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11483443 No.11483443 [Reply] [Original]

A circular disk of paper is cut into two sectors with angles θ and 2π-θ. The two sectors are perfectly rolled up into two cones which are taped closed with no paper overlapping. What angle should the cut be to maximise the combined volumes of the two cones?

>> No.11483446

Using Wolfram is allowed by the way

>> No.11483451


>> No.11483453

2 pi + 2 thet@

>> No.11483633

If can't solve that without mathematica you should stop posting here

>> No.11483678

3/5 pi

>> No.11483723

Wrong. It's

1/2 (2 π - sqrt(4 π^2 - 4 (-(20 π^2)/9 + (86 2^(2/3) (1 + i sqrt(3)) π^2)/(9 (1121 + 9 i sqrt(191))^(1/3)) + 1/9 (1 - i sqrt(3)) (2 (1121 + 9 i sqrt(191)))^(1/3) π^2)))

>> No.11483727

Are you retarded? the only way to prove you're correct is by actually building the cones.

>> No.11483733

Or you could just use high school level calculus.

>> No.11483741

>What angle should the cut be to maximise the combined volumes of the two cones?

Either way this question is retarded because both cones will add up to the same volume.

>> No.11483743

...which is pi

>> No.11483750

It's not pi

>> No.11483755
File: 130 KB, 1777x905, not pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to solve a really high order equation to get the answer.

>> No.11483948

Could you explain?

>> No.11483969

Trick question, the cones will be open and thus not have a volume

>> No.11484003


The volume is (1/3)(pi)(R^2)h, but 1/3 and pi can be ignored. R is theta/2pi. h is sqrt((the radius of the circle, or 1)^2 - (the cone radius, or (theta/2pi))^2 aka sqrt((r^2)-(theta/2pi)^2). Replace r with 1, and theta with x and add a copy the expression with 2pi-x instead of x and I got the following in desmos.


This is obviously wrong as it isn't symmetrical, but idk what I did wrong.

>> No.11484154

>What angle should the cut be to maximise the combined volumes of the two cones?
Trick question. The volume would be the same regardless of the angle of the cut.

>> No.11484175

Holy shit brainlets

>> No.11484732

its correct, its just not the answer OP wants since they did not explicitly state the volume inside the cone must be considered....

>> No.11484754

Okay, but answer me this first. What is a sector?

>> No.11485150
File: 19 KB, 626x417, circle-background-paper-cutout-effect_23-2147486302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet OP whats to cut two pieces of a circular paper to make two cones. His brainlet question is how large should the angles be to maximize the sum of the volume of the cones.
>Pic related

>Brainlet op doesn't understand that the volume will add up to the same number regardless of what the angle is.

>> No.11486033

Incorrect, try again.

>> No.11486138

If I understand it correctly, we have 2 disks with equal radius and we cut both at the same angle.

We can reduce that problem to maximizing the volume of a cone with set slant height and with respect to the pointy angle at the top.

>> No.11486168

You have one disk of radius 1 and you pick two radii on the disk to cut it into two pieces, and each piece makes one cone with side length 1 and circumference equal to either θ or 2π-θ, depending on which piece it is.

>> No.11486211

that makes 2 cones with different radii in the base

>> No.11486223


>> No.11486267

Yes, you want to maximise the combined volume of cone1+cone2, not one of them specifically.

>> No.11486369
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fucking brainlets

>> No.11486410

I don't know what you've done but it's clearly wrong. If you have two cones with constant slope length and circumference θ and 2π-θ then the volume should only approach 0 as one of θ and 2π-θ approach 0.

>> No.11486688
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tfw can't read scale or basic math

>> No.11486727


>> No.11486738

The two cones don't have constant slope or length.

>> No.11486765


Anon is wrong but he meant slope length as in radius of the disk that gets cut up which is always the same

>> No.11486767

Haha, what the fuck is all that shit? The fucking nerds on this board, I swear

>> No.11486876

You have to be retarded or something

>> No.11486891

How do you calculate this?

>> No.11487025

I solved this a couple days ago. If you let pi-x and pi+x be the two angles, you get symmetry that makes it solvable. After taking the derivative and setting it to zero, square things to get rid of the square roots. You are left with a seventh degree polynomial with no constant term. Divide out x, you get a 6th degree polynomial with only even-powered terms. Substitute z = x^2 to get a cubic. Solve that to get z, then get x.

You can avoid complex numbers if you use the trigonometric solution of the cubic.

>> No.11487081

A good building should not show its scaffolding when completed.

>> No.11487088

Incorrect, try again. Hint: your answer should be a number.

>> No.11487104


>> No.11487112

Wrong, try again.

>> No.11487362
File: 28 KB, 644x267, pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I misread and thought θ and 2π-θ was the angles of the cuts, giving sectors with angles 2θ and 2π-2θ. I think your variable rp is wrong.

>> No.11487371


>> No.11487426


Naw ur just retarded

With θ' = τ - θ and R = disk radius:
Radius of sector with angle θ:
(τR)(θ/τ)(1/τ) = θR/τ

Radius of other sector:
(τR)((τ-θ)/τ)(1/τ) = R(τ-θ)/τ = Rτ/τ - Rθ/τ = R - r

>> No.11487561


>> No.11487578
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>> No.11487826

You're confusing the radius of the disk with the radius of the cone.

>> No.11487828
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The radius isn't the same for both cones