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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11468179 No.11468179 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Brainlet filters

>> No.11468183

IQ is pseudoscience. Anyone can become a as good at math at Terence Tao if he persists.

>> No.11468184

>Anyone can become a as good at math at Terence Tao if he persists.
Or she

>> No.11468186

What is a brainlet filter?

>> No.11468202

lol no


>> No.11468240

But being a Terrence Tao as opposed to being an e.g. /pol/tard would speed up that process by a lot.

>> No.11468252

Rudin's analysis. No brainlet can use that book; you have to fill in too many details yourself.
Keep seething, shitskin.

>> No.11468255

>Rudin's analysis. No brainlet can use that book; you have to fill in too many details yourself.
Rudin is a meme.

>> No.11468259

OP didn't ask for good books; they asked for filters. Brainlets will not get through Rudin because he does not supply details.

>> No.11468271

>Anyone can become a as good at math at Terence Tao if he persists.
I'm not bad at math, but honestly
I don't think I could

>> No.11468275

A filter it's something (a test, or a book) that some (maybe many) people can't pass/read. Those who are filtered are brainlets.
It's a 4chan bullshit

>> No.11468276

I guess I made a brainlet out of myself. :(

>> No.11468279
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you're not alone, fren

>> No.11468289
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anyone fails penis inspection day is a guaranteed brainlet

>> No.11468296

That book is definitely not a brainlet filters.

>> No.11468298


>> No.11468313

Not OP, but show us your filters lol

>> No.11468335
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>> No.11468365

oh the filter is being dumb enough to read this piece of crap

>> No.11469495
File: 761 KB, 1406x1781, Filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11469519


>> No.11469526
File: 21 KB, 1200x484, dvorakkb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11469530

How does one uses the shift-key with no shift button?

>> No.11469536

Remap to mouseclick

>> No.11469601

I use dvorak on my phone, its based

>> No.11469632
File: 33 KB, 600x517, 31385623z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are like a baby, watch this

>> No.11469640

that book sucks ass

>> No.11470245

The entire subject of combinatorics.

>> No.11470543

Rudin isn’t bad. There are at most 2-3 sentences of the obvious omitted from the proofs, but I don’t think he’s a great read the first time around personally, and that has more to do with the way he presents analysis (no pictures, all formalism), which paints the subject as drier than it actually is unless you already appreciate it
This is usually rectified by the professors in class, but as far as a self studying text, try and find lectures that match the book with pictures.

>> No.11470549

Yes, it is. It’s not too hard but people still struggle with it
What’s so bad about CLRS? It’s more an encyclopedia than a textbook. Do Sedgwick and flajolet if you want harder algorithms texts.
This is even way more an encyclopedia and also outdated. There are harder books than knuth.

>> No.11470556

I always hear analysts and students of analysis talking shit in combinatorics, but they tend to fail even basic enumerators combinatorics. They get weirded out that combinatorial species and analytic combinatorics is a thing.
TL;DR people hating combinatorics is literally salt from people who think they’re big brained but can’t count for shit

>> No.11470577

Yea ik. The math department at my uni has a bunch of probabilists so they at least appreciate combinatorics, but I guess the association is combinatorics ~ computer science ~ retardation.

>> No.11470598

Wrong. Kids at the top universities (high iq) that use that book are still just kids who don't know anything. They may not even know that there is anything skipped over. Especially if they never studied out of Spivak or a similar book.

>> No.11470617

Honestly any math subject can be a range from simple to brainlet filter to actually open problem difficulty given how it's taught. Imagine a class where the teacher prints out every provable theorem in Euclid or any other textbook and you prove them all.

>> No.11470621


>> No.11470751

What is that called when one dude throws a basketball and the othere dude jumps up and dunks it? You got a a "kek" bro! You did that shit.

>> No.11470767
File: 91 KB, 515x348, Paul_Erdos_with_Terence_Tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erdos number of 1 at age six or w/e

you'll never catch up

>> No.11470781

Imagine thinking anything related to CS can be a brainlet filter

>> No.11470786

Literally read Diestel's or Bollobas's graph theory, some texts in number theory, and do lovasz's combinatorial problems and exercises. This is the basic math primer for popular algorithms and the mathematics they use. Knuth's concrete math is good, but in general I really don't think AoCP is worth reading seeing as how it's more a mark of the knowledge of a decade past rather than a proper book to read out of
Imagine not thinking analytic combinatorics isn't a brainlet filter.

>> No.11471053

Bayes' theorem.

>> No.11471096

sure lets listen to the yellow toothed retard fucker. I mean JF is a brainlet but I admire his tard fucking, it's the same reason I like banging deaf girls :P

>> No.11471121

>Bayes' theorem.
All reputable statisticians reject Bayes "theorem".

>> No.11471139
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Posting actual filters

>> No.11471147

Try going to a top school. Every class under the 400 level is a weed out class. Doesnt matter the gpa or whatever of any person graduating. If they graduated with that degree, you know they fucking deserve all the praise they get.

>> No.11471171
File: 22 KB, 300x402, germain 14 1 eeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anglo Education
>weeding out anyone

In your dreams.
Graduate level courses at M.I.T are easier that what a French man sees in his two first years of prépa.

>> No.11471192

Had a French exchange student in my frat. He went from a 3.6 at a top French school to a 2.7. Get wrecked

>> No.11471201

>Top French school
He was probably studying at a French University , not a grand école and certainly not École Normal or l'x.

>> No.11471207

Hard cope

>> No.11471213

You do realize that it's not Hard to get inot M.I.T , right ? Any brainlet can get a 34 A.C.t , 4.0 gpa and a letter of recommendation.
To get into les grands écoles, you have to at least be Olympiad level , you have to Master Galois theory ,abstract algebra, Topology , French literature and Philosphy in just two years just to have crack at getting accepted into l'X , and all this is just as an engineer , you're not even a mathematician.

>> No.11471471
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>> No.11471477

>It’s not too hard
Exactly. Its not a brainlet filter. But perseverance can definitely get you through

>> No.11471497

>Galois theory ,abstract algebra, Topology as prerequisites to an engineering course
You're kidding, right? This is unbelievable.

>> No.11471520

Not only that but the exercices you get are not the stupid shit you get in anglo universities ,where if you take a course on complex numbers , on the test day they'll give you stupid stuff like what's the conjugate of " a + bi " and add in multiple choices to help you and after you're done with the course you forget everything you learned.

In prépa every question you get is gonna be some sort of probléme where you have to use all different sorts of mathematical knowledge to solve , and to add that you have to do a test every single week on everything that you studied up to that point.
If you're not at least AIME II level and have very strong mental fortitude you have no business being in prépa.

>> No.11471568

X students are engineers in name only. They are taught extremely advanced physics and maths just for the sake of it. Some of them even do QFT just because they can and because they could be tempted to do research after their 4 years of military service.

(most X students don't actually serve in the Army, they get "head-hunted" and the company which hires them pays back the costs of "deserting".)

Maybe it was true 20 years or so ago. Prépa's programme has been slightly watered down and most of the "encyclopedism" the prépa were known for happens at the Graduate level if they are accepted in ENS, X, or other high-level grandes écoles.

Prépas nowadays mostly give you a very solid and very throughout mathematics and physics background corresponding to a good undergrad's knowledge. Emphasis is put on developing techniques to quickly read and adapt to different problems, context, and notions, even ones you couldn't study in prépa for the lack of time. You don't need to digest an incredibly abstract and huge amount of material to do that.

One of the most egregious examples of that was a prépa analysis textbook which developed extremely powerful and intricate properties of integrals and estimates without once using Lebesgue theory or calculus of residues.

To give names, the biggest "named theorems" you will see in a prépa are on the level of Cayley-Hamilton, Cauchy's integral theorem, D'Alembert-Gauss (fundamental theorem of Algebra), you may also venture into group actions and shit like that.

This is even more impressive in physics. The curriculum is more or less designed to squeeze the most of Newton's formalism without ever mentioning, Lagrangians, Hamilltonians, or the general theorem of ODE which helps to put these things into context.

"normal" engineering schools will use this material as a basis. X and ENS will however give you things you never learnt before in the intro and ask questions about it to test your adaptability.

>> No.11471571

>erdos number of 1 at age six or w/e
>you'll never catch up
Who and Who?

>> No.11471575

Literally easy A+ class for me, and I’m not even a CS major. Stat fag here

>> No.11471578

Maybe, you can't be six yo again but if you beat Tao in his current form then you still beat him.

>> No.11471580

the question isn't to "catch up" or "beat" someone, but rather to see if you can make a positive contribution to science.

>> No.11471588

You forgot to mention some important stuff , like in prépa there are expectations of you , you are supposed to have some general knowledge outside of math and physics.
You'll get a general knowledge test and they'll ask you about advanced vocabulary and questions like who is Rey charles and who's the president of Syria.

>Prépas nowadays mostly give you a very solid and very throughout mathematics and physics background corresponding to a good undergrad's knowledge.
Yes , while this is true , the main difference is that you're expected to accumulate all tat knowledge in 2 years instead of 4 and you're supposed to remember most of it.
> X and ENS will however give you things you never learnt before in the intro and ask questions about it to test your adaptability.
This , the exercises are grueling , you are expected to have a good amount of critical thinking , and to be adaptable.
In the west a good student is expected to get an A meaning he understood 90% of the material.
In France an excellent student will get 15/20 like 75% , and this i think illustrates the difference.

Also while a lot of advance stuff isn't mandated officially , a good prépa student will go above and beyond to seriously be able to compete.
Some good prépa schools recommend you read Nikolas bourbaki >>11471139
while you're in prépa which is a very advanced mathematical textbook

>> No.11471590

You can't lull me into a false sense of security, I know better than that.

>> No.11471599

>you are supposed to have some general knowledge outside of math and physics.
this is a pseudo-specificity of the French education system (which may disappear with Bl*nquer sadly)
"Scientific" High-Schoolers have philosophy and History as an elective, "Literary" High-Schoolers have an option to continue Maths (focusing on the social aspects and the epistemology).

Even I, from a "lowly" (ie, not recognized outside of its very specific field of Optics and Nanotechs) engineering grande école, had courses in various topics from Economics to Philosophy and History offered as electives.

>In France an excellent student will get 15/20 like 75% , and this i think illustrates the difference.
True, getting a 8 or 9 at the agrégation or ENS test is enough to be very proud.

>reading Bourbaki
Bourbaki is a meme and a very bad one. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless as a curiosity if you are extremely familiar with the material and want a different, unique outlook.

My first "really hard" math book was a textbook from 1970's recommended to prépas at the time, "Traité de Maths supérieures", by Rammis. It's actually popular and pedagogical enough to be constantly re-edited 50 years later.
Reading Rammis gave me the familiarity and courage to attack more advanced books. But starting with Bourbaki is a mistake.

>> No.11471608

You shouldn't read french math books if you want to learn. The french are notoriously bad at mathematics.

>> No.11471613

now that's provocation
Lang, Cauchy, Grothendick, Fréchet........

>> No.11471620

/sci/ tier meme

>> No.11471622
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Seethe more anglo

>> No.11471629

>counting belgium
Holy shit you are pathetic you have 9, and they all look like they are shit. sperg more salad

>> No.11472024

I use dvorak on all my devices. It's extremely based. It wasn't even that hard to learn. Funny enough, it only took about a weekend to learn up to 40wpm on my computer and after that I found that even on my phone I was subconsciously making mistakes that would indicate I was trying to type dvorak keys, even though I had yet to switch my phone's keyboard.

>> No.11472026

>Who and Who?
Brainlet status: filtered

>> No.11472051

Lmao you're full of shit

>> No.11472535

>To get into les grands écoles, you have to at least be Olympiad level , you have to Master Galois theory ,abstract algebra, Topology , French literature and Philosphy in just two years just to have crack at getting accepted into l'X , and all this is just as an engineer
fucking lmao
i guess this is why french engineers suck dick

>> No.11472591
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Hegelian dialectic is too much for me bros

>> No.11472665

Massive anglo cope

>> No.11473480

C all groups of 3 shapes you massive brainlet

>> No.11473560

To be fair CS has a rich history and use of many great results in combinatorics. I haven’t met any mathematician who thinks lowly of theoretical computer scientists. I mean, the overlap in staff is fairly large anyway..

>> No.11473561

The video you are talking about is a rebuttal of JF, not a video of his.

>> No.11473577
File: 4 KB, 122x165, 3shapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, A can also be sees as a group of 3 shapes.

>> No.11473625

>Stacking 2d shapes

>> No.11473630

Either you think this or you think that the shapes can share sides. Which is plain retardation and you need to be culled from the gene pool

>> No.11473667

Distrust in media is a right-wing meme used to break the 'keep-the-bastards-honest' power that media has always had.
Ofc it's the dumbest cunts that have fallen for it. You can trust media and still be sceptical.

>> No.11473668

>Distrust in media is a right-wing meme
t. leftist

>> No.11473769

This book, while extremely comprehensive in it's coverage, actually has notably easy exercises. Something like Lang's Algebra book would be much more intense.

>> No.11473910

Dummit and Foote Is awesome as any sufficiently motivate student no matter the background could go through and prove every theorem and solve ever exercise, but if you are going to go through that much effort you might as well do the same with Lang's undergraduate and algebra book and you would learn more.

>> No.11474395

Making a "filter" is not really an accomplishment. It means you failed to write an accessible work.

>> No.11474454

Whats the point of posting an advanced book that requires previous knowledge of the topic?

A real pleb filter would be an beginner's or introductory book to something that is so complicated that even the introduction is too hard to grasp by majority.
That is the true pleb filter.