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11486783 No.11486783 [Reply] [Original]

I hate being male.
You are affected by every disease more harshly. Corona hurts males more often and so did the Spanish flu.
You get heart attacks more often. Women are even called immune to heart attacks sometimes.
And society considers you disposable.
Some males may die to all kinds of risky things but it's a sacrifice society is always willing to make.

Why do males have it so bad?

>> No.11486787

Who cares. More dead men means less competition.

>> No.11486794

Because guys are the ones that have to go out and get the damn toilet paper.

>> No.11486795

Males are expected to compete and risk their lives for no reason.
What if you just want to exist without doing so called chivalrous bullshit?
All the diseases are out to get you.

>> No.11486799

Males have a weaker immune system than women and they react differently to flus due to the testosterone-estrogen balance.

>> No.11487571

Yes its terrible

>> No.11487587

good thing i have two years worth of estrogen injections

>> No.11487594

Does that even help?

>> No.11487595

Males have higher mortality in every age range. Even in infant mortality. The evolutionary explanation is obvious.

>> No.11487597

I don't wanna be male anymore.

>> No.11487602

>chivalrous bullshit
No one has to do that and I promise you that doing that doesn't get you any more pussy

>> No.11487617

Good question. I guess it depends if the higher immunity in females is caused by chromosomes or the estrogen. Or it could be both.

>> No.11487620

Testosterone weakens the immune system.

>> No.11487624

Women have a higher number of cells dedicated for the immune system.

>> No.11487655

i would guess she is drinking coffee right? coffee is good for you, or is it?

>> No.11487667

You better not read the graph showing how much tax women pay compared to men.

>> No.11487675

imagine being a girl
every day i get closer to starting HRT

>> No.11487706

you wouldn’t ever be a girl though. i mean, the olympics would ban you from girl sports, for one, and rightfully so

>> No.11487716

>you wouldn’t ever be a girl though.
sadly yes. i just want to not feel disgusted at myself when i look at myself in the mirror

>> No.11488007

It’s cause 60+% of men don’t regularly wash their hands and they think eating vegetables is for pussies so they get infections and heart disease way more often and sooner than women lmao

>> No.11488027

Take female hormones. 10mg of estradiol valerate injected intramuscular every 5 days or 2 pills per day of Diane-35 or equivalent.

>> No.11488034

>implying anon is athletic enough to compete in the olympics anyways

>> No.11488036
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Because hygiene raised our life expectancy way more than vaccines or antibiotics ever could.

>> No.11488287
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Because testosterone lowers your immune system.

>> No.11488305

i hate trannies and hrt man
don't get me wrong i think the world would be way better if we were all little girls but the thing is that trannyism is just about becoming a fetishist monster that looks closer to a effeminate man than a woman than a girl

call me up when we discover a way to trascend both gender and age and then i'll get into it, but meanwhile, kill yourself tranny

>> No.11488393

Good for you that you're safe. I'm saying that because you are not a man, but a whiny baby.

>> No.11488416

Men go out more and undergo larger amounts of stress making them more susceptible to the effects of disease. The simple solution is to stop worrying, especially about how men are weaker. Just digging your own grave.

>> No.11488542

are aesthetics really your only objection? NGL that's a bit odd

>> No.11488580
File: 1.77 MB, 1057x1510, __izumi_mei_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_testame__ca4a8513d5c8d611c3ca5751f684e478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed version.

>> No.11488668

not him but trannyism done late is ugly af, wouldn't recommend.

If trannies could have kids and change chromosomes, I would support it unironically.

>> No.11489570

Or the one about false rape accusations.

>> No.11489606

kek I was reading about this the other day. Apparently a high percentage of female heart attacks patients refuse to accept they've had a heart attack even when diagnosed and in intensive care. It's a stigma I'd never heard about.

Life is great but it's too long and most people stick around too long. The male heart is a big V8 when it fucks up it fucks up alot harder than a little single piston engine but it's worth it for the extra performance.

Understand that Childbirth is to women what war is too men. It's their right of passage and most of them get on with physical pain and illness the way old veterans get on down their Veterans charity bar.

Pfft the cold? try being pregnant! I gave birth in my 20s and don't you ever forget it. I volunteered for it and I loved it but it was HELL and you're a pussy!

>> No.11489639

just imagine living in an world with 300 000 wk engine, paying taxes, working more as medieval people, and your only advantage ova ancient Rome is electric light and then blaming woman's 4 it. just imagine.

>> No.11489644

but why

>> No.11489651

Men have more extreme phenotypes generally. So, among average heighted people, women are over represented, and men tend to be at the extremes of height, for example.

This is also the case for our immune system. Men have extremes in the immune system. They are over represented among the totally immune and the extremely vulnerable.

I believe this has to do with the X and Y chromosomes. For all the genes on the X chromosome, women have 2 copies. So their phenotype is always the average of 2 different genes. Men only have 1 X chromosome, they their phenotype is the full expression of just one gene.

You could put this in statistical terms. If you roll a dice, there is a 1/6th chance youll get a 6. But if you roll two dice and average them, theres only a 1/36th chance you would get a six.

>> No.11490046

Maybe testicles are an extra protected area where the immune system cannot act fully. Also males have lower copper levels

>> No.11490059

I am not autistic enough to see what changed.

>> No.11490068

but at least you get to fuck pussy. that more than makes up for it

>> No.11490072

thx png autist anon

>> No.11490113

background of >>11486783 has a dumb extra line
(the "fix" is artist reupload not a shoop)

>> No.11490145

>Why does every flu hurt males more often?
Flu doesn't stop the fact that work has to be done.

>> No.11491060

age is also an objection
being a little girl is not only a thing of aesthetics, it is the complete lack of malice in the soul
if we could make everyone a little girl at the same time that we maintain our intelligence the world would become millions of times better

>> No.11491065

1/5 chance tbf

>> No.11491072

that's all masculinity is to, male expendability.

>> No.11491096

kys incel

>> No.11491116

Do women have better immune systems?

It would make sense since they need to bear children

>> No.11491123

Because males are high performance machines that are not prioritized for longevity.

>> No.11491158

>men are better at catching diseases too
NAME one (1) COOL thing women are better then men at lmao.
You can't (can not)

>> No.11491242


>> No.11491293

Does tile-bro jerk it to wall tiles too, or is it just floors?

>> No.11491304

>you will never get to see an all human female world in your lifetime after males become extinct except male animals continue to live on.

Chilling times really.

>> No.11491317

>An All female civilization
I can see it happening.

>> No.11491349
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>> No.11491355

You focus so much on pussy I think you're actually female

>> No.11491459

He/she might not be completely wrong. Women might be generally better at low level math like quickly and accurately doing arithmetic but as the level of math increases the pattern decreases until it's inverted.

>> No.11491467

Nah, you're just a brainlet because you only recognize the stereotypical non-passing trannies but passing trannies go completely under the radar. Classic confirmation bias.

>> No.11491472

It's these two.
>It would make sense since they need to bear children
No it doesn't, that would make them even more likely to terminate pregnancy than they already.

>> No.11491476

Women have a more rapid immune response. The reason for this is not well understood but it's a bit of a double edged sword since it also causes women to develop more severe allergies

>> No.11491484

It's not bro science women literally have a more severe immune response to almost everything. I can call up my buddies at the NIH tomorrow morning and get a whole report on it because it's a constant confounding variable in trials and case studies.

>> No.11491487

Yes, because men tend to have more destructive lifestyles.

>> No.11491491

I can see that happening when machines finally dominate humanity and keep farms of females alive for breeding humans for whatever reason.

>> No.11491504

Artificial Wombs and IVF will be used greatly for more females being born in the forseeable future.

>> No.11491543

Yes, the machines will require females.

>> No.11491557

Artificial wombs would simultaneously solve the problem of female reproduction dominance and eliminate the need for females altogether.

>> No.11491568

But i dont want to fuck a plastic pack.

>> No.11491575

If future humans still have sex drives then females could still be produced or alternative ways of sexual satisfaction devised.

>> No.11491856

More dead men means it'll be easier to sort the desirables from the undesirables. Don't think you'll be swimming in pussy.

>> No.11491888

Human females will still use them in making more births to females. Also during that time females humans will be finally able to breed like rabbits and mice.

Just imagine the human population females would grow like ever seen before.

>> No.11491972

Overpopulation would be the end of the world actually.

>> No.11492113

>SAT as a benchmark for math performance
You arn't even an undergrad. You are a high schooler

>> No.11492147

It would still mean that women will fuck other women for the benefit of the future.

>> No.11492163

women study harder and get better grades in high school, but that gap remains. and look how it traces various changes throughout the years, with the delta remaining constant throughout the peaks and drops...very robust finding, sorry

>> No.11492203

It might be interesting to see how women mate with other women in the process.

>> No.11492241

The gap is smaller in countries where women don't have freedom like turkey algeria and Indonesia

>> No.11492376

Don't those countries have the most females in the Eastern Europe.

>> No.11492454

No it has men, that's all I know.

>> No.11493175

lol, you'd literally have the worst of both worlds. No one would treat you like a real woman so you wouldn't get female privilege (no social benefit) and you'd still have a Y chromosome instead of 2 X's, so you'd still have the biological susceptibility to all the stuff that tends to kill males, in addition to the complications from injecting exogenous hormones

>> No.11493334

Symptoms of the same thing that lets us enjoy and get the most out of life more.

If all you want is to be safe and taken care of, than by all means go ahead and trick your body with hormones and maybe you won't get that heart attack. If however you have a modicum of ambition and curiosity in your pants than go out, conquer and have fun. No one cares. Take advantage of that.

>> No.11493354

kek, this

Turning your dick inside out won't change that. You let women tell you how evil you are. Have you taken the time to learn how amazing you already are tho?

>> No.11493363

So Stanford lied to us?

>> No.11493803

Because men can take it, and God knows this, so the world is designed accordingly.
Why are you so happy to shrug off your duties as a male member of the human race?

>> No.11494781

I'd rather survive

>> No.11494797

i'd suck a fart straight out of that qt's asshole.
you know what i mean fellas?

>> No.11494846

Why do you normies talk about sex like any other material commodity? You sound retarded.

>> No.11495121

>Does tilebro cheat on floortiles-chan

Banish such thoughts. Tilebro is pure and faithful.

>> No.11495402

false. test gives you better immune system. low test means dead

>> No.11496239

Stanford says otherwise >>11493363

>> No.11496248

Society can't exist without disposable males. I am disposable so that my children can live in a comfortable environment with plenty of resources. I accept it without any second thoughts.

>> No.11496284

Males tend to smoke cigarettes more than women
Men tend to have higher blood pressure than women
Women drink a shit ton of wine