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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11453914 No.11453914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically explain the purpose of suicide.

>> No.11453922

Oh, what's that? You brainlets don't have the answer? Hahahaha

>> No.11453925

To kill yourself

>> No.11453928

I said /sci/entifically explain you fucking idiot

>> No.11453952

One of the rare instances where the apuposter is cringe and retarded.

>> No.11453970

Ur mom gay

>> No.11453977
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>> No.11453980


>> No.11453985

Ur face gay

>> No.11453998

No u

>> No.11454010

Locally (individually), to end pain
Some might argue it helps society to avoid wasting resources
But there's another purpose which is often overlooked, it can also act as a signal that something's not quite right and bring awareness of a problem (e.g. trannies, result: eugenics to prevent them from breeding)

>> No.11454018
File: 26 KB, 360x450, Oh_ho_hoe_sangweenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hohoho, you might be on to something my brainlet friend

>> No.11454022


>> No.11454024
File: 53 KB, 500x567, Devilish_dfec03_6238404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't, I'm not the tranny here

>> No.11454047

life is full of mechanisms by which organisms choose to remove themselves from the group if they fail. Your cells commit suicide when something goes wrong with them. This is evolutionarily beneficial.

>> No.11454050 [DELETED] 

It happens when people are alienated from their aesthetic sensibilities.

>> No.11454055

It happens when people are alienated from their aesthetic sensibilities.

>> No.11454057
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Cells can think for themselves!? Cells are sentient!?

>> No.11454060

That better be a womans ass

>> No.11454088

which ends individual suffering and serves as a signal to others, proving >>11454010 right

>> No.11454100

That extends further from the individual though.

>> No.11454107

Societies where the genetic failures kill themselves instead of raping females are better eugenically and genes which enable these kinds of societies get proliferated.

>> No.11454120

why wouldn't it?

>> No.11454121

>suicidal feelings are symptomatic of genetic inferiority
>enough genetically inferior people will kill themsevles to positively influence the wider gene pool
You're wrong on both counts.

>> No.11454137


>> No.11454249

That better be a mans ass