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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11465245 No.11465245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Its just me or is the big mass of people that joined the "internet culture" around ~2007 are being ~25yo now and being depressed as fuck about their youth vanishing?
You see the memes about that are at an all time high like doomer, coomer, general apathy, etc.

>> No.11465248


how the fuck is this /sci/ related get the fuck out

>> No.11465251

Social sciences. Some research and graphs around the topic would be great.

>> No.11465253

>Social sciences
Not science. Fuck off

>> No.11465259

>Social sciences.
Social scientists do not use the scientific method.

>> No.11465270

Think about the environment we evolved from and lived in for hundreds of thousands of years as modern humans and millions of years before that. Now look at the environment humans grow up in after the invention of the internet. We are completely out of our element, and as such we're becoming fucked in the head. My niece is almost 7 and she visited a few weeks ago and it was truly stunning watching her. She's constantly getting stimulated by two screens, typically one has a game on it and one has some youtube video telling her to buy merch. It's a unique time to be a human right now, and a large portion of young people can't handle it.

>> No.11465278

Chill you fags, I'm from STEM. I just think its a interesting phenomenon to discuss.

>> No.11465284

Yeah I was thinking exactly that, a lot of todays age environment is so alien to humans as animals. The internet, porn abundance, overstimulation, how life is excessively complicated compared to the generations before us and the expectation of more and more productivity, its exhausting.
Deep down I just want a simple happy life, my instincts developed after thousands of years of evolution tell me thats how things should be, this culture is a nightmare.

>> No.11465288
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I definitely feel that. it's probably every generation, but even though we knew we'd get older deep down we didn't believe it until it happened. now it just seems the years go faster and faster

>> No.11465298

I self identify as this wojak and i think it has to do with how engaging technology is
i mean hell look at Mike TV from the 70s willy wonka movie, it was enough of a trope then and we didnt even have arcades
People can get stuck doing anything, i think after high school i told myself "i never want to go back to school" but i also told myself i never want to have to learn anything again and thats where it fucks up too

>> No.11465313

spoiler alert all the boomers are/were fucking miserable too

>> No.11465319

If computer "science" counts then so does social sciences

>> No.11465416

Idk famo, just chillin with some twitch and browsing 4chins on my phone, laughing at corona panic. Bretty comfy desu, but then again I’m procrastinating studying for finals

>> No.11465423

don't elevate yourself, scum. even the lowest STEM fields are two social classes above you

>> No.11465424

89 IQ brainlet.
110 IQ midwit.
120 IQ midwit.
150 IQ highwit.

>> No.11465428

The internet post 2007 is super shit