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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 979x734, Crew_Quarters_Biosphere_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1145452 No.1145452 [Reply] [Original]

I have a task in which I need your assistance: we're going to document public scientific knowledge using omegle in a similar fashion to those in >>1143943
(http://boards.4chan.org/sci/res/1143943)), only instead of just posting our results with rageface.jpg we can actually accurately tell how many really believe rubbish.

Anyway, I need you to help me come up with a good method of doing this. What format are we going to ask the question in, are we going to be entirely formal, what is the question going to be, etc.

If you want to know more, feel free to ask. Otherwise, give me some ideas.

>> No.1145471

for reference, the email address in the email field can be used to contact me even when there are no threads active. I check it ~three times a day, so you'll probably get a response within a few hours.

And, of course, any non-troll input it appreciated, even if you think it's useless

>> No.1145480

I prefer the following format:

I am doing research to test the scientific knowledge of people on Omegle.
If you are holding a rock in your hand on the moon and let go, what happens? Please explain your answer.

Then if they are wrong, give the correct answer.

>> No.1145486

We should start it always with some copypasta like "would you like to participate in this scientific survey blah blah blah...? Y/N"

>> No.1145495

informed concent on the interbutts?
This format (>>1145480) takes care of it.

>> No.1145501

sounds good. I definitely agree with the explaining afterwards too, people don't get smart by not being told stuff.

Should we be doing more than one question? I like the idea of questions of increasing difficulty perhaps, progressing from "how do I find the area of this square" to "how strong is earth's gravity". I don't think it's worth going past high school level science personally, but I'm easily persuaded :)

>> No.1145510

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1145511

indeed. The whole question should be repeated letter for letter in my opinion, otherwise we'll get inaccurate results.
The risk with going for consent other than an answer is that a load of people are just going to disconnect if we make them do too much stuff. We want to try and minimise that if possible. Of course legally it's a grey area, but we don't really plan to publish this in a peer reviewed journal

>> No.1145515

Ask multiple choice questions so that you can rule out a class of trolls that would answer everything wrong.

>> No.1145526

Precisely. We should stick with no more than 3 basic questions that everyone should know.

>> No.1145527

Grr. Why spam /sci/? it's not as if anyone here would ever click one of the links.
multiple choice could get a bit difficult to co-ordinate if we do more than one question, but it could work. Do you have any ideas of how you'd do this?

>> No.1145537

~3 sounds good. We need to decide what everyone should know though.

>> No.1145548

we'd need some kind of anti-trollin mechanism, just make it so that it's difficult to troll.

a really basic question like 'how do i work out the area of a square' is gonna get responses like 'dunno lol'

whereas, questions like 'if i drop a hammer and a feather on the moon, which hits the ground first' is more likely to be answered honestly, catch mah drift?

>> No.1145551

What do you hope to discover?

I'd wager that a large potion of omegle users will answer you with nonsense or intentionally false answers.

You might throw in some questions that everybody should be expected to know (3+2=?), and use the proportion of incorrect answers to judge the quality of your subject base.

Still, I think you won't be able to draw any conclusions about populations beyond omegle based on your efforts.

>> No.1145552

I really like the one about dropping a pen on the moon. There's no excuse for not knowing there's gravity on other bodies and not just earth.

>> No.1145560

I do indeed

The impression I get of omegle is that actually the number of trolls on it is pretty low (compared to the number on /b/, at least) so as far as I can see the troll response will be negligible.

>> No.1145563

yeah, i think that's a definite favourite so far. Any other suggestions.

we could do 1 physics, 1 biology, 1 chemistry & one maths question?

>> No.1145573

No, the point of multiple choice is that you can analyze the results. People who don't know should perform no better than chance, within a standard deviation or so. People who do much worse than chance, statistically, could easily be trollin'.

>> No.1145578

This is what I'm thinking of so far: we do physics questions only (and probably try again some other time with chemistry& biology) progressing in difficulty from cripplingly simple to the stuff you know when you leave high school. The questions should be in copypasta format, and I don't really have much of an opinion on whether they should be multiple choice/true or false/their own answer-type questions.

>> No.1145593

That sounds a good one actually, as long as we do it at a similar time.
All we're really going to find out is what people who go on omegle think, and we're also (as mentioned earlier) going to try and correct them on the basics.

>> No.1145595

As long as it's basic science, no more than high school level, anything works.

>> No.1145598

touche good sir, I'm convinced.

>> No.1145605

my main problem with this is that it gets fairly general answers as opposed to a pretty good evaluation of the level of public understanding of science(and mathematics)

>> No.1145606

Fair enough. Now that I reconsider, I suppose all of my omegle experience is /b/ related. So I may have a false impression that it is wall-to-wall idiots.

>> No.1145615

After this, maybe you can repeat the Milgram experiments via chatroulette.

>> No.1145616

Stranger: alissa?
You: Sammy?
You: is that you lol???? :))
Stranger: no
Stranger: no johnie
You: Hi bby dont try and fool me ::)))
You: i know its you :)))
Stranger: ok then i guess it is
Stranger: hey sexy
You: cya tomorrow ? Just bring condoms this time :)))
You have disconnected.

>> No.1145624

true/false or multiple choice make results much easire to interpret, and less likely to be trolls, but it's not as fun to collect

hardest question should be something along the lines of 'what's the difference between a lepton and a hadron'

some more possible questions:
'velocity and speed are the same thing, true or false'
'Both sound and light are electromagnetic waves, true or false'
'Voltage and amplitude are the same thing, true or false'
'the energy of a photon is proportional to it's frequency, True or false'

>> No.1145651

>'Voltage and amplitude are the same thing, true or false'

This one's a little fishy. "Same thing" is often used when one item represents or relates to another. And in most electronics contexts, they are fairly termed the same thing.

>> No.1145654

I don't really agree with your idea for a hard question- hardly anyone will know that, and to give any real understanding of the matted we'd have to give a college physics lesson on a text based website. The hardest we should go in my opinion would be the things you learnt in the last year of high school (IE the last level you were actually taught)

It may well be a good idea, in fact, to ask a/s/l as well so we can see how the results and the demographic correlate.

>> No.1145670

sounds like it could be difficult to pull that kind of thing off without physical reaction with the particip

hold on, you weren't serious were you.

>> No.1145688

Hello. I'm doing anonymous research on scientific knowledge, do you mind asking a few questions?
Great, thanks. The first question is this:
"If I dropped a rock on the moon would it
A) float where it was
B) fall to the moon's surface
C) float towards earth
D) None of the above"

does this looks suitable for you guys?

>> No.1145691

Should we ask age, too? Or sex? It may be important to the actual data.

Also, I think a good question would be "Does Earth's moon have gravity?"

>> No.1145692

Actually, I am serious.

You'd need to restructure the experiment to suit the medium, sure. But that in itself could be interesting. The video feedback should be enough to indicate that one of the subjects is in pain/distress.

>> No.1145699

that would make sense. We might as well just say "Can I ask your Age/Sex/Location?"

>> No.1145702

"If I dropped.."
Kinda obvious isn't it? use "let go".

>> No.1145713

sounds like how /b/ treats camwhores

that sounds a good idea, if unfeasible. My experience with chatroulette is that the people there just want to chat with cameras and won't actually do anything that involves effort on their part. But, as I understand, the whole point of the experiments was to show that people like me are wrong about this kind of thing.

>> No.1145726

Sorry. That definitely needs changing.

I'm going to set up a google site with this stuff on for permanent reference, as I intend to carry this on for different subjects/websites. Will give you a link soon.

>> No.1145727

I'd laugh my ass off

>> No.1145735

Okay, so, this far we're going to ask for their consent(Hi, I'm taking a scientific survey...), ask for their age/sex/location, and ask them basic-level science questions including something about the Moon's gravity. Right?

>> No.1145739
File: 11 KB, 327x388, Woody Reaction Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when that happens

>> No.1145741


>> No.1145750

So then, we just need to make up the questions for this particular survey and we can start it.

How many questions are we going to have, finally?

>> No.1145758

https://sites.google.com/site/4chansci/ is going to be HQ soon, removing filler rubbish now.

>> No.1145770

3-5. I think 4 should be our maximum, personally, otherwise we'll just get people disconnecting halfway all of the time

>> No.1145784

Four sounds good. Is this going to be a physics study? Or science in general? It sounds like physics so far.

>> No.1145788

Science in general. But only really basic stuff.

>> No.1145798

Like freezing point in Celsius and Fahrenheit?

>> No.1145802

I was intending it to be physics only at this stage so we can tell what people know about each subject, but if you can suggest an alternative I'm open to suggestions

>> No.1145807

Looks good.

>> No.1145827

I'm probably going to ask you to stick with physics only this time round then

>> No.1145829

I agree. "Science" is too broad a spectrum for four questions. Physics would be nice at this stage. I propose this question:

1. If you release a ball from your hand on the surface of Earth's moon, what happens?

>> No.1145848

>theres no gravity so it dosnt let go LOL

>> No.1145852

>"/sci/ do science Pt. I"?
Oh really? If that's science for you, then you're failing too.

>> No.1145856

well phrased, we may as well go with that& the answers I suggested earlier.

>> No.1145869

I are a splelling expert. don't Disrespect dis

>> No.1145893

So, when do we start?

>> No.1145897

Now we need three more questions. Any input, /sci/?

>> No.1145903


>> No.1145958

first question is online in the format I'll probably keep it there in. Feedback is welcome
some suggestions for questions:

If I'm floating in space and someone 5M away from me claps their hands, can I hear the clap?

What does "atomic mass" mean?

>> No.1145967

simplify to "is there sound in space" and use the other thread for results

>> No.1145990

You should put the acceptable answer underneath the question if it isn't yet(Haven't looked yet).

>> No.1146001

we'll get smart-assery if we ask that, I fear (what about in the ISS etc.) but if you think that's going to work we could try it

>> No.1146059

"what does the 'e' in e=MC^2 stand for?
c)The speed of light
d) None of the above"

also, should I add an "I don't know" option?

>> No.1146060

Isn't atomic mass just the mass of an atom? It seems a bit like a pointless question

>> No.1146068


you should have site editing access, you're better than me at this. If you do want it, email me and I'll grant you it

>> No.1146085

I like that one. Add it. There could be an "e) I don't know", too.

>> No.1146105


>> No.1146106

Well, hotmail is a nigger, so I can't send messages. My e-mail is in the field, now, though, and I'd like editing permission, too.

>> No.1146125


>> No.1146131

>we're going to document public scientific knowledge

That's not what you're doing.

Have fun wasting your time mocking instead of informing/inspiring.

>> No.1146159

So far i like both of the questions posted by OP (ball on moon, E in E=mc^2)
an 'idon'tknow' option is necessary. Also, make sure all questions have the same amount of possible responses, it'll make it much easier to interpret results

another possible question:

What is the spark when two statically charged (reword statically charged to something recognisable to everyone) people touch caused by?

>> No.1146162

please explain how we're not going to document it.

>> No.1146220


>> No.1146222

Let's go with E=MC^2 then

>> No.1146236

So, are our first two questions about sound in space, and e=mc^2?

>> No.1146250

Look here:


>> No.1146256

Don't you think that multiple choice might skew the results in some manner? It adds that element of knowing the answer once you've seen it as an option, as opposed to knowing the correct answer right off the bat.

>> No.1146274

This is true, as was my main complaint. However, 1) if the correct result receives less than 33% we can see that they's trollin'
2)this reduces the work people have to do>the likelihood they'll disconnect or not answer

>> No.1146280

That is a very good point. Maybe just have it in Q & A format on the website and ask "Moon ball ect.." and wait for an answer.

>> No.1146290

put much more gracefully what I failed to say

>> No.1146320

We're going to char the time and day of the stupidest answers right?

>> No.1146325

keep the questions coming, i wanna start this shit

>> No.1146341

Alright, I see that it could be a whole lot easier to analyze results with multiple choice (especially if we really are shooting for 1000 sets). As for another question... How about, "What are the three atomic particles?" Pretty basic knowledge of chemistry right there.

>> No.1146353

this is oriented for physics based questions at the moment, but if you want to put that in the comments we'll definitely consider it (and probably add it; it's good) when we switch to that next

>> No.1146370

Haha, oops. Then how about, "Which of the following types of radiation contains/carries the most energy:

A) Infrared
B) Microwave
C) Ultraviolet
D) Gamma"

>> No.1146385

but can't they all carry the same amount?
I don't know for sure, but that's what I believe to be the case.

>> No.1146395

Er, kinda, under the right circumstances. But for the most part, I thought energy in a wave was inversely proportional to wavelength?

>> No.1146406


It's definitely Gamma rays/waves. By a lot.

>> No.1146428


Isn't the set up for these questions meant to be:
A) Answer A
B) Answer B
C) Answer C
D) None of the above
E) I don't know

>> No.1146433

to frequency, so yes... I think

>> No.1146452

"Is light a wave or a particle?
A. Wave
B. Particle
C. Both
D. None of the above
E. I don't know

>> No.1146460


>> No.1146461

What is the biggest object in the solar system:
A) The Earth
B) The Moon
C) Saturn
D) None of the above
E) I don't know

>> No.1146470

Change "What" to "Which" or change one of the three plausible(You know what I mean) answers for "The Sun"

>> No.1146472

I like this
and this

>> No.1146477

What is believed (by scientists) to be at the center of our galaxy?
A) The Earth
B) The Sun
C) A supermassive black hole
E) I don't know.

Also, when asking the questions, we should probably make it clear that if you don't know the answer, you should answer E.

>> No.1146482


The correct answer is supposed to be D) None of the above

>> No.1146494


>> No.1146497

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1146499

this is good too
I don't know which order these should be in/which should be used. As we have two questions left would you mind voting for whichever you want?

>> No.1146532


I vote for those

>> No.1146542

presumably with the particle one being at the end?

>> No.1146544


I vote for these.

>> No.1146551

I like the wave/particle one, it's better not to focus the entire thing around the solar system, there's so much more to physics.

>> No.1146553

I definitely vote for this. I don't really care about the other, but isn't >>1146461 a bit easy?

>> No.1146570

in a way. It's going to catch out people who aren't thinking though

>> No.1146592

I agree. Perhaps we could have something involving basic newtonian mechanics? Like, "If a bicyclist hits a stationary car at 15 miles an hour, which what will happen?

A) The bicyclist will stop and the car will be moved (significantly) in the direction the bicyclist was headed.
B) The car will stay (mostly) still and the bicyclist will bounce off of it. And hurt him/herself.
C) Both the car and the bicyclist will move significantly away from one another.
E) I don't know."

Does inertia count as newtonian mechanics?

>> No.1146595

problem with 4."Is light a wave or a particle?

A,B,&C are ALL valid answers.

>> No.1146600

we could do "which of these best defines light waves?"

>> No.1146612

the problem with this is that it seems more like common sense than physics to many people

>> No.1146622

Change it to this:

"Is light a wave or a particle?
A. Wave only.
B. Particle only.
C. Both.
D. None of the above.
E. I don't know."

>> No.1146640

done. This is now question four. The slot is open for 2 OR 3 now, and then we'll be good to go

>> No.1146645

If all of the questions will be in multiple choice format, wouldn't it be easier to compile the data if it were entered and stored in a database somewhere?

If so, I could volunteer to write the frontend. Only thing that is needed is a database, and somewhere to store script files, like PHP.

>> No.1146649


Yeah, true.

>> No.1146676

we could do "which of these best defines light waves?"

>best defines light waves?"
>light waves?

I'm glad you're not the only one defining the questions ;)

>> No.1146698

Sorry, all I know is basic HTML and (very) basic java. It's probably best if we stick with this format for now, then switch to a google spreadsheet version of our data when we get more categories. Great suggestion though, if you want to email me I'll contact you if we do get hold of a server.

>> No.1146701

it would be good to have a short sentence which explains the correct answer to each of the questions. Also, we should change the opening statement to 'a few short questions' rather than just 'some questions'

Finally, add a quick way to ask their ASL without sounding like we're on omegle searching for girls to cam with

>> No.1146705

this is the second time I've done this. Well done me

>> No.1146708

If you'd like to volunteer a domain, I've got unlimited hosting for 2 years, and I'm pretty sure I can use all the domains I want.

>> No.1146721

I choose this for question number three.

>> No.1146724


would a .co.cc be alright? I have a 4 letter .net somewhere, but I accidentally the whole logon details

>> No.1146727

Er, I don't know; I assume so. I'm just checking the details now...

>> No.1146740

And it looks like, as long as you own the domain, it'll work.

>> No.1146774

Well, I suppose I could write a sort of compilation script for the questions. You specify the question number, and the answer given. It then logs it in the database, and there will be another page that shows various stats, percentages, etc. I suppose the contents of that can be discussed.

>> No.1146788

If you're going to give them a multiple choice question, ask them to explain their answer.

>> No.1146801

Wait, couldn't we just use a google apps "Form"?

>> No.1146818

Don't feel obliged to, but if you did that would be brilliant.

If you want to register the domain that will probably be easiest, but if you want to email me I can reply with the login details

>> No.1146829

Don't ask yes or no questions such as "is there sound in space"? If you aren't going to ask them to explain their answer.

>> No.1146835

I already sent a mail, so you should have my address. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to register a domain at the moment, so...

Who was it that had the hosting deal?

>> No.1146837

You know someone could just quickly google the questions.

>> No.1146847

we could do...

...but it's pretty hard to log that kind of result in a useful way

>> No.1146858

just what I was thinking

>> No.1146864


What do you suggest we do about this?

>> No.1146874

i doubt anyone really cares about impressing a stranger that much...

>> No.1146879

Just ask them to be honest?
Otherwise, discard all results with 4 correct answers -- we'll probably lose more cheaters than actual results.

>> No.1146880

But it might introduce inconsistencies in the survey. Probably won't matter too much, I suppose.

>> No.1146886

Tell that it is being timed, and if they Google any answers their results will not count towards the collective results. Don't actually time it though.

>> No.1146890

So are we doing a website for the whole thing, or are we just going to catalog answers on our own?

>> No.1146893

just post in this thread how many answers they got right

>> No.1146903

No, just post which ones they got right and which ones they answered incorrectly.

>> No.1146908

No, post what their answer (a, b, c, d, or e) was to each question.

>> No.1146904 [DELETED] 

And who compiles that? It's not much of a survey if the acquired information isn't recorded.

>> No.1146909

almost 30% of the world is diagnosed as being narcissistic

>> No.1146916

But there was tons of talk about an automated PHP version of this.

>> No.1146918

this sounds like it would work

>> No.1146922

I'm volunteering to make it, I just need somewhere to put it. Someone also mentioned that they had hosting space, so I'm waiting for that.

>> No.1146947

I have to contact OP for the domain name details first.

>> No.1146956

Alright, then I know that it's on the move. I suppose I'll start on the script.

>> No.1146964

Returned email, getting an address now

>> No.1146966

bumping, when can i get started?

>> No.1146997

Will all questions have 5 choices? Just wondering if I have to adapt the script to support more or less.

>> No.1147004

The all have 5.

>> No.1147052

it's a me

if you check the website https://sites.google.com/site/4chansci/q it tells you to upload your results. If this doesn't work, please copy them into the comments, which should. Let's go!

>> No.1147070

According to the Big Bang Theory the universe is constantly expanding, what's it expanding into though? I personally don't believe in the Big Big, for that reason as well as others but yeah. That is my question to you....and if you went passed the point of expansion what would you be entering?

>> No.1147073

uh-oh, this isn't working. Keep uploading, I'll try changing things

>> No.1147118

Back up plan:

results go in

http://drop.io/scidoscience/ for now, will be transferred by me to alternative medium later

>> No.1147122

could you remove the quotations from the questions, i have to keep deleting them every time i copy & paste, kinda annoying. Also, change it to 'a few quick questions'

>> No.1147130


>> No.1147148

b, c, c, c, says yes to formal education, 19 m india

>> No.1147189

shove them in >>1147118
if you can, thanks

>> No.1147196

are we not bothering with ASL then?

>> No.1147211

if you get an incomplete answer, log it anyway (download the omegle page then upload it) and I'll use them for the overall figures

>> No.1147219

it's at the bottom of the page

>> No.1147235

I don't see how we're supposed to upload it. Every time I try to download the Omegle chat it opens it in Firefox and that's it. I just copy and pasted it into notepad. Would that work?

>> No.1147251


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1147268

sure. I think you probably have it set to open automatically, which would make it do this, but if you check your downloads folder the files should be there.

>> No.1147370

Okay i made an Excel for easy Data Collection where should i upload.

>> No.1147409

emailing the man with hosting now

>> No.1147416

Okay, OP, just go to google docs, click "new", choose "form", put the questions in. At the bottom, there'll be a link. People can answer the questions at this link, and, here's the best part, it all gets put into a spreadsheet from there. (Go to results > spreadsheet, I think.)

>> No.1147424

Interesting point raised by some smart ass ijust spoke to. He answered NOTA to the ball on moon question. I asked him what i thought would happen, he said 'it would explode' at first i was like LOL. Then he explained that a ball is full of air, and the moon's atmosphere is close to a vacuum, so the pressure of the air inside the ball would tear it apart.

I can see no flaw to this logic. In light of this revelation, the wording should be changed to 'a solid ball'

>> No.1147430

I suppose any kind of upload method is fine, until the database is set up. It can be compiled when done.

>> No.1147436


>> No.1147464

but the remenants would all fall to the moon's surface

>> No.1147466

Could someone post all the questions at once?

>> No.1147474


>> No.1147492


>> No.1147544


>> No.1147571

Unlikely, although the supposition behind that idea is sound. First its assuming the ball is air tight, and not simply a hollow container. Assuming that, to explode it would have to be several atmospheres higher in pressure compared to the moons 0. If its a ball from earth, then I imagine the pressure inside would probably be 1 atmosphere or there about. The gas inside would expand, but not with enough force to cause all but the most absurdly fragile of balls to explode. Even assuming the gas would expand is complicated, as the balls elastic skin probably helps to contain some internal pressure, similar to human skin when exposed to vacuum.

>> No.1147575

You can view the published form here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEMxWWlBWmFMWFBRUWxOam0xaWZZUUE6MQ

>> No.1147596

fill this in instead of posting in the drop. And yes, this is the FINAL arrangement for this version of the survey (ie the physics one)

thanks for your help

>> No.1147611

Make new thread now, so people wont have to scroll throught this entire thread to know what's goin down

>> No.1147617


I doubt many people at all would know the answer for no. 4 if they have no science background or interest in science. Same goes for 3, although I suspect most will at least be able to conclude its not the sun or the earth :P. No. 2 is practically common knowledge, and No. 1 should be easy to work out.

What are you expecting the average dunce to get? 2 out of 4?

>> No.1147664

I'm not expecting much at all, just curious as to the results

is the new thread. No longer going to post in this one.

>> No.1147665


Any remarks? Links not functional, just an initial template for the pages.