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File: 48 KB, 566x600, 1584067855513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11494104 No.11494104 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why is looksmaxxing more effective than game?

>> No.11494106

This is insanity.

>> No.11494107

kill yourself

>> No.11494109

i have little game and mediocre looks and a good relationship

its called good dicking and sense of humor
fucking incels

>> No.11494117
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Probably because you aren't nearly as slick as you think you are.

>> No.11494176

3/10 detected. Truth is the game was rigged from the start, chum.

>> No.11494269

Good game with average looks usually trumps max looks with no game. The only advantage looks have is it has affect without any engagement required; while game requires engagement with others to be put into play.

>> No.11494289

Why are incels so annoying and transparent?

>> No.11494301

>looklet cope
Looks are by far the most important factor for selecting a mate

>> No.11494307

Ever since I went to uni both men and women have asked me if I model or that I could be one. Probably 12 by now. When I was riding my bike to a lecture a guy stopped me and asked me if I wanted to go to his photoshoot for his salon. Yet I have not had sex while at uni at all. No, I won't post an image of myself. Social skills and emotional intelligence are the biggest factor. If you think game is less important you must live a very sheltered, socially reclusive lifestyle because I see plenty of evidence for behaviour mattering more than looks when it comes to men getting women.

>> No.11494309
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because personality in this context is a roastie meme used to avoid appearing shallow.

>> No.11494315

cool story bro

>> No.11494320

because they post truths society is unwilling, maybe even incapable, to acknowledge.

>> No.11494328

Oh you couldn't think of a better response than a meme that is 10 years old?

>> No.11494334
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>tfw nobody has approched me to model but I have been approched to do gay porn twice

>> No.11494335
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Fucking idiots.

Looks => one night stands
Character => relationships

Sunnerfags invading 4chan because of Corona.

>> No.11494342


Short term flings at best

Both short term flings and relationships, you can choose

>> No.11494343

there haven't been any new memes to dismiss fabricated stories since then. so how bout tall tale senpai then? same idea.

>> No.11494347

wrong. looks are necessary for both. ltrs just need compatibility to work out. hence why they so rarely do.

>> No.11494351

I have far better looks than game. I'm decent looking but awkward and boring (awkward enough to not realize when a girl is interested in me 80% of the time, and boring enough to drive off them if I do catch a clue). Hell the first guy I met who was an absolute player with girls and women (ironically named Chad), was a fat ginger guy, but he had a ridiculously gregarious personality that everyone could appreciate.

I'm not saying looks aren't important (it automatically guarantees a first interaction), but if there is nothing else there, it's ceiling is drug-addled one night stands. Game (or wealth) is much more important than looks.
Well put.

>> No.11494353

its not fabricated just because you want to lol
i have no reason to make that up, rather i'm trying to help you

>> No.11494354

oh i wasn't saying looks don't matter at all. just pointing out personality matters more.

>> No.11494361

>Good personality + bad looks = worthless
>Bad personality + good looks = one night stand and maybe a shot at a relationship
Looks come before personality. Having good looks will make your personality seem better.
Obviously both matter but looks matter more. You can get further on just looks than just personality.

>> No.11494364
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>> No.11494367
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>> No.11494368

without looks you'll never get into an ltr in the first place. and the truth is all ltrs are just a series of one night stands with the same person. men and women can't be friends and that extends into the bedroom. ltrs are facades because people are desperate for meaning in a place where it doesn't exist. most if not all these heterosexual couples wouldn't be giving each other the time of day even as platonic friends if they weren't fucking.

>> No.11494370
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>> No.11494371
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>> No.11494374
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>> No.11494377

This. We need a shit ton of hormones designed specifically to bypass logical thinking to even be attracted to the opposite sex.

>> No.11494382

Look, I know that you probably can't be reasoned with, but since I am bored I will respond in a kind manner.

How do you think what you said makes any sense if most people aren't good looking but most people are in long term relationships? Even ugly ones? When I walk to uni, most people look unattractive but are still married with kids.
I promise you, if you are a good looking sperg you easily end up sexless. It's not uncommon. At best you get pumped and dumped by girls because your low self esteems and sperginess is just unacceptable for a real relationship. Women want security in a relationship and for that they need a confident man.
And regarding your tinder screenshots, two things.
(1) The behaviour of people on dating sites is completely different than when people interact in real life. Datings apps like Tinder only allow shallow judgement by design. You judge by photos and a short bio and have hundreds of people to choose from, who are all busy themselves with others.
(2) You have like 20 women in these screenshots. There are around 3.5 billion. Can you not wrap your head around the fact that women exist out there who might be bad people and that is why these specific individuals still wanted to get with a literal sex offender? Lmao. Come on man.

>> No.11494394

>I know that you probably can't be reasoned with
starting off on that high horse already are we? giving yourself the pedestal of reason doesn't mean you sit atop it.

>How do you think what you said makes any sense if most people aren't good looking but most people are in long term relationships?
see this is where you fail, mr self appointed voice of reason. that is factually wrong.
perhaps before spouting your preconceptions you may want to examine if they have any truth to begin with. anyway this is where i'll stop, since you claimed i'm irrational i'll just fallacy fallacy on you and be done with it.

>> No.11494395
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What the hell is this bullshit? Girls don't even bother saving my number. Are these the alpha chads all females seek?

>> No.11494396

Not that guy, but if you seriously don’t think most women are actually that shallow then you’ve been blinded by your drive to procreate. Try to take a step back and look at things objectively.

>> No.11494403

>not that anon
Most people are in relationships because they settle. Most people aren't with highly desirable people because they aren't desirable themselfs.
Funny how attractive people only seem to date other attractive people. Funny how when people have a real choice they always pick the attractive person. Why do you almost never see someone attractive date someone who just has a "great personality"?
Looks give you the pick of the litter, personality doesn't. Trying to convince yourself or others otherwise is just a massive COPE.
Looks > personality.

>> No.11494409

he cannot see through the halo in part because he is desperate for meaning where it doesn't exist. i get that tho and sympathize. i cannot deny that meaning would be amazing if it was possible. but every ltr i've been through i've come to the same conclusion "this person isn't my friend". and i see the same with all heterosexual couples i see. none of them would be hanging out if it weren't for fucking let alone "building a future together". most likely they would hate each other if there was no attraction between them.

>> No.11494413

I admit that my first sentence was was condescending and I shouldn't have phrased it that way.
I'm from Germany and the behaviour of your country seems more cultural than anything. If in your country half of young people are single, how does this mean the other half who are in relationships are all attractive? The article you posted surely didn't mention that as a possibility. When I walk through the streets I still see couples of average or lower attractiveness. To say "without looks you'll never get into an ltr in the first place" is just plain wrong, I don't know what to tell you.

>perhaps before spouting your preconceptions you may want to examine if they have any truth to begin with
Believe me, I am well aware of all incel/red pill/MGTOW theories. It's not new to me and I have thought about it a lot. I can tell that most comes from insecurity, an unableness to handle your insecurities, frustration from a lack of success with the opposite gender, perhaps even no contact what so ever with the opposite gender and therefore being especially susceptible to nonsense explanations that are primarily motivated by negative feelings, feeling intimidated by unbelievably high standards that aren't real and social reclusion.

>> No.11494426

You don't really know what I actually believe as a whole and are deriving your conclusion from the fact I am arguing against the other guy. That doesn't mean I have a Disney type of worldview when it comes to women and relationships. I am looking at it objectively. Let me clearify.

This conversation is mostly about looks. I disagree that looks matter as much as the guy I am arguing with makes it out to be. The sexuality of men and women are not the same. Men are primarily attracted and turned on by a woman's appearance. That is not the case for women, but inexperienced guys who do not understand women think it works this way, because from their lack of understanding they can only project what they as men believe onto women. Women are more turned on by a mans behaviour, situations and how he makes her feel. Of course women still appreciate a good looking men, but it is not as primary for them as it is for us. We look at a naked attractive woman and are immediately erect. That is not the case for most women in most instances.

If you think I have this view that women are all angelic creatures or that relationships aren't on some level pragmetically transactional, then you made false assumptions about how I think.

>> No.11494429

>he cannot see through the halo in part because he is desperate for meaning where it doesn't exist
No, I am not doing that whatsoever

>> No.11494435

>I'm from Germany and the behaviour of your country seems more cultural than anything.
do you have stats from germany? i would genuinely be surprised if they were that different.
>If in your country half of young people are single, how does this mean the other half who are in relationships are all attractive?
or the guy is wealthy and she is just using him. that is even more awful than the just looks relationships. we know that women are ranked by men on a bell curve. also single includes lgbt where i think real friendships are more likely that can blossom into something more.
>When I walk through the streets I still see couples of average or lower attractiveness.
they are settling for each other. make no mistake if a better looking guy was to approach the girl she would be branch swinging ftl.
>To say "without looks you'll never get into an ltr in the first place" is just plain wrong, I don't know what to tell you.
or money but i thought tat would be implied. but then she isn't into you for you as much as she can be.
>I can tell that most comes from insecurity, an unableness to handle your insecurities, frustration from a lack of success with the opposite gender, perhaps even no contact what so ever with the opposite gender
just because they may manifest from a painful incident doesn't mean the conclusion is wrong. burn your hand on a hot stove you should learn not to do it again. if you think your position comes from an unbiased perspective though as you are trying to frame yourself you are patently wrong. you are desperate for something meaningful to exist in these so called relationships. as i was explaining to another anon here:
yes you are.

>> No.11494439
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>talking about what women find attractive
Nigga we talking about gay male attraction

>> No.11494440

>are you an alt-right member?
God I love these.

>> No.11494442
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>Men are primarily attracted and turned on by a woman's appearance. That is not the case for women
patently false.
>Both young women looking for men and mothers seeking boyfriends for their daughters consider a minimum level of attractiveness to be an important criterion in a potential mate, the researchers concluded.
so your claim:
>but it is not as primary for them as it is for us.
nope, just as critical. in fact women are more harsh on their ratings, pic related.

>> No.11494445

forgot this nugget:
>The study suggests that if a man is considered at least moderately attractive, then his personality matters to women, Fugère said. If a man is viewed as less than moderately attractive, it doesn't seem to matter as much to women what his personality is like, Fugère explained.
which is my pt.

>> No.11494463
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Boring women prefer looks, the ones worth keeping look more for personality. Looks aren't unimportant obviously.

>> No.11494542

>the ones worth keeping look more for personality
Holy cope!

>> No.11494654

as someone who is actually attractive, if you download Tinder there are plenty of women who will autopilot the conversation straight to sex even if you give the bare minimum response.

>> No.11494790

All them hoes ugly af. Likely fake and if not all them bitches both ugly and crazy. That said, average dudes shouldn't use tinder unless that got expensive gear, expensive cars, pics of you with the homies and out doing shit, a good body, and decent Photoshop skills for that ugly ass face. Bitches do fuck off tinder no lie but you gotta understand they are already bottom of the barrel just like you simply cus they on tinder they're only trying to fuck and they are talking to hella other guys. You fucking incels download an app that is litterally for people to have casual location based sex then you're like "all women are whores," well let me tell you the only reason you not a whore is cus you ugly AND you got no fucking game step it up nobody has to fucking stoop to your level we can all make it but DO NOT be yourself you're fucking losers

>> No.11494851
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Fuck off and die normie.

>> No.11494960
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If you have max looks then you don't need game.

>> No.11494965

>All them hoes ugly af.

Where do you live where all of those women would be considered ugly?

>> No.11495150

not the anon but kys faggot elitist retard

>> No.11495157

What you don't realize is that you are very smart and don't want to have sex or engage with any of those people.

That's what's happening.

>> No.11495161

You sound like guy with a nice face who has no clue how nice your face actually is.

>> No.11495164

All women care about is how wet you make them meaning Chad can instantly get relationships while you have to work for them fool.

>> No.11495177

or looks in general also describe your actual personality. people can read your past and your future just by looking at you.
is just manipulative, inherently feminine bullshit

>> No.11495195

Looks matter a lot, sadly, much more than personality. People usually assume what your personality is going to be like at first glance.

This can not only undermine your chances of having sex with an attractive woman but also how you are treated in life in general. From teachers, at job interviews, even your own parents and friends.

This is why often unattractive people become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and prove the assumption that people have about them at first glance right. They are treated poorly during early adolescence and their teenage years and grow to become rancorous.

>> No.11495244

good posts man

>> No.11495320

attractiveness is the decisive factor

>> No.11495737

People will try to date the most attractive person they can find. Period. Then if a relationship occurs, which only happens if the person finds you sufficiently attractive (settling is the leading cause of this), THEN personality begins to matter, in that it affects compatibility long term. That's it. Any other opinion is delusional

Okay obviously if you're a complete autist then you can't get by with just good looks. But even that can be overcome by being attractive enough.

>> No.11495768

Good looking modern western people are the most worthless parasitic demographic in all of human history. It’s actually insane how they hoard all resources and happiness while contributing nothing. Hopefully more and more average people will start seeing them as the evil parasitic enemy that they are.

>> No.11495806

Speak for yourself, normie. I talk so smooth their pants instantly drop when I talk to girls in private.

>> No.11495835

West coast

>> No.11495887


And this

And this

Incel detected. It is true that attractive people don't have the same requirement (yes requirement) to be nice like unattractive people, but it doesn't inherently make them evil.
You could argue it makes them less deserving of their good fortune as they've likely endured less hardships, and I'd agree... But saying they aren't good people? Funnily enough, because they receive so much positive reinforcement, they may even be NICER people because they perceive the world to be a far kinder place.
In fact in that last point I'd like to add a hypothesis: Those who have grown up their entire lives good-looking are likely to treat others badly because they feel they are simply born superior, and those who started off as ugly ducklings who LATER became attractive are likely to be very kind and wishing to help pull others up.
But yeah being as spiteful as you are right now indicates low attractiveness and jealousy, speaking objectively.

Either bullshit or literal Chad. And if you are Chad, I doubt you talk "smoothly", they just tolerate your sperg attempts at flirting because their primitive urges want them to have Chad offspring.

>> No.11495900

Because then you only need a little bit of game

>> No.11495903

>And if you are Chad, I doubt you talk "smoothly",
No Chad. I'm not butt fuck ugly, but definitely not Chad territory. Smooth talking is overlooked so often. I swear it's all I got. Average dick etc.

>> No.11495930

it changes behavior you receive from others and behavior you are comfortable dishing out. Changing your looks does change your act.

>> No.11495935


>> No.11495993

It's not. Looksmaxxxing incels can attract women but not keep them because they still have shit personalities. They might be able to get sex but can't obtain a deeper relationship with another person. This drives them even more insane.

>> No.11495995
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Your post instantly reminded me of pic related.

>> No.11497465

lol, nice. I'm not like that tho. You need to use the situation you're in to get them hooked on what you say. Not random boring shit-up lines.