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11480416 No.11480416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All it took was a flu to destroy the Western civilization

>> No.11480428
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let that sink in

>> No.11480983


>> No.11481021
File: 161 KB, 2000x2000, ihihge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.....
... That's how far the world is from where I am......
...... Just one bad day"

>> No.11481023

I've wondered for a while now why the Chinese have so steadfast in holding on to the Communist aesthetic when in practice they're anything but.

>> No.11481028

You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.11481034

nah they are communist you just haven't read marx so you don't know anything except what gets fed to you through shitposts from other people that have not read marx and propaganda.

>> No.11481036

actually, you need to be 24+ to post here
from 18 to 24, you can only read the posts

>> No.11481038

we'll be fine bro relax

>> No.11481041

Explain to me how anything about them is communist.

>> No.11481050

explain how they aren't

>> No.11481207

You better hope so because the whole world hates china now and people are going to start calling for revenge

>> No.11481210

All it took was panic.

>> No.11481244

They hate China because of cope. Corona just showed how retarded they all are lol. Imagine not being able to handle a flu. All the East Asian countries (China, Japan, S Korea, Vietnam) have been handling it fine.

>> No.11481283

I wouldn't trust chinas numbers they're a one party dictatorship you can't trust that you might as well trust the devil at that point

>> No.11481288


>> No.11481308
File: 108 KB, 735x596, not true socialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gradual development of productive forces is a first step before any sort of socialism, and China has been doing this deliberately through planning rather than simply letting the market do its thing -- in simple terms, this is Marx 101. Also pretty much the only country in the world where millionaires regularly serve jail for tax evasion and corruption, you can look up countless news stories on this. I'm not shilling for them or anything (I'm not even much of a leftist anymore), there's still tons of govt. corruption and labor conditions are shit, but those are two things that distinguish China from any liberal democracy and could be seen as elements of a communist (in ideology) state. In reality, there is nothing such as an "ideal" communist/liberal/etc. society since a state is a byproduct of history and human relationships.

>> No.11481349

Getting 10s of millions of people killed from starvation and government tyrany isnt going to solve anything idiot the communist experiment is over it fucking failed

>> No.11481429

Pic is a solid anti-moralist lesson, but capitalism with chinese characteristics is nonetheless real. Actually existing capitalism has never 'simply let the market do its thing', and removing business corruption is in fact a totally orthodox state intervention to improve the efficiency of the market. It's evidence that China isn't a 'dictatorship of the bourgeiouse', but it is even further from worker-run. The Chinese government isn't worker-controlled even in the most indirect, representational sense; state managers are a class in and for themselves. In this sense, China is in a different stage of historical development, but non-capitalist doesn't necessarily mean closer to socialist.

>> No.11481867

they are mercantilist. this is what europe was just before it became wealthy. they just looked at our history and copied it. simple as that.

>> No.11481892

Because if they abandoned the communist aesthetic, they would no longer have any political legitimacy. They would be admitting that the ROC is right and Mao Zedong was wrong

>> No.11481894

Marx lived 200 years?

>> No.11481899

Western civilization isn’t “destroyed”. Stop shitposting now.