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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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11481160 No.11481160 [Reply] [Original]

>finals were online, had 24 hours to complete them, and one just got canceled


>> No.11481169

Did this require it's own thread?!

>> No.11481170

Linear Algebra professor gave us 24 hours to complete the final and made it easy as shit too.

>> No.11482177

>tfw didn't even take a final
>took my grade in math, A
>didn't take music culture final cause pass no pass
>other two classes no final

>> No.11483462

>Can't think beyond the current week.
Higher education is not for you people.

>> No.11483549
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Joke's on you, I'm graduating in a couple months.

>> No.11484709
File: 1.99 MB, 400x400, Nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations to graduating into an economy that's in freefall, and where people are laid off en mass.
And good luck getting a job when the economy reebounds and you'll be fighting over the new positions with all the people who got laid off before the economic tanking

>> No.11484722

There’s going to be a future generation of employees called “corona graduates” who are completely incompetent because they all had piss easy courses due to corona virus. If your graduation year is ‘20-‘21 you’ll be unhireable.

>> No.11484896

Damn, I hope the world stabilizes before I graduate

>> No.11484920

>get a freebie for half of a quarter because of a pandemic
>this makes me incompetent and unhireable

>> No.11486478

>Graduating in next year, Msc Banking and Finance.
This may be a bit morbid but thank fuck that there is going to need alot of people inheriting alot of money that will then hire advisors.

>> No.11486494

75% of college grads don't work a job that requires a degree
Mathfags don't do anything important, you mostly just manage data for Goldstein
No one will care because education is a scam

>> No.11486501

wrong. there can only be less positions since the boomers are dying

>> No.11486582

>no commute
>more time to self study
I will have 5 projects done by the end the semester