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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11458774 No.11458774 [Reply] [Original]

The coronavirus shills are fucking retarted they think a virus with a slow growth rate and low kill rate is a global threat .

Goodbye I'm leaving 4chan

>> No.11458778

>He thinks mortality matters at all

I really hope you are never in the shoes of a boss and all of your employers drop in hospital beds for weeks.

>> No.11458779

You actually believe the official numbers don't you?despite the obvious and mounting evidence that they're for the most part false and even if they were true, there aren't enough testing kits to test everyone.

>> No.11458786
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>> No.11458789

None of the things on the list are susceptible to a big change, other than corona virus. EXTREMELY simple concept, I honestly cannot imagine someone not understanding this, yet here you are. Corona virus could go from 108 a day to 450 a day. Car crashes will not go from 3200 a day to 15000 a day. It's not about the total, it's about the stability.

>> No.11458799

The doctor who died after trying to make this shit public was in his 30s

>> No.11458803

that just means the fatality rate is even smaller
mild cases get undereported, serious cases overeported

>> No.11458806

WOAH, its like two times worse than the flu for everyone but boomers

>> No.11458807

Lets say we NEVER find a cure for this, and covid becomes just another thing to worry about during flu season like any other disease that comes in winter. How much will this permanently shorten the average lifespan? Will the average human lifespan shrink down to 65? or something?

>> No.11458808

Unless a substantial portions of those deaths are recorded as just the flu lmao and therefore inflate the statistics you use to say it's literally nothing.

>> No.11458809

But there's no vaccine, I guess a vaccine is useless after you already have it

>> No.11458812

do you really like rolling dice on your life if you don't have to? generally not a smart move.

>> No.11458814

No, but it might slightly decrease life expectancy for pre-existing conditions shown to be risk factors for COVID mortalities.

>> No.11458816

Even if we high ball the estimation give it 20 times. you are still most likely going to die from car crash , suicide or cancer

>> No.11458818

>if you don't have to
You say this as though you have a choice.

>> No.11458819

i'm not a boomer
if my dice has 500 sides and in only one of them I die, I'm fine
there will be one in two years and more boomers will have died from the flu than the new meme virus by then
screencap this

>> No.11458821

>two times

>> No.11458825

Mortality for flu varies year to year. .1% is within the normal range, though it is towards the higher end.
>but muh graph

>> No.11458826

Imagine not already being ensconced in your underground fortress while the world above burns.

>> No.11458827

But that's the overall death rate, the overall death rate for kung flu is far higher than .2%

>> No.11458831

But boomer could just vaccinate right now for the flu and they would survive

>> No.11458834

So if you had, let's say, 1000 people infected and 10 died, you'd say that's better than 100 people infected and 10 people dying? I'd be a lot more concerned with the former, because more people infected means more people to spread the disease.

>> No.11458835

For now. Average recovery time for hospitalized cases is 22d, average death time is 18.5d according to the cohort study out of Wuhan, also doesn't count the people who are infected and asymptomatic or subclinically symptomatic which we can only accurately extrapolate once this starts to die down, but from the cruises appears to be around 3/5 of infections.

>> No.11458837

That still doesn't explain from what orifice you pulled out the "2 times" from

>> No.11458841

you can set up a life of seclusion. limit contact with the rest of the species but still have all the creature comforts available.

>> No.11458843

I'm not the guy that made that claim, but cope. Real mortality is going to end up being sub .5%. You can screenshot this if you'd like.

>> No.11458848

Lol no, it's going to be 10 times that likely enough.

>> No.11458849
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>nobody under 40 died

Uhhh... anon...

>> No.11458851

Implying he wasn't taken out by the CPC...

>> No.11458870

all of the implying anon.
get your stupid conspiracy theories out of here, because his death HURT the chinese ruling party. A guy who tried to whistleblow dying from the disease was a MASSIVE loss of face to the ruling party due to the irony of it and made him a huge hero.

Its not like he had any secret info to keep from getting out that would warrent an assassination, especially one that hurts your public face to the world and your people.

>> No.11458878

>Its not like he had any secret info to keep from getting out that would warrent an assassination,
He knew about the lab, anon. Dr. Li uncovered everything.

>> No.11458882

Oh yes, this low level medical doctor KNEW and had proof that the Corona virus was leaked from a chinese bio lab.

Definitely makes more sense than just chinese being fucking morons butchering/eating bats and other animals in the most unclean manner possible.
I mean, its not like that's happened before with things like sars!

>> No.11458887

>Oh yes, this low level medical doctor KNEW and had proof that the Corona virus was leaked from a chinese bio lab.
Exactly! So the CPC took him out. :-(

>> No.11458895

The flu is as lethal to a 65 year old as it is to a 90 year old?

>> No.11458899

the best case scenario is 10 infected, 10 dead
the faster they die the slower the virus spreads

>> No.11458908

definitely not. just the average for that whole age group. they didn't stratify it further idk why.

>> No.11458927


>> No.11458953

Good. One less polyp of a midwit on the butt of environmentally friendly 4channel servers.

>> No.11458960

[laughs in orwellian]

>> No.11459010

The real reason you shouldn't be able to take it anymore is the exact, precise opposite of the reasons you are purporting.

>> No.11459016

>15% death rate for people over 60 is no big deal
Goddamn it I'm tired of hearing this. We'll be fine, my grandmother won't.

>> No.11459020

that's over 80, not 60.

>> No.11459041

>I am scared and need to out my head in the sand
This is serious, Anon. Not the world's end, but really serious. No need to panic, but a little bit of fear is appropriate so you don't need to feel bad for being afraid.

>> No.11459042

stfu nerd

>> No.11459171

The 33 year old doctor who discovered it did you retard.
>Implying he wasn't taken out by the CPC...
They were obviously trying to suppress information about the virus, idiot. That's why they arrested him and forced him to confess to spreading baseless rumors. If you were trying to suppress information that there was a virus outbreak why the fuck would you choose to make the publicized fake cause of death for the whistleblower you murdered show up as being from that very same virus you're trying not to let people hear about? If you could just try thinking for a few seconds before posting next time that might help.

>> No.11459183

>why the fuck would you choose to make the publicized fake cause of death for the whistleblower you murdered show up as being from that very same virus you're trying not to let people hear about
To send a message, obviously.

>> No.11459484


I'm 41.

>> No.11459496

Peak identifiable victim effect. Nobody cares about an exception. We care about the statitstics.

>> No.11459499

>Nobody under 40 died from this virus
So? I mean I love my parents so I'll naturally fear for their safety. Or are you some zoomer that's still in the "I hate old people" phase?

>> No.11459508

>Nobody cares about an exception
Another clown who has no idea about the scientific process. Next he will probably attempt to reject it.

>> No.11459541

I think so too, but that would still make it significantly worse than the seasonal flu, especially as we have no vaccine and no real treatment for this. Also the death rate will soar if the healthcare system is at its limit. We saw it in China and we now begin to see it in Italy. That's why it has to be slowed down.

>> No.11459557

Staircases are literally more dangerous that the meme flu enough with the panic already.

>> No.11459581

Prove that coronavirus exists.

>> No.11459594

>source Chinese CDC
The aged ones only died because the hospitals were overwhelmed and they couldn't be treated in case of complications.

>> No.11459596

And? He had a shitty immune system due to stress at work.

>> No.11460692

>And? He had a shitty immune system due to stress at work.
So basically like the majority of 30-year-olds?

>> No.11460947

you're going to get some right winger in here screaming about how its only neets and people who "deserve" jobs like that with shitty jobs in america, and 90% of americans are great off with lovely jobs that don't require you to be stressed out or do 2 jobs just to survive.

>> No.11460963

>people convinced China is pulling a gigantic coverup on the scale of hundreds of millions of people are totally incredulous at the idea that they might whack a guy who shamed them on a global stage

>> No.11460972

Yeah, because whacking him is precisely what shamed them.
If he hadn't died it would have just been one of the many faceless doctors who ALSO tried to do that and didn't die. The fact that he died from it is the only reason anybody remembers his name or gives a shit about him.

>> No.11460976

>despite the obvious and mounting evidence that they're for the most part false

Where? Show it please. Just be aware that /pol/ tier happening blogs are not proof.

>> No.11461076

You're kinda dumb

>> No.11461086

You'll be back when your town is quarantined within the month.

>> No.11461096

>If he hadn't died it would have just been one of the many faceless doctors who ALSO tried to do that and didn't die.
Nope, not quite. Dr. Li was the first doctor to open up about it. He also criticized the CPC's handling of the situation, a big no-no.

>> No.11461301

And li died WAAAAY after the story had broke and tons of doctors had spoken up about it.

Him being killed would only have made sense if it happened as soon as he spoke up, them doing it long after this stuff was public knowledge is absurd.
Its like killing someone who's blackmailing you a week after other people discovered your blackmail secret from other sources,

>> No.11461371

>, but from the cruises appears to be around 3/5 of infections.
I had not seen this, can you source it handily? If not, I'll try using my Gogle Fu.

>> No.11461384

>Crickets intensify...

>> No.11461386
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China pulled a hoax and is now buying Europe and the US for nickels.

Alarmist fags and bunkercucks get the rope

>> No.11461397

Yeah, well so am I, so this isn't really disproportionately affecting the west here either.

Zoomers are fine holding thier stock and buying up their 401ks too you know :p

>> No.11461403

I lost my job boomer nig.

This is how old money stays afloat. You'll get yours.

>> No.11461410

>boomer nig

I'm happy with it crashing because I'm still just starting out investing, i've only got about 5 years invested and its going to be about 20-30 years before i cash out, so a momentary crash doesn't hurt me, but buying a dip DOES.

>> No.11461417

I hate modern society so much. society's going to get completely shut down over jack shit lol

>> No.11461447
File: 135 KB, 864x959, then and now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You foolish foolish child.

>> No.11461655

So, it will decrease the average lifespan, got it.

>> No.11461661

Where do absolute troglodytes like you even come from? Reddit? /pol/?
Wherever you came from, fuck off. Seriously.

>> No.11461672

you think the west could handle it better? i doubt it. the west cannot build in the span of a week 16 hospitals outfitted with all that equipment and standard. the west does not have the manufacturing and construction infrastructure the chinese have to just roll out like that. look at italy, for instance. first world western nation rekt within the span of a week. make no mistake it's much easier to overwhelm the west than china.

>> No.11461704

Not to mention how fat and unhealthy westerners are. This thing is not going to be kind to the average American.

>> No.11461709


>> No.11461738

Thank you for your continued support comrade, 0.002 points have been added to your social credit score

>> No.11461741

Shamelessly borrowed from wikipedia since it was the easiest way to find the stats, 696 infected and 410 didn't show symptoms on the Diamond Princess.

>> No.11461747

It's just a fact, it causes cardiopulmonary collapse, how are people who get out of breath walking to the fridge going to handle their lungs filled with fluid?

>> No.11461753

Probably by not being on the verge of starvation in re-education camps, Zhang.

>> No.11461838


Well its certainly at least a global threat in terms of shutting shit down economically and/or at least slowling things down and creating a lot of uncertainty. That concerns stress on the healthcare system (overload from coronavirus - even if not fatal - makes other diseases harder to treat. Only so many Drs and equipment, etc). Also concerns firm investment and expansion, employment, unemployment, mortgages and the entirety of the financial system (savings and loans, credit systems, interest rates and monetary policy, budgeting). Also quite an effect on international relations and global affairs.

Tl;dr: Its not the end of the world but its a shitshow.

>> No.11461867

57.6% of all statistics are made up.

>> No.11462292

bye reasonable rational anon, we will miss you
thankfully a wojakposter or schizo will fill the void

>> No.11462579

Just one more order of magnitude and it surpasses homicide
Two more orders of magnitude and it's on the same level as stroke/heart disease/cancer

It's only infected 150,000 people or so, wait until it infects 15 million.
That can happen in a very brief time with something like this that grows exponentially.

Also the numbers we have are corrupted, because nobody in their right mind trusts China's numbers

>> No.11462596

Do you trust South Korea's numbers tinfoil man?

>> No.11462617

Abd the tard said


"Respects have been paid to a late Chinese doctor who was among the first to warn the public of a potential coronavirus epidemic. Dr Li Wenliang, ***34***, who worked as an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital, died on Thursday after a battle with the virus, which has killed 638 people and infected around 31,482."

>> No.11462623

Chinese aren’t human

>> No.11463176
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>> No.11463226

Bye. Never come back you plebbitard

>> No.11463227

>Goodbye I'm leaving 4chan
Cya tomorrow.

>> No.11463292

You know what this jack shit is going to ruin our economy too.

The media is overblowing and want this to become absolute chaos for the world.

>> No.11463306

it makes you infertile

>> No.11463326

If it's here to stay, surely. Also, consider that there are many things unknown yet about it. What if the virus remains inside your body, like others do? There's some evidence to suggest this. If everyone infected is gonna have it coming back twice a year, it's bound to kill you within a couple decades if you're strong. There's also the possibility that these people remain infectious after 'healing', effectively becoming a second class of humans; I for one wouldn't date, employ, or want to be near anyone who had the disease in the past. Society might become two societies.

>> No.11463344

Look at this massive pseud cope. Get fucked faggot. I think all the "it's just a flu bro" /sci/ redditors should apologize for being so WRONG

>> No.11463386

>it's more than a flu
>can't beat a flu's numbers

>> No.11463477

Your infographic is wrong

>> No.11463527

The pandemic basically just started you stupid fuck, case rate is only getting higher and the death rate is already much higher that swine flu. Why are you low IQ monkeys even in this board

>> No.11463541

>no deaths
>>can't beat a flu's numbers
It's blown those numbers out of the fucking water

>> No.11463579

most of the world will become infected.
we already have two societies. the 0.000001% and the rest

>> No.11463760
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>get your stupid conspiracy theories out of here
>china has never assassinated dissenters before
>the virus isnt an engineered bioweapon released from the level 4 virology lab in wuhan
>he wasnt silenced for whistle blowing

>> No.11463786
File: 59 KB, 420x925, coronachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post coronachan!

>> No.11465171

None of the other deaths are a threat for the financial markets. That's why the media and the politicians are panicking.

>> No.11465217

>Coronavirus peak (now)

It just started

>> No.11465241

yeah what a dumb word. We use truther over here.

>> No.11465249

>muh death rate
>when the death rate is extrapolated from only a relatively small number of tested people

>> No.11465252

Multiple people under 40 have died from the virus. /sci/ completely fucking brain damaged as usual.

>> No.11465257

>a few young people died so that means there’s a high rate of death for young people

>> No.11465282



Stop moving the goalposts you fucking apes. This board is full of some of the dumbest motherfuckers alive.

>> No.11465285
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>> No.11465300

The cruise ended up a handy research tool.

Diamond Princess.

>> No.11465307

> Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed (USA)
> 2

Only two? I thought there'd be more.

>> No.11465309


I want you to take a minute and THINK about why the 18/19 flu season was the only bad one.

If a virus HAS to mutate to survive (because everybody it infects either becomes immune or dies) which strain has the better chance for survival? the virulent one which has a high mortality rate and has everybody scared and self quarantine themselves when they get it to stop it from spreading or the less virulent "just a flu bro" strain that people couldn't give 2 shits about and actively go outside/go to work/school because there is close to 0 chance it becomes serious unless they are already on deaths door?

In addition even if a strain mutates enough to be able to get past an immune system a second time, your immune system is not starting from complete scratch, the immune system learns from past experiences and is able to react and immunize faster which lowers the chances cases becoming critical. This is why native american populations suffer such huge deathrates to diseases that make europeans sick (but not kill them).

>> No.11465354

So is this why the chinese are handling the corona virus better than whites?

>> No.11465381

It was literally the prehistory of science and social policies.

>> No.11465408

this is your brain on scientism

>> No.11465427

Except... the virus already has a median symptomatic onset time of five days. So it can mutate to be more deadly at no real loss to evolutionary fitness.

>> No.11465561


Dunning Krguer in full effect. This shit hasn't even begun. Millions are projected to get infected. The whole "it only kills the elderly shit" is a complete fucking meme.


>> No.11465573

show evidence, schizo

>> No.11465606

It’s really not an issue. No need to panic and tank the economy doing so. China only shit itself down because they failed with Wuhan.

>> No.11465607

>nobody in their right mind trusts China's numbers
growth rates are basically the same everywhere
>nobody in their right mind trusts Belgium’s numbers
>nobody in their right mind trusts USA’s numbers
>nobody in their right mind trusts Germany’s numbers

>> No.11465620

The death rate for chink flu is not low. People keep repeating the 3% figure which is too low because it doesn't account for the time lag. It can take 3 weeks to die from the disease. So why would you include people who contracted the disease today in your calculation?

Better calculation: total number of cases 3 weeks ago divided by total number of deaths today.

That gives a death rate of 5%, not 3%.

>> No.11465623

It's the other way around, you die from a disease fast compared to recovering from it and people who are counted as infected are much more likely to die than the actual rate of death from the disease because people who aren't feeling well are the ones who seek treatment.

>> No.11465637

>only two more orders of magnitude more
you can't be this retarded right?

>> No.11465639

>it's bound to kill you within a couple decades if you're strong
you are dumb as fuck. your body fights an illness until it develops antibodies that can kill it. now you have coronavirus antibodies but no coronavirus. now you are immune until it mutates next flu-season and your body has to fight it again. the flu isn't "bound to kill you in a couple decades" just because you can get it every year

>> No.11467385


>> No.11467402
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>> No.11467404

I kinda want an apocalypse of some kind. That way I won't have to impress people anymore.

>> No.11467475

if it only goes for old people, and developed countries have too many old people, why don't we just let the virus burn through and thin the herd a bit? sounds like a boon

>> No.11468016

Dude. the first discovered/confirmed case in my state was a 27 year old who was taken in need of emergency medical care.

its only so lenient towards the young because we have medical care available and they'll survive. If the medical care gets overbooked then suddenly all the young are going to have a good chance of dying too.