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11455280 No.11455280 [Reply] [Original]

Is chemistry the One True Science? I think idealism can't come back from this

>> No.11455314

>Name one thing that isn't emergent phenomena of chemicals or chemical reactions
Free will

>> No.11455324

Nothing, but just because they are chemical reactions it does not rid them of value or meaning (to us)

>> No.11455327

Chemistry is an emergent property of physics, so if you’re looking for the “one true science” it’s not chemistry.


>> No.11455328

>Free will
Does not exist
This is the only correct answer

>> No.11455338

>Chemistry is an emergent property of physics

How could there be physics if nothing existed? Checkmate physicsfags

>> No.11455341

>Chemistry is an emergent property of physics
Wrong, physics is just an emergent property of chemical relations. Some or many substances must exist in itself, this is the most basic of matter, the fundamental chemical. Its transformations give rise to the phenomena chemists and physicists study. But chemistry is closer to the truth. I will admit though that energy exists, but not apart from the chemical it interacts with

>> No.11455343
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God and the angels

>> No.11455347

If God made man in his image, and made man out of chemicals, then God must be composed of matter as well

>> No.11455357

uhhhh electron tunelling

>> No.11455362

as it turns out no.

likely matter is an emergent property of vibratining strings

>> No.11455369

I would say that honor belongs to quantum mechanics because everything else is just an emergent property of the 12 elementary particles doing their retarded quantum bullshit

>> No.11455371

Newtonian physics sure, but the study of the building blocks of the universe (elementary particles, not atoms) is also physics, just a different area. Chemistry is an emergent property of the interactions between these particles.

>> No.11455376

Sounds like BS to me. Prove it.
PS: Strings are the base matter if true

>> No.11455388

Hard no, energy is more fundamental than matter

>> No.11455408

God made man in his likeness. ie, man has the spirit and nature of God, not his literal physical appearance. This is why we're such abysmal failures, we failed to conquer our internal conflicts and dual nature. We were supposed to take care of this place. The Creator chose us because our ancestors were found to free other animals from his traps.

There are two things in man.
The male and the female. The mother and the father. The love and the hate. The sadness and the anger. So too of the Creator. The flawed Creator gave rise to flawed creations, and in dealing with them and seeing his own distorted reflection, he was driven to madness and despair. To reconcile this, he was split in two. Part of him desired to punish, destroy, subjugate, his foolish creations. Part of him recognized their fear and misery, and desired to lead them to salvation, to guide, to support, to care, and to rescue.

Therefore, the only option was abandonment. Man is not "fallen", it is abandoned. The creator could not bring itself to love us, nor could it finish us off, and so we were left alone. It came back to us eventually in a form we could recognize and emulate (Christ), was rejected, and then left us yet again. The bulk of man still seems to lust after externally defined meaning and purpose, and they find it filled by the various predators of this world who seek to violate natural law which is of course literally impossible. This is Satan. People see "science" and think we're living in a life after God, but we are not, God is still here but people create and carry him in a different form. Their behavior makes this obvious, they are still looking for a God, though they now shun him in those other, older forms.

>> No.11455411
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>> No.11455416
File: 149 KB, 476x476, 3a9 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your mom squirts from me fucking her ass. That's just cosmic law, kiddo.

>> No.11455421

Citation need

>> No.11455426

take meds

>> No.11455429
File: 2 KB, 316x83, NoFun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You Nimrods are why I post stuff like this. Not even religious, but you need it.

>> No.11455434
File: 188 KB, 1280x1247, 1583686602784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organic chem and clandestine stuff made me feel like the god of science.

They banned amyl nitrate with these new synthetic analog laws.

So I got a saucepan and made molten potassium nitrate I bought at the hardware store.
Then I slowly added organic charcoal I put in a coffee grinder. To make patassium nitrite (the carbon removed a single oxygen atom during its oxidation) KNO3 nitrate to KNO2 nitrite.

Then I mixed it with some isopropyl alcohol and made isopropyl nitrite.

Which is even better than shitty sex shop amyl, and cheaper.

And the drug fuelled sex I had on it made me feel like a god.

Organic chem?
More like OG Chem am I right.
Straight up gangsta

>> No.11455447

>If God made man in his image, and made man out of chemicals, then God must be composed of matter as well
I can make a representation in MS Paint of my image, doesn't mean I'm made out of pixels.

>> No.11455453

Based and TOPPEDpilled

>> No.11455457

update, anon. you are using laughable models

>> No.11455458

Which chemicals/reactions does free will emerge from?

>Does not exist
In sub-humans.

>> No.11455465

matter is created from energy, welcome to cosmology 101

>> No.11456719

You can’t prove that statement empirically. Why claim such stupidity?

>> No.11456801

All elementary particles and their interactions. Entanglement. I could name more.
>Is chemistry the One True Science?
lol no

>> No.11456812


>> No.11457030

Prove free will. You are claiming the existence of something magical that inductive reasoning based off the fact that nothing else in the universe operate randomly completely disagrees with.

>> No.11457052

Magnetic fields.

>> No.11457081

Hypocrite that you are! for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals.

Will you fight?or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.11457082

the pauli exclusion principle, its the quantum reason behind why chemical reactions occur

>> No.11457085

Lol, ever heard of phenomena

>> No.11457105

P.s. you don’t understand idealism