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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11481243 No.11481243 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we destroying the economy over a virus that only kills old people?

>> No.11481245

because old people run the economy

>> No.11481246


>> No.11481259

Ok boomer

>> No.11481262

boomer remover

>> No.11481277

I don't think it's going to kill many that weren't on their way out this year anyway. Maybe quarter of a million extra in the States. Not really a big deal in the big picture.

>> No.11481291

Because old people run 4chan

>> No.11481322
File: 55 KB, 500x514, hiroporky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck hiro

>> No.11481996


>> No.11482000


>> No.11482034

Its a political fight. Liberals want to prove that Trump is "wrong", so they want to escalate the situation as much as possible.

People are fucking stupid. They are sheep. So they follow what they see.

>> No.11482039

Is that supposed to be Coheed?

>> No.11482049
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>> No.11482051


>> No.11482056

Welp, there we have it. This, and only this.

>> No.11482057

I think that anon is a young person who isn’t retarded not a boomer

>> No.11482073

It is being done by a few politicians and "public health" officials.

>> No.11483044

they've been doing a great job with that r-r-right?
based boomer remover

>> No.11483060
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>> No.11483078

If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re on the menu.

>> No.11483088

has any bold economist tried to run a cost-benefit analysis? would be nice to see what someone that takes costs into account think, public health officials are coming across as irredeemable brainlets

>> No.11483143

Because you are underage and retarded.

>> No.11483244

because old people in charge don't want to die

>> No.11483309

>COVID-19 only affects the US
As if China locked down Wuhan to own Trump.

>> No.11483312

Virus shown to cause lung damage in the young.
Fatality rate non-negligible for groups below 65 years of age.
Overloading the hospitals drives up mortality rates across the board.

>> No.11483347

Only in those with preexisting conditions
Just deny beds to old people and we can avoid an Italy like situation

>> No.11483371
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>hurr durr just ignore old people.

>> No.11483382

Cost vs benefit

>> No.11483425
File: 26 KB, 658x354, y9fqbo1roin41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming this isnt bait, even 20-29s and 30-39s require intensive care and ventilators at significant rates. the issue is the hard limit on beds & medical resources:

>wuhan required 2.6 icu beds per 10k adults
>the usa as a whole has 2.8 icu beds per 10k adults
>at any point in time, 65% occupancy of icu beds in the us
>americans have a slightly older population and vastly more risk factors in the average adult (hypertension, diabetes) than wuhan

a widescale outbreak would put hospitals beyond their hard limit and many people who'd otherwise survive but be in intensive care would probably die. its why gm and ford have been directed to produce ventilators, to try and expand that capacity

>> No.11483432


>> No.11483434

>even 20-29s and 30-39s require intensive care and ventilators
>at significant rates

>> No.11483440

>at significant rates
>significant rate

>> No.11483540

>because old people ruin the economy

>> No.11483546

Who are all boomers.

>> No.11483737

This. A young person with an illness like Diabetes or Asthma who works at a restaurant, travel agency, etc is now completely fucked. Millions of Americans could barely pay for medication and treatment when the economy was good and they had jobs, now what do they do? In socialised-medicine countries the money comes from taxes collected from economic activity. Completely shutting down the economy is going to result in huge cuts to these systems.

>> No.11483745

That is very significant compared to lets say, flu.

>> No.11483806


Boomer Defense Force - Activate!
Gunky nasty dentures- Pull and toss!
Colostomy bags- Aim and fire!
Dirty adult diapers- Remove and launch!
Wheelchairiots- Advance!

>> No.11483853

4-chan users are literally just sheep with extra steps. the answers to real secrets won't be found here.

>> No.11484334

Imagine believing these absurd projections based on dataset that consists solely of tests done on already hospitalized individuals and zero historical data to establish a baseline.

>> No.11484391
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Because I love my parents (70-80 years old).

It'd help if it'd kill most of Africa though. That would be an ecological service.

>> No.11484395
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>> No.11484397

what is this retarded stock image? all projections show even the flattened curve WAY higher than the health care system capacity

>> No.11484414

do you assume power stations, pipelines and everything witch makes an really big economic impact need your unimportant little existence to run on? The people who run this big machines it self are fake people caus you can replace theme with an ai izzy. Just look how decadent it is. Its winter we stop the economy and nothing happens. Now you see how worthless your job is - human.

>> No.11484469
File: 92 KB, 750x748, 5D875FED-C34F-4643-87B6-53AF901060B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have type 1 diabetes, and I keep my numbers somewhat okay (a1c is 8.3). Am I gonna be okay?

>> No.11484554 [DELETED] 

Do the math, at 5% of those two age groups requiring hospitalization, that's still 4,431,697 people that will require hospitalization.

>> No.11484593

Do the math, for ages 20-29, 540,463 will require hospitalization, and ages 30-39 1,395,048 will require hospitalization.
The worst part is the more people who go to the hospital for coronavirus the more likely healthcare workers will catch it, and if all the healthcare workers end up getting it there will be no healthcare left. Hospitals will shut down.
That's why its so important to do every measure we can to limit the amount of people getting sick.

>> No.11484603

Old people control the government and economy.

>> No.11484611

>Muh ecology

Fuck nature

>> No.11484621

shut up retard