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11459644 No.11459644 [Reply] [Original]

Post facts that make mathfags seethe.

I'll start

Let [math]\delta : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}[/math] such that:
[eqn]\delta (x) =
1 & x = 0 \\
0 & elsewhere

And most importantly:

[eqn]\int\limits_{- \infty}^{+ \infty} \delta (x) dx = 1[/math]

>> No.11459647

Lmao I fucked up.
[eqn]\int\limits_{- \infty}^{+ \infty} \delta (x) dx = 1[/eqn]

>> No.11459650

What kind of integral is that?

>> No.11459653

A "mathfags get their panties in a bunch when they see it" kind of integral

>> No.11459657

why would a function defined this way make anyone seethe? it’s very useful for physics.

>> No.11459663

The fuck do I know. Mathfags complain about it because memesure theory or some shit

>> No.11459664

Can you define it in a somewhat more formal manner?

>> No.11459665

>Mathfags complain about it because memesure theory or some shit
what did he/she mean by this?

>> No.11459691


>> No.11459695


nice definition retard

if you want to make a mathfag seethe, just claim a differential is a fraction

watch them fume while they stumble and rage mumble and their head gets redder (or browner if its a pajet)

>> No.11459704

But if that integral is in the Lebesgue sense, then it evaluates to zero.

>> No.11459729

Fuck off with your mathfag buzzwords lmao

>> No.11459755
File: 166 KB, 344x361, uh oh cant show that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me? I prefer [eqn] \text{For real } c, \ u_c(t) \equiv \begin{cases} 1 & t > c \\ 0 & t<c \end{cases} [/eqn] then [eqn] \delta(t-c)\equiv\frac{\text{d}u_c}{\text{d}t} \ \ \text{and} \ \ \mathcal L\big \{\delta(t-c)\big\}=\exp(-cs) [/eqn]
where [math] \exp(\lambda t) [/math] is defined to be the solution of [math] x'=\lambda x, \ x_0=1 \ \ \text{for complex} \ \ \lambda [/math].

>> No.11459758

You absolute fucking brainlet that's literally like saying "let x=5 such that x=2"

>> No.11459761


>> No.11459776

No such function exists, so um..

>> No.11459781

>drives a golfball 400 yrds
Fell free to describe the force applied to the ball by the club as a function of time without [math] \delta [/math], fucking math nerd lmao

>> No.11459801

No such function exists, period.

>> No.11459802
File: 104 KB, 940x768, 1583800647779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pretends it exists anyway*
*gets useful results*
*shits in your mouth*

>> No.11459809

Then you're pretending existence of something different than what OP wrote

>> No.11459860


Lmao seethe more, mathfag


>> No.11459879
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>the integral of the Kronecker delta on the real line is one
>the Kronecker delta doesn't exist

>> No.11459900

Such function simply doesn't exist not because it's a distribution rather than function or whatever, but because OP fucked it up. If anything, it should say delta(0) = infinity. Joke's on him.

>> No.11459916

brainlet Lebesgue returns 0 to this because it is non-zero on a countable set

>> No.11460231

Cant you read retard?

[math]\delta (0) = 1[/math] by definition.

By the way:

[eqn]\frac{dy}{dt} = -ky \\
\frac{1}{y}dy = -kdt \\
\int \frac{1}{y} dy = -k \int dt \\
ln(y) + c_1 = -kt + c_2\\
y(t) = e^{-kt + c_2 - c_1}[/eqn]

>> No.11460241

That isnt true though. Not even for engineers.

>> No.11460243

>[math]\color{green}{\delta ( 0 ) = 1}[/math]
Actual retard.

>> No.11460254

Lmao youre right, im thinking about the discrete delta function

[math]\delta [0] = 1[/math]

>> No.11460770

good boy, you finally learned first year differential equations

>> No.11460777

delta(0)=inf moron

>> No.11460798

Read >>11460254
You fucking imbecile faggot

>> No.11460806

No the Kronecker delta isn't a map between the reals.
Yes it is a function in the sense that physishits use the term.
Having a different definition of function that excludes generalized functions doesn't make you smarter just bad at communicating.

>> No.11461202
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>> No.11461341

>Let δ:RRδ:RR such that:
>isn't a map between the reals.

>> No.11461352

a differential isn't a fraction though so you're wrong and saying "lol mathfags seethe" doesn't make yo uright

>> No.11461365

>A differential isnt a fraction
Lmao but it is, how do you solve something like [math]\frac{dy}{dt} = -ky[/math] then faggot?

>> No.11461483
File: 16 KB, 289x400, Sobolev_S_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*chad Russian mathematician blocks your path and pioneers distribution theory*

>> No.11461503

e^(t*pi*i) = cos(t) + i sin(t) isn't true for quaternions

>> No.11461552

>the heaviside distribution

>> No.11461580

By treating it as a fraction

>> No.11461584

Where can I go to learn the notations used here?

>> No.11461590

nice distribution

>> No.11461604
File: 368 KB, 500x562, Qocy4Rk1eMdtB19W5YNGumGsRtFLj6Drpwl1vkj-a90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physicsfags complain that mathfags complain about this, but we really don't give a shit what you do.

>> No.11461613

A math class. None of these fags are self taught. They're all lonely math majors

>> No.11461671

ITT: people who missed the point of the thread

>> No.11461682


>> No.11461684

College isn't an option for me. Is there no other way? A book of notation definitions? A video?

>> No.11462451

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.11462463


>> No.11462720

calculus is like a braindrug.

>> No.11462729

dy/dx can be interpreted as a fraction of 1-forms in a way that's mathematically rigorous and even helpful.

>> No.11463028

>dy/dx can be interpreted as a fraction
Really? What field does dy belong to?