498549

Right on time

>> No.11498556

Never been to /lit/, but it's very likely /lit/.

>> No.11498558

actually, scratch that, it's /tv/

>> No.11498570

/lit/ and /sci/ have both gone downhill in the past decade. The question is which deteriorated the most.

>> No.11498573

Clearly it's /lit/, easy to see just by looking at how the average poster there writes. /sci/ has a few very intelligent people and then a fuck ton of morons.

>> No.11498575


>> No.11498591

I remember back when /sci/ consisted of ascended gentleman-scholar NEETs pursuing learning independently and for its own sake. Now it's just a bunch of college and high school retards asking about which uni/field to go into and which careers pay the most. It's a complete change in mentality and type of person. /lit/ has at least maintained its basic spirit and type of poster.

>> No.11498593

/diy/ is the only even slightly intelligent board on this site.

>> No.11498680


>> No.11498695

unironically /fit/

>> No.11499641

/p/ and /po/ are the smartest

>> No.11499955

>i like 2 read books
>i like 2 read science books
What do you onestlye think

>> No.11499978


>> No.11500097

I think /lit/, for a couple of reasons.
All of 4chan has poor quality posts, but /lit/ is one of the few places here that encourages and engenders longer discourse and argumentation. They have a longer post limit. /sci/ posts tend to be more vague, shorter, and inarticulate on average, even if they have some good resources.
/lit/ has a large portion of users who aren't broadly in tune with all of philosophy/literature necessarily, but know a lot about a given topic or author to the level of an expert. There's people who are really familiar with Plato, Kant, or Hemingway, and you can actually learn something from them.
/lit/, at least right now, has far more self educating users with no formal education in whatever subject. /sci/ has far more niggers who only care about uni degrees or just read popsci these days. And many /lit/ users are actually majored in mathematics.

But out of all boards directed towards some intellectual endeavor, /his/ is by far the most retarded. Far more than /lit/, /sci/, or /g/.

>> No.11500101

>Not /his/

>> No.11500121

But the average quality of the posts is higher on /lit/

>> No.11500130

I don't get it.
t. Brainlet

>> No.11500399
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the correct answer is /tv/
dont @ me