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11467962 No.11467962 [Reply] [Original]

What field would ever explain the meaning or existence if there is one?

>> No.11467966

You'd want to just tackle them all, everything.
Specifically physics.

>> No.11467967

All of them. It all fits together. Biology tells your prime directive is to reproduce, physics tells you not to jump off a building, psychology tells you the better way to think and so on.

>> No.11467975

Quantum field theory

>> No.11467978

killing field

>> No.11467994

Philosophy if you're centered around humans, ethics and good acts.

>> No.11467997

I have a pretty firm belief that there is no real meaning, and that "life" is just the universe trying to find a way to stop the eventuality of absolute entropy.

>> No.11468200

how does that work?

>> No.11468215


>> No.11468288


Interestingly enough there is not a single religion that explains why the fuck we are here.

All of them have stories how we came to be, but none of them why.

>> No.11468292

>All of them. It all fits together. Biology tells your prime directive is to reproduce, physics tells you not to jump off a building, psychology tells you the better way to think and so on.

How is any of what you wrote even close to being a meaning?

>> No.11468318
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soientists are too smart to believe in christianity. all that stuff in the 10 commandments about not lying, not stealing, not murdering and not being envious really pisses off the academic community, so they invented their own set of superstitions.

>> No.11468321

biological process are extremely efficient at increasing entropy though. it's likely that life in general is really just an optimal way to increase entropy and therefore pretty much guaranteed to happen whenever conditions allow for it to happen.

>> No.11468322


so what are you doing on /sci/ then? trolling?

fucking retards

>> No.11469169


>> No.11469207

Hadn't considered that viewpoint, and this is why I share my ideas, so I can get more information that I wouldn't have otherwise thought of.

>> No.11469219

>Ascribing a telos to nature
Oh no no no no no no haha the utter state of science education

>> No.11469309

>meaning of existence
The unhappy truth is that there isn't a meaning to existence.

Humans NEED something to believe in though, which is why for eons we've created and followed religions and mythos. The death of Religion has caused mankind to collectively go crazy. Some people like to try and replace religion with science (OMG I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE), or they follow crazy fucked up new age religions that combine (psuedo)science with faith like Scientology or whatever their cult-of-choice is.

The truth is that there is no meaning to existence and life is essentially random. The upshot is that life is whatever you make it. There isn't a point, so you can make your life and being about whatever you feel is important to you.

>> No.11469337
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Cheers my dear friend.

If you want to know more:

>> No.11469488

Entropy is the price we pay for existence

>> No.11470287


>> No.11470295

Life increases entropy tho my nigga

>> No.11470362

The standard model is incomplete and has a missing particle called the moral boson. It mediates right and wrong in the universe. Without it our ethical ideas would just be worthless human opinions.

>> No.11470395


>> No.11470398

Data Science using linear regressions