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11449402 No.11449402 [Reply] [Original]

What are the likely scientific "inventions" and "discoveries" 2020s has in store for us?

>> No.11449421

Sex robots

>> No.11449425

>What are the likely scientific "inventions" and "discoveries" 2020s has in store for us?
Personal quantum computers

>> No.11449426

Sex phones

>> No.11449431

forced gender reassignment to quell the incel uprising

>> No.11449436

a system that delivers iPads to people across the country named ‘Jerry’

>> No.11449453

Robots will pass the turing test.
VR will come with a body suit with an interactive stimulation hardware.
Elon Musk will invent a brain chip that grows with you and hooks up with the internet.
Peptides and probiotics will be prescribed more often.
Boomers and zoomers will learn to love each other.

>> No.11449454

revolution in physics that proves telepathy and esp

>> No.11449462

>Peptides and probiotics will be prescribed more often.
This. Also phage therapy will be common.

>> No.11449469

Sex physics

>> No.11449485

aids and sex robots

>> No.11449492

Embryo gene screening

>> No.11449501

What does that look like? Also checked.

>> No.11449511

Science and tech are in decline, so probably not much. LHC shot its wad, and no new accelerators will be up and running in this decade, so another lost decade for physics. In tech we'll continue to see incremental improvements in smart phones and car backup cameras.

>> No.11449517

When will the hypersexualization of society be stopped?

>> No.11449526

Don't discourage it. People with high IQ have poor mating strategies in terms of evolutionary advantage and they need all the help that can get. >one kid? pssh get replaced with a plethora of low-tier genes.

>> No.11449571

Net output fusion reactors

>> No.11449744

based and checkpilled

>> No.11451834

I fucking wish. My god, I fucking wish.

Might be able to do at least somthing with aging and/or human DNA maybe?

Truly intuitive programming languages? Truly intuitive and simple languages for humans?

Solar panels that are economically worth making?

Efficient and reliable planned economy algorithms? Efficient and reliable and actually good fully computerized education?

First steps into neural interfaces?

At least some of the above would be nice. Never forget, though: every day has a nonzero chance of someone cracking AGI. Then, all bets might be off.

>> No.11451844

poopoo and peepee butt cleaning device

>> No.11451854

Maybe 2030s



Actually plausible if things keep going in the direction they are


We have this now.

We have this now

Possible but unlikely

>> No.11451878

Well I found out a way to Well multiple things Trap a single higgs boson on And also how to a make a new alloy but somebody made me a Fellon because they sentd a hitman on me And I'm waiting till this is over

>> No.11451895

When we stop being the same hairless apes that we were 50000 years ago. Don't hold your breath.

>> No.11451907

Honesly, I think a new scientific direction would be in devices that will actively scan and research their surroundings, for example:

We have the corona disease, so a device you put on your jacket and who can analyse its surroundings to detect if someone is sick, has an elevated body temperature, or if a surface is dirtier then normal would be beneficial.

Equally, a security app, that checks faces and body language for agression and starts recording would be useful.

Or an app that checks the sunshine and tells you when you risk being burned, or just a generic health app that could tell you what ails you.

That might be a things that could slowly develop.

>> No.11452451

They will discover there is no difference between a man and woman's brains
They will discover a gene in Africans that says they're smart but it's inhibited when introduced to mean people
They will come up with all new toilets that fit all 151 genders

What an amazing time for science. Glad we could get our priorities straight and face the real issues of mankind.

>> No.11452456

Fuck, I said "man"kind. Someone kick me in the balls and make me apologize to an effigy of Rosie O'Donnell

>> No.11452607


>> No.11452637

>Efficient and reliable planned economy algorithms?
Sorry mate, but I don't think we'll be able to solve such massive nonlinear problems any time soon.

>> No.11452657
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>> No.11453679

I mean, I suspect that now, with the awesome powers of machine learning, online data gathering, online polling and online feedback, machines already can do economy at least a little better than a bunch of semi-random people running around pursuing unbounded self-intrest, armed with shitty heuristics and limited information, often acting against each other, themselves, their workers, their clients, or the economy as a whole.
Obviously we can't really hope for optimal solutions any time soon, but the ones we have now are so beyond suboptimal that even a very approximate program has a shot at being better.

(I am aware of many, many problems in actually implementing those algortithms though - from ensuring security and transparency of the program to handling the transition without a civil war. Having them would be a great thing regardless.)

>> No.11453880
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Until the Jews and their utterly diabolical plans are stopped.


>> No.11454486

Read about the economic calculation problem.

>> No.11454489

No, incel, you will die alone. Nobody will ever love you.

>> No.11454494

This the correct answer

>> No.11455981

sounds kinda cool

>> No.11455985

Two (2!) of the millenium problems will be solved by 2030

>> No.11456021
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Craft using an inertial mass reduction device

>> No.11456058

There's discoveries all the time, it's just that you won't hear about the current discoveries for another few years as they are either classified, company secrets held against their competition or researchers keeping it secret so they can be the first.
Another reason is media don't report on stuff because they don't release its significance or thinks their audience won't understand it.

>> No.11456065

When companies or academocs present at conferences, the information is already at least a year old.
Which is why big iq is required as an individual to even keep up with companies as you have to independently discover better or the same thing

>> No.11456090
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>implying it isn't already being stopped

>> No.11457501

It's "there are", not "there's", you illiterate retard.

>> No.11457525

We will be dead by the end of the year

>> No.11457548

Even BIGGER phones!
Computers will be slightly faster!
An algorithm that curates porn it thinks you will like!
New think tank results just came in, space travel bad, endless consumerism good!

>> No.11457579
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and not long until they wont work anymore.
FDA already allows Mutts to spray their "meat" with phages