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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11453942 No.11453942 [Reply] [Original]

What is the profession that rides the line between pseudo quakery and science?

hard mode: no economics or psychology

>> No.11453958

>What is the profession that rides the line between pseudo quakery and science?

>> No.11453961
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>> No.11453965

you mean earth astrology

>> No.11454026


>> No.11454150


>> No.11454263
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> pseudo quakery


>> No.11454277

>Furries ruin everything.

>> No.11454307

Yea, that picture really worried me. Furries have gained enough acceptance to have such statues be made and displayed as art.

>> No.11454364

wow, that's horrible, near-harmless things getting acceptance

good thing 4chan never will do so, right?

>> No.11454392

I work in the LED lighting industry. There's a lot of "this combination of frequencies at this time of day helps people feel a certain way" . It's all based on cherry picking poorly controlled unreproduced psychology studies. The trade shows feel almost like astrology conventions sometimes.

>> No.11454421


>> No.11454422

medicine and pharmacology

>> No.11454441

Theoretical physics

>> No.11454444

It's like the monkeys writing shakespeare. Train enough uberautists in mathematics and if you wait long enough one of them will accidentally come up with sime complex equations that fit the real world in a novel way. But you have a lot of gibberish that has to be thrown out and you have a lot of gibberish that the autists will worship because they dont understand the difference between mathematics and reality.

>> No.11454526

Education. Every new "theory" is someone trying to sell you something. Still an important field though.

>> No.11454538
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>> No.11454552

>Twisting peoples' sexuality towards animals is harmless

Don't have sex.

>> No.11454567

That statue isn't sexy to regular furfags who like anthro stuff, feralfags who like anatomically correct stuff, or scalefags who like that general shape but with horns, scales, claws and usually wings.
It's like a bizarre mishmash of conflicting styles plus a big dollop of uncanny valley. The guy who made it is probably just a contrarian weirdo.

>> No.11454578

I think it's just pushing the overton window.

I could see a portion of all the sub-fetishes you listed who have reached the point they need something 'new' flocking to something like that statue.

>> No.11454598


>> No.11454676
File: 125 KB, 677x500, Leda_-_after_Michelangelo_Buonarroti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pushing the overton window
Oh god forbid artists make something that challenges your world view.
>they need something 'new' flocking to something like that statue.
Not a chance. It's difficult to explain to you because I know you have no bearings in this area, but just know that nobody is flocking to that abomination.

>> No.11454818

>delusional furfag thinks he knows the minds of all furfags

I browsed /d/ for years. People will masturbate to the weirdest shit. And then they look for weirder.

But maybe you should just die of autoeroticasphyxiation

>> No.11454831


>> No.11454833

how so

>> No.11454839

Education is all quackery though.

>> No.11454851
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I am into pedagogy

could you explain further

>> No.11454852

Easy, geology.
>interpreting rocks

>> No.11454875

>relativity benign stature
>give it extra clothing
>suddenly it is lewd
How does this work

>> No.11454884

definitely psychiatry. even psychology is more grounded. I'm not against it, it just has an extremely far way to go.

>> No.11454889

you just won congratulations

>> No.11454947

>/d/fag thinks everyone is as desperate for a coom as him

>> No.11454948


And when I imagined GECG, I tought it would be only ears.

>> No.11454983

On one hand, you have brainlets who think they can assume everything follows a normal distrib or that 4 is an acceptable sample size to draw any worthwhile conclusions from. Or scientific frauds who will repeat a hypothesis test as many times as they need to get the p value they want all for the sake of publishing a paper. On the other hand, you have quants and finance math people who have figured out how to make millions a year from virtually nothing other than empirical data (Black-Scholes is one of the most beautiful pieces of applied math IMO). Very strange dichotomy.

>> No.11455539


>> No.11455559

Look up Teraurge thank me later

>> No.11455744

A true man of taste.

>> No.11455757

Medical doctor

>> No.11455760

Is the science in plants and absorption spectrum garbage too?

>> No.11455775

>Pseudo quakery
Magic? You mean magic?
Any science taken to extremis...will inevitably lead you there.

>> No.11456280

No that's solid. How well plants are growing can be objectively measured. People's feelings not so much.

>> No.11456335

Criminally underrated

>> No.11456412


>> No.11456864


>> No.11456877

Honestly pretty much every field has a large faction of just total quackery. Ecology and Environmental engineering have some very capable individuals and then they also have people who will swear that we're all going to die because of a Matlab extrapolation model they can't explain. Control systems engineering has people who are beyond brilliant and can design some incredibly elegant systems of adaptive feedback control, and then a shit ton of people who just throw the words "Machine learning" and "Neural Network" at everything and expect that people's eyes will glaze over before their incompetence becomes apparent.