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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11466591 No.11466591 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys engineerchad here. Why does the existence of me and my fellow engineers make math and physicbros seethe?

>> No.11466602

Go back

>> No.11466611

neither scientist nor mathematician

>> No.11466622

I was a physicist turned engineer. It's literally so much better; the people arent worthless angry virgins that'll fuck you over for being better than them. My best friend in physics threw away my final for a class I had a good grade in and ruined it for me because I lapped him. Now in engineering everyone here just wants to better themselves and arent soothingly jealous autists. I love engineering

>> No.11466624

Seethingly* fuck autocorrect

>> No.11466626

Case in point

>> No.11466645

I'm an engineer, you fucking idiot. It's just that your post is incredibly low quality, even for /sci/ standards

>> No.11466710

Or not even that.

I got a BA in the history of technology and somehow ended up with a better job than my peers who studied math or physics.

History meaning I just read about past engineering and almost never did any real math.

>> No.11467390

Why where the physic majors seethingly jealous autists?

>> No.11467421

Why did you crop out the THAD mathematician

>> No.11467437

It was actually Incel Mathematician, I just didn't want to make mathematicians mad, you know how much they tend to seethe.

>> No.11467563

>Nice projection
You mad you were too stupid for real scinece?

>> No.11467570

It doesn't, you all are a bunch of mindless normies. And engineering professors are the biggest stuck up losers in the entirety of college.
t. mec eng changing to pure science

>> No.11467593

you mad that we did half the work and got twice the pay?
>It doesn't make me seethe, that's why I call all engineers mindless normies and professors stuck up losers

>> No.11467621

>half the work and got twice the pa
Name one engineer that gets paid more than a quant. And engies are slaves, they do $400k worth of work for $80k pay. Lol.

>> No.11467632

Nice cope, on average math majors make less then engineering majors and have a higher unemployment rate.

>> No.11467859

I want to become a Nuclear Engine but Australia is retarded so i'm stuck becoming a Chemie

>> No.11468195

I'm a microwave filter engineer and all I do is maths. I pick a transfer function that I want and use circuit synthesis to make the equation into a circuit, its pretty fun.

>> No.11468199

cs reporting in. Why are you guys arguing, just write a program in c to automate whatever you're doing. Then the only competition is how fast your computer can do the work for you.

>> No.11468740

Nuclear engineer is cool, too bad there isn't a big market for it in Australia. If it had a big market in America I probably would've became a nuclear engineer.
Sounds fun
You're basically a software engineer

>> No.11468756
File: 127 KB, 1080x1215, 1526151770082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math]e=3= \pi[/math]

>> No.11468776

[math]e = 3 = \pi = \sqrt{g} [/math]

>> No.11468915

engineering is fully of money grubbing talentless pajeets

>> No.11468926

With no physicist, there is no engineer. With no engineer, the physicist is pointless. They are both essential to eachother, the physicist in increasing our translation of the world into conception, and the engineer in translating our conceptions into the world.
All arguments between the two are mindless spats and pathetic infighting between the retarded who have no idea why they are doing what they are doing, because of their near-sightedness.

>> No.11468928

AKA, everyone in this thread is retarded except me.

>> No.11469067

not science or maths

>> No.11469221

>money grubbing talentless pajeets
I think you mean computer science
Unironically based
>hahahaha get it nigger hahahaha so funny get it nigger is stupid hahaahahaha I like saying nigger it's so funny and cool

>> No.11469333

Become a nuclear engineer and move to burgerland

>> No.11469899


>> No.11469948

t. SEETHING mathfags who can't cope with the fact that engineers make 6 figs with a B.S. and mathfags have to teach highschool

>> No.11469969

>He thinks 6 figs is a lot
300K, any job I want

>> No.11469971

300k is 6 figures dumbass

>> No.11469980

>300K, any job I want
What kind of engineering do you do?

>> No.11470716

This is terrible advice, nuclear engineering is doing terribly in America

>> No.11470760


>they don't know

>> No.11470765

>the people arent worthless angry virgins that'll fuck you over for being better than them

That's a lie.

>> No.11470768

Does this thread demonstrate the axiom that engineers are gay?

I remember an engineering class that was constantly talking about ideal rods.

>> No.11470780

>he doesn't know that I know

>> No.11470782


>> No.11471910

What are you working as with a BA in the history of technology?

>> No.11471979

Interested to hear too.
Sounds like an interesting profession.

>> No.11471984

unironically i prefer doing more stuff analytically because writing a couple dozen python lines is too much a hassle

>> No.11471985

i get making fun of physicists but not really mathematicians, are you guys purely referencing pure mathematicians?
Most of my friends that did Applied maths or statistics have better jobs (and earn more) than my friends that did eng

>> No.11472080
File: 2.12 MB, 5020x2158, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11472809

No one cares about how to make some stupid meme.