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File: 2 KB, 104x104, 4th dimension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1146747 No.1146747 [Reply] [Original]

ok, here's the thing, i've been told that in the 4th dimension things speed up as they head towards you.
is this true? if so, why?

>> No.1146769

They can speed up as they can NOT speed up.

>> No.1146768
File: 108 KB, 800x218, 1257088272820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1146776

wat? btw the hypercube is in the 5th dimension dumbass.

>> No.1146787

i'm afraid i do not follow

>> No.1146793

a tesseract is 4th queernuts

>> No.1146807

sorry, i just chose the first result for '4th dimension' on google.

>> No.1146814

In four dimensions, the inverse cube law applies. Gravity radiates outwards through a surface volume of hyperspace, becoming weaker with the cube of the distance. This weakened gravitational force means that orbits are not stable. If you are too far away, gravity doesn't pull hard enough to bend you into a loop. If you are too close, gravity pulls too hard and you fall in. So there are no orbits, no solar systems, no galaxies, no atoms.

>> No.1146819

Speed doesn't exist unless you have n + 1 dimensions (1 time like dimension)
speed = |dx / dt|

>> No.1146838

go on...

>> No.1147406

Hmmm. Very interesting.

>> No.1147425
File: 191 KB, 2000x2000, spacetimedimensionality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1147471

I'll fix it for him, he means the 4th SPATIAL dimension.

>> No.1147484

wow, no your a faggot!

>> No.1147498


I read this first without realising you meant 4 spatial + 1 time. My brain was full of fuck.

>> No.1147508

how can dimension be not-spatial, there arent any of other type in in mathematics, right? even if taken in cosidiration a nonspatial time dimension it would have to be bound with the spatial ones so in some way, so that suggests something, doesnt it?

>> No.1147527

What the fuck are you on about you retard?

Spatial and time are interlinked in our existence, that's it, hey rime dimensions and spatial dimensions run independent of each other.

>> No.1147560

they cant be interconnected and independet at the same time.

>> No.1147606

It wouldn't though. Gravity is still affected inversly by the square of the distance. In 4 dimension, it is the same as in 3, or 2: the distance between the two masses squared

>> No.1147621

Honestly my minds shut down for the night, so I'm just gonna go with my initial thoughts.

They are all interlinked but only because time knits everything together I think.