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11439957 No.11439957[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>The influence of COVID-19 on the human body is like a combination of SARS and AIDS as it damages both the lungs and immune systems

>> No.11439961

is it safe to say now that this is a bio weapon?

>> No.11440004

No. Several scientists have spoken out against this and public opinion is virulently opposed to the idea. A simple Google search reveals many articles dismissing the idea as ridiculous and dangerous. I'd personally put it at a 1/10 chance of being a bioweapon. The only other likelihood is that it was released from the lab accidentally. In any case, I don't buy the official line of it having originated from the food market.

>> No.11440027

It's just hard to believe in just 2 months a virus has spread to almost every country on Earth just from some guy eating a bat.

>> No.11440047

Literally every pandemic influenza has been at least partially zoonotic in origin. An argument from mental retardation and ignorance isn't very convincing.

>> No.11440065

>public opinion is virulently opposed to the idea

Why would this be relevant? The public are morons burying their heads in the sand who think nothing bad can ever happen.

>> No.11440076

if it was a bio weapon don't you think nations would be jumping at the chance to play the blame-game?

>> No.11440090

and possible start WW3? no, i don't think so.

>> No.11440096

And offend the China?

>> No.11440111
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>> No.11440196

Proof missing
Sage and OP is a brainlet

>> No.11440214

Want there a there a thread a while ago that confirmed it was from a lab? There was an infographic

>> No.11440225

It's not hard to believe at all. Get used to it, it's the globalised world we live in now so this shit will become more frequent.

>> No.11440254


>> No.11440260

>be virgin
>get AIDS anyway

It's not fair!

>> No.11440266

makes me want to go to Mars, one day I will leave the smelly melting pot known as Earth and never look back.

>> No.11440279

Clam down Elon.

>> No.11440450

>moron just ends up bringing the plague to Mars

>> No.11440466

i got into an argument with my parents, my brother, and EVEN a handful of my friends over prepping

I fucking hate them all so fucking much, everybody is a shit for brains moron except for me, unironically

>> No.11440659

If even the chinese communist propaganda paper admits it's basically Airborne AIDS, I think we can be pretty much certain that's what it is.

>> No.11440667
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I live close to Barrie, Ontario. Should I stock up and prepare for the worst? What should I stock up on?

>> No.11440673

post sorse

>> No.11440680

Source ops mom

>> No.11440727
File: 748 KB, 1440x1440, previewfile_874012108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coronavirus panic is retarded.

It has a 3% death rate, not accounting for the fact that the most infected countries are third world shitholes like China and Iran, and that most people with mild cases probably don't even realize they have it, aren't going to the hospitals, so they fly under the radar.

For comparison, ordinary flu has a 0.9% to 0.1% death rate.
400,000 - 600,000 people DIE from ordinary flu worldwide every year. Mostly elderly people and those with other medical conditions (just like the Corona victims, gasp!)

Once Corona spreads worldwide and 2/3rds of the population had it, (and it inevitably will happen), the death rate will be reassessed and will most likely go down to 1% or less.

This is what happened with Swine Flu, which ended up being LESS dangerous than common flu. Once the people with mild cases not going to hospitals was assessed the death rate went down from 10% to 0.09%.

Nobody will remember corona in a year.
Financial bears will have made huge profits betting against the market. Fearmongering media will have another clickbait cow to milk. The uninformed journalists will never apologize nor recant. The conspiracytards will have something new to rant about rather than look back because of the Dunning-Kruger effect, they lack self-awareness.

Screencap this post.

>> No.11440775

>the death rate will be reassessed and will most likely go down to 1% or less.
I've already seen some papers that have models predicting just this. Not the horseman of pestilence that some expect, but enough for the media to milk it for clicks for a while.

>> No.11440782

>most infected countries are third world shitholes like China and Iran, and that most people with mild cases probably don't even realize they have it, aren't going to the hospitals, so they fly under the radar.
>South Korea

>> No.11440810
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Add the numbers from China and Iran.

What does it give you? The majority of cases. China is skewing the "global" death rate because, by far, most cases are there. Actual death rate outside of China (even including Iran) is 0.7%


>> No.11440815

npc damage control so blatant i have a feeling it's satire

>> No.11440816
File: 35 KB, 784x664, world-coronavirus-totals-01292020 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, one only has to project this chart i to the future.

Deaths increasing at a linear rate and cases increasing exponentially = Less deaths/cases

>> No.11440833

I thought NPCs were the ones following the media narrative? Media narrative ATM is to panic, so I guess you would be the NPC here.

Try to get your own memes right, /pol/nigger.

>> No.11440835

>cases with a lot of deaths are skewing the death rate
this so much this. The death rate is actually like 0.000042% if you count all humans it's probably closer to 0% if you don't count all the deaths.

>> No.11440853
File: 51 KB, 712x360, world-life-expectancy-map- (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of "China is a third world country with shit healthcare" aren't you getting?

>> No.11440915

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11440946

media narrative is just more "stay calm, carry on" if they are ever bothering to mention it at all

>> No.11440964

I have asthma, if I get it I die despite only being 25, fuck you

>> No.11441010

>Financial bears will have made huge profits betting against the market.
Don't forget businesses pulling out of China in panic and selling everything that can't be easily relocated for pittance. It's such a terrible, terrible happenstance.

>> No.11441011

that's just natural selection at work anon.

>> No.11441024
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good time to stop smoking to try and heal up and get somewhat stronger

>> No.11441029

Checked and based

>> No.11441041

>sequencing the genome revealed it ends in 33 a's
>literally named Corona
imagine believing this is not man made

>> No.11441043

>Fearmongering media will have another clickbait cow to milk.
despite repeating continuously it is just 'the flu'?

>> No.11441074


>> No.11441077

Based smug INTJ animeposter

>> No.11441080

fuck off chelly

>> No.11441084

Thats only if you are young and no other health issues
If you have asthma or COPD you are as good as dead

>> No.11441087

More likely shitty lab practice that allowed the virus to get outside lab tests.

>> No.11441133

No, if you are young and have no health issues the death rate is closer to 0%. Most of the dead had health issues or were elderly.

>> No.11441146
File: 19 KB, 842x147, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why does this sound like the Shadow virus.


If so then there is a coating that can be sprayed into the lungs to prevent infection temporarily.

>> No.11441209

Yes thats exactly what I said
>health issues
What is asthma, what is COPD?

I literally said exactly what you said fucking mongoloid

>> No.11441218

>if you are young and have no health issues

Are you retarded?

>> No.11441221

This all implies vitamin E acetate which is causing vaping illness should give some moderate covid-19 protection.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.11441245

No, you claimed that the global rate of 3% was actually for healthy people alone and that people with underlying conditions had a 100% death rate. This is false. Healthy people are barely affected. People with underlying conditions are at higher risk, but many recover. (Obviously depending on the condition)

3% is for everybody. It's the global rate.
(So far)

So don't cofound the stats with your bullshit claims and then get mad when you get corrected, fucktard.

>> No.11441254

>is like
^That tells you this is meaningless sensationalism.

>> No.11441259

3% is for everybody but if you are young AND have lung disease then it is much much much higher.

If you have asthma or COPD and you get it you are as good as gone no matter how young and healthy you are

>> No.11441261

By the way, your "all people with asthma are as good as dead" claim is also bullshit, you stupid nigger.

>Allergic diseases, asthma and COPD are not risk factors for SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Elderly age, high number of comorbidities and more prominent laboratory abnormalities were associated with severe patients.

>At this time, little is known about how the coronavirus affects people with asthma. One study of 140 cases showed no link to asthma.

>> No.11441279

lmao now this is some top tier disinfo

>> No.11441303

>For comparison, ordinary flu has a 0.9% to 0.1% death rate.
that's shitty third world death rate, its less than .02% in the US.

The problem is we can treat the flu effectively, we CAN'T treat this effectively.

>> No.11441313

>Not the horseman of pestilence
not relevant, but I hate this shit. ITS NOT FUCKING REAL.

Pestilence isn't in the bible its bullshit pop culture stuff made up because people get confused by conquest and go "DURR but that's like war!"

>> No.11441314

I've have asthma and have had pneumonia twice, suck it up pussy.

>> No.11441326

Remember back in the days when they were showing all those exponential growth plots that seemed to show 50+% mortality? Now that we have a lot more data, it's weird that they decided it's on 2-3% mortality but the charts all disappeared.

>> No.11441341

I've had pneumonia 3 times!
Only more reason to be concerned about getting corona you retard.
If the flu gives me pneumonia corona will also, but much much worse

>> No.11441350

Better lock yourself inside for about 3 months.

>> No.11441455

that is the source. globaltimes is owned by the chinese communist party

3% is with treatment. 15%need oxygen, 5% need a ventilator. this is from china, in the west it might be worse (obese people are rumored to be hit the worst). china isn't third world, it might as well be the world top when it comes to technology available.
you cannot divide the number of deaths by the number of infected. Many of the infected are yet to die and the numbers are rising exponentially.
no idea what media you read, so far they have been trying to downplay it as much as possible.
obesity counts as a health issue
3% is fof everyone when you have enough capacity to put about the 20% in hospitals. no western country has anywhere close enough hospital capacity for that. everything is "optimized" for as little spare capacity as possible to save money.

>> No.11441545

Flu Infections: 6 Million
Flu Deaths: 600,000
1% Mortality Rate

CV infections: 90,000
CV Death: 3,000
2% Mortality Rate

Transmission rate is slower.

>> No.11441551

How is that hard to believe?

>> No.11441558

Guns and ammo

>> No.11441649

>that's shitty third world death rate, its less than .02% in the US.
Well Corona is mostly in China so we are dealing with third world death rates so far. Coronavirus outside of China has a 0.7% death rate, putting it in line with the common flu. The comparison is apt.

>The problem is we can treat the flu effectively, we CAN'T treat this effectively.
No shit. It's a new virus.

Remdesivir seems to be effective against it. More treatments and guidelines will be coming in the next few months. We are literally seeing a repeat of the swine flu hysteria.

>> No.11441672

there's not gonna be a world war no matter how much you zoomies want it.

>> No.11441686
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>3% is with treatment. 15%need oxygen, 5% need a ventilator.
Yes, all numbers bound to increase and then come down as the real ratio of death-to-sick people is found out. By the way it has spread you can bet your ass that the number of sick people is severely underreported, and very difficult to accurately gauge.

>this is from china, in the west it might be worse
Outside China it's a 0.7% death rate so far.

>china isn't third world
Yes it is, it is an underdeveloped / middle income country with an HDI, GDP per capita and life expectancy on par with Brazil and an infant mortality rate on par with Turkey.

>it might as well be the world top when it comes to technology available.
That's not accessible to the wider population. You can have the best medical technology in the world but if your entire infraestructure is not up to par, if you don't have enough doctors and hospital beds per capita and so on, then it doesn't matter. See pic.

>Many of the infected are yet to die
So far there doesn't seem to be any indication that most infected people are getting worse, quite the contrary. 49,000 out of 80,000 infected are fully recovered. The remainder includes a majority of mild cases.

Indeed, in China the number of recoveries surpasses the number of new infections.

>so far they have been trying to downplay
Have you been living under a rock?
Coronavirus is all the media has been talking about for the past three months. They take routine statements from WHO and magnify them into terrifying headlines. And it's not just in my country, in the States, Trump even had to call them out on it.


>obesity counts as a health issue
Do you actually have a study that shows the death rate for obesity? Put up or shut up. Enough grasping at straws.

>> No.11441687

I have thought about that possibility as well. Bioweapon or not, I cannot imagine somebody won't want to try to abuse the situation once the US descends into chaos.

>> No.11441688

>3% is fof everyone when you have enough capacity to put about the 20% in hospitals
China never had the capacity to begin with. That's why they've been scrambling to build hospitals around the clock. They are already at over capacity.

>> No.11441706

>Outside China it's a 0.7% death rate so far.
in Korea/Japan, ot the west. the west has no resources to fight this.
>Yes it is, it is an underdeveloped / middle income country
China is the global manufacturing hub, and had several shittons of equipmeng lying around. No western country has that.
>but if your entire infraestructure is not up to par,
retarded/ignorant argument. If China is good at anything, it's infrastructure.
>Have you been living under a rock?
All the media do everything to hide how serious it really is. It's far worse than they say it is. abput one fifth needs to go to hospital. About one in 20 is in serious condition. Some of the "moderate" (who seemingly don't need to be hospitalized) cases suddenly start to suffocate. Trump is a retard.
>Do you actually have a study that shows the death rate for obesity?
I wouldn't call it rumors if I did. You cannot expect concrete data until the disease affects countries where obesity is common.

>> No.11441708

I have asthma and got flu pneumonia twice already. Only once was it bad because i didnt check into the hospital fast enough. Corona merely facilitates it.

>> No.11441755
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>in Korea/Japan, ot the west. the west has no resources to fight this.
What makes Korea and Japan so special as compared to the West? Same development level, life expectancy, etc.

And no, the 0.7% rate is not just Korea and Japan, it also includes Europe, Iran, etc.

>China is the global manufacturing hub, and had several shittons of equipmeng lying around. No western country has that.
Western countries (or South Korea and Japan) already have the medical infraestructure in place, they don't need to scramble to build it overnight for damage control.

>retarded/ignorant argument. If China is good at anything, it's infrastructure.
lol no it's not.

Like I said China has the same life expectancy as Brazil. Its medical infraestructure is shit. There aren't enough doctors or hospital beds per capita. Not enough hospitals. Healthcare access is deficient and corrupt. It's still a backwards, developing country. Don't be fooled by its huge size, due to China being so large you have some cities along the coast with very little poverty that are completely First World, but you also have backwards shitholes in the interior that look like they belong in Africa.

>All the media do everything to hide how serious it really is. It's far worse than they say it is. abput one fifth needs to go to hospital. About one in 20 is in serious condition.
All of which happened under Swine Flu because the number of cases are underreported. Once this is taken into account then that "one in twenty" will change to "one in a hundred". See pic.

>Trump is a retard.
He is, but he is also right on this particular situation.

>I wouldn't call it rumors if I did.
Then it's just speculation. Yes obesity is a risk factor on most diseases, including the common flu for that matter. That's a far cry from saying shit like "if are fat you will die, if you have asthma you will die".
Very little substance to all this scaremongering once you scratch under the surface.

>> No.11441769
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>Once Corona spreads worldwide and 2/3rds of the population have it and all healthcare systems are strained past capacity fewer people will actually die you guys

>> No.11441781

>What makes Korea and Japan so special as compared to the West? Same development level, life expectancy, etc.
Culture of responsibility, rather than the opposite. Willingness to spend on things just becaue they may be needed, even if they won't be used 100% of the time. Double the amount of hospital beds compared to almost any western country
>And no, the 0.7% rate is not just Korea and Japan, it also includes Europe, Iran, etc.
Which Europe? Italy curently has 3089 cases, 107 dead, 276 recovered. Where is your 0.7%?
>Western countries (or South Korea and Japan) already have the medical infraestructure in place, they don't need to scramble to build it overnight for damage control.
>There aren't enough doctors or hospital beds per capita. Not enough hospitals.
They had to build them becaue fucking 20% infected need to be hospitalized. China has significantly more beds per capita than the US. No western country has hospitals ready that can handle that.
>All of which happened under Swine Flu because the number of cases are underreported. Once this is taken into account then that "one in twenty" will change to "one in a hundred". See pic.
No it won't, the 20% is with that already taken into account.
>That's a far cry from saying shit like "if are fat you will die, if you have asthma you will die".
That's not what I said, I said the mortality will most likely be worse than in Asia.

>> No.11441788

The flu does not have a 1%mortality rate

>> No.11441799

Why are people calculating the mortality rate with deaths/total cases, doesn’t it need to be deaths/deaths+total recovered?

>> No.11441892
File: 106 KB, 719x544, Polish_20200305_095111783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Culture of responsibility, rather than the opposite. Willingness to spend on things just becaue they may be needed, even if they won't be used 100% of the time.
This reeks of weeaboo cope. Preparedness is also a thing in the West.

>Double the amount of hospital beds compared to almost any western country
So suddenly hospital beds matter? You are only proving my point. If China, with much less hospital beds per capita than Europe, and a third of Japan, has a measly 3% death rate not accounting for asyntomatic cases then Westerners shouldn't be that worried.

>Which Europe?
The rate of 0.7% is the global rate outside of China which includes everything from Finland to Iran. How is this hard to understand?

>Italy curently has 3089 cases, 107 dead, 276 recovered. Where is your 0.7%?
So that means Italy's rate is actually lower - a 0.3% death rate - which is better than the RoW average of 0.7%.
Again as expected.

Can you into Math?

>China has significantly more beds per capita than the US.
False. See pic.
Also the US is a bit of a laggard in this particular respect. Most of Europe has significantly more beds per capita than China.

>No western country has hospitals ready that can handle that.
False again.

>No it won't, the 20% is with that already taken into account.
That is only calculated based on detected cases. You can't calculate something there is no data for. Asymptomatic cases are not being taken into account, and it's reasonable to assume - as in the beginning of every flu outbreak - that most of them remain undetected since they are, you know, asymptomatic.

It's also telling that nearly all asymptomatic cases were detected OUTSIDE of China, it shows the deficiencies of the Chinese healthcare system when it comes to detection of the disease.

>That's not what I said, I said the mortality will most likely be worse than in Asia.
Based on what?
The data contradicts you.

>> No.11441905


>> No.11441907

>This reeks of weeaboo cope. Preparedness is also a thing in the West.
No it isn't. It glorifies irresponsibility. Nothing is getting prepared.
>So suddenly hospital beds matter?
I never said they didn't. There is not enough spare beds in the west.
>The rate of 0.7% is the global rate outside of China
Where are you getting that number from? The official numbers tell otherwise.
>So that means Italy's rate is actually lower - a 0.3% death rate
How do you get 0.3% from that? 107/3089=3.5%, and that could be considered a conservative number. A lot of the infected are yet to die.
>False. See pic.
Darker = more beds. China is darker than the US.
>False again.
Link to any country building emergency hospitals.
> Asymptomatic cases are not being taken into account, and it's reasonable to assume - as in the beginning of every flu outbreak - that most of them remain undetected since they are, you know, asymptomatic.
Unlikely, they would be noticed by the people around them getting infected. Often a large majority gets infected in places like prisons etc. It is unlikely a large number of people remains asymptomatic.
>Based on what?
Based on everythin I have written.
>The data contradicts you.
The data supports that. It's unlikely the mortality will get any better, it will most likely get worse, as hospital capacity gets exhausted.

>> No.11441914



>> No.11441922
File: 34 KB, 505x576, chink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I say China, you think quality

>> No.11441948
File: 188 KB, 840x838, 1571211866047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only knows how to steal others' work
>Only cheats, lies, harms the environment, be rude, and harm historical sites
Noooooo n-noooo! World puh leez halp meeee! I wuz a gud boi i swear!

>> No.11441950

Woke up manlets china has universal health care american troglodytes do not.

>> No.11442010


>> No.11442058


>> No.11442091

Can I get an actual straight up answer please?

I am a 28 year old male living in Canada. I have asthma.

Will corona virus straight up kill me?

>> No.11442100

Stop posting this faggot. You had your thread already. Just shut up

>> No.11442759

This meme needs to die, China's medical care is pretty good especially since its actually USED there since you won't be ruined for life for going to to doctor via bills.

>> No.11442768

why the fuck do you think Kim was doing Missile tests recently?
Little boy is trying to flex on the US while the Corona virus spreads to the world and N.Korea is almost 100% safe due basically being cut off from the world like a fortress-- there's not going to be people bringing it in via travel and nobody is going to run into there to escape the virus (And would get murdered before they ever made it anyways)

>> No.11442814

No kidding, I lived in China for two years and health care is really good and really fast. there's a humongous amount of people in china, You need some pretty good healthcare to treat that many people

>> No.11442842

Honestly, I think the "china's medical state is terrible!" meme is a desperate bit of denial amongst americans in an attempt to rationalize that they're "safe".

"Oh no, its only deadly THERE because they're shitty and I have THE BEST MEDICAL TREATMENT IN THE WORLD here!"
Or "Oh no, chinese people just have terrible immune systems due to pollution, people in america won't be affected at all!

Its basically like the west is currently stuck in the 2nd stage of acceptance.

>> No.11442856

350 million smokers, Chang.

>> No.11442858

And funnily enough, their authoritarian measures, previous experience with other viruses like this and lack of paper money leave them as one of the best countries to deal with this. Meanwhile, Europe has not closed borders yer and America says "nah we're fine"

>> No.11442881

>lack of paper money

>> No.11442954

they scan their phones to pay. 90% of the time

>> No.11442962
File: 100 KB, 768x511, 199095_96025_768_511_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these people pay contactless too?

Gotta love these delusional tourist posters dazzled by having visited some showcase coastal cities. You don't even realize how huge China is, much of China still looks like pic related.

>> No.11442963


>Airborne AIDS

That's not how AIDS works.

>> No.11442978

beggars have a fucking QR code. Even the pasant class with those shitty-ass 70 year old cars have phones nowadays. You can find relatively isolated towns in fucking Germany, but they still have a great healthcare system. Have YOU been there or do you get your info from /pol/?

>> No.11442982
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>pic related

Is this kind of inflexion expected or this specific instance explained?

>> No.11443012
File: 197 KB, 800x532, csm_DSC_0398_342__Large__China_Jerry_4051cd7dc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beggars have a fucking QR code. Even the pasant class with those shitty-ass 70 year old cars have phones nowadays.
There are entire areas in rural China without electricity or running water so I highly doubt that.

>but they still have a great healthcare system
China doesn't have a great healthcare system as confirmed by international statistics from the United Nations, the World Bank, OECD and so on. Mediocre life expectancy and high child mortality, corruption, makes Chinese healthcare inferior compared to the systems in place in Europe, or indeed several parts of the Americas or Asia.

>Have YOU been there
No, I don't need to have visited a place to know about it, these is why international statistics are compiled, to get the big picture and try to avoid personal bias. Eyewitness experience is unreliable and depends on whether you visit the nice parts of a country or the bad ones.

>do you get your info from /pol/?
>not liking totalitarian dictatorships is /pol/
>discussing using actual healthcare data is /pol/
Get your head checked.

>> No.11443095

>without electricity or running water
Yes. A little known fact is that the Wuhan metro is pulled by donkeys.
>Chinese healthcare inferior
I heard they won't even make you a basic X-ray.
... they only use CT now.

>> No.11443103
File: 295 KB, 1300x866, 9350292-poverty-in-streets-of-a-big-city-wuhan-in-china-august-01st-2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuhan is a shithole and the large level of poverty there could explain higher death rates as compared to the other places the virus went to. Many Chinese hospitals do lack basic equipment, and in fact Wuhan was the target of huge damage control with the speedy building of "emergency hospitals".

Spin harder.

>> No.11443132

No idea what point you're trying to prove by posting ancient photos like that.

>> No.11443145

new mutation

>> No.11443262

there are towns without electricity, which are isolated as fuck but you can see those in Russia or even Europe too. China got the way it is way faster than the west, and you can see its side effects even on tier 1 cities. You have tech and infrastructure superior to the USA and right next to it you have some 19th century tier tech still around. It got outdated so fast that people still use it. Same with the small markets. I expect them to go full WALLMART soon.
We're talking about a country as big as Europe with megacities of 20 million people. They're doing well.

I have been to many Chinese hospitals on tier 1, 2 and 3 cities. Cities are on par OR BETTER than the west solely because of their efficiency and speed. China now is not China 30 years ago. Not even 10

>personal bias is bad so let's just listen to American propaganda.
Yeah, I'm sure that is unbiased. First hand experience is important.

>> No.11443298

>Wuhan is a shithole
By Western standards, but by Western standards 99.9% of China is a shithole. By Chinese standards Wuhan's above-average. Hubei's GDP (per capita if you want, doesn't change much) is in the upper third of all Chinese provinces, and it's fairly centrally located with the (eastern) parts of China that actually matter. If you want real shitholes you need to get much further out onto the periphery, into Qinghai or something.

>> No.11443327

I'm sorry, dumbfag here, what's ROW cases mean?

>> No.11443344

rest of world

>> No.11443359

There's a fair chance, even higher if your health care system is over run with cases and can't treat you.

>> No.11443373

How do you think the black death happened? Dude hunted a rat or a marmot or something from a cave somewhere in Central Asia and the fleas hunted him, it took longer to spread because transport was slower that's all.

>> No.11443378

You shouldn't worry. But some honey maybe, if you like honey.

>> No.11443385

Wuhan is pretty much China's Detroit (no, not Detroit as it is now you idiot)
They build cars and have a lot of parts and pieces there. It's tier 2 crawling its way towards tier.1

This cherrypicked pic depicts exactly what I was talking about. First, that you only see what your little crystal ball shows you, and second that in China you get to see high tech with tech from the last century. You can find stuff like this in Beijing too, depending on the neighborhood. They still have great hospitals and a god tier subway. The core of the city is very advanced. Again, Beijing is as big as San Francisco and I assure you that given the choice you want to pick Beijing. I have seen bad hoods and that isn't one.

>> No.11443412
File: 264 KB, 617x715, 1553899422276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think you're fooling? Most of urban China is held together with duct tape, doesn't follow protocol and is barely "maintained" by incredibly lazy, underpaid people who wouldn't understand why doing something properly is important until a building collapses down on their own head.

>> No.11443418


>> No.11443427

Umm... why list detroit as an example if its "Not current detroit"?

That makes it kind of hard for people to grasp your analogy given how people usually only really are aware of "Current" situations for a location.

>> No.11443433
File: 911 KB, 1156x721, Screenshot_2020-03-06 Another achievement of #Wuhan Institute of Virology #武汉 病毒研究所的又一成果 #COVID2019 #Coronavirus #武汉肺炎.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's much harder to believe the universe just gift-wrapped a catastrophic viral outbreak and threw it right into Xi Jinping's lap right at the moment the CCP was losing grip on the people. Given that this virus buys the CCP a few months, maybe a year, panic at CCP HQ must've been pretty damn high.

This video from CCP state-media shows how a possible precursor to SARSCoV-2, called SADSCoV (Swine Accute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus) was being researched at Wuhan Institute of Virology in early 2018:


But I have no way of verifying this video actually aired on CCTV at that time (Apr 5, 2018) so take it as is, it might equally be another piece of disinformation crafted by the CCP, the only reason I'm posting it is because I find it odd this is the first I'm hearing of SADSCoV as relating to the mass pandemic in Chinese pigs livestock industry let alone in relation to this virus. At any rate, this just adds to the growing number of indictments the Chinese people and the world should be leveling at the CCP because despite the undeserved praise the WHO keeps lavishing on the Chinese government I'm hard-pressed right now to think of literally ANYTHING the CCP has NOT been lying about from the very start.

In the words of the CCP themselves when justifying being an Orwellian hellscape, if they didn't have anything to hide, why are they so afraid? Why disappear all critics (literally every single person critical of the CCP's response has disappeared in the last 4-6 weeks, Chen Quishi, Fang Bing, even the former CCTV anchor who quit his job to become a citizen journalist in Wuhan right before the quarantine, Li Zehua, all have not been heard from for weeks)? Why do the things they've done when the CCP just shifts all blame down to local governments in order to shield the true culprits, the CCP elite, as they have always done in any instance of civil unrest and dissent, for decades?

>> No.11443440

The CFR in Italy is now 3.8%. 3,858 cases and 148 dead.

>> No.11443445

The CFR in Italy is now 3.8%. 3,858 cases and 148 dead.

>> No.11443448

Fun fact: the Wuhan Institute of Virology and L4 biosafety lab didn't start operations until 2017 after construction took 10+ years. Maybe the hardcore Marxists decided they wanted a return on investment and rather than doing what CDC's should do, research dangerous pathogens occurring in nature that may pose a threat to humans, they ordered them to share the nasty shit with the PLA so they could turn it into "something useful" (for the CCP). Ie something they could employ in order to maintain power.

>> No.11443453
File: 147 KB, 2638x1196, Life_expectancy_world_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This cherrypicked pic depicts exactly what I was talking about. First, that you only see what your little crystal ball shows you
That's why I use stats, I don't rely on pictures. The other anon I was replying to, decided statistics by international organizations are not good enough and that his personal experience as a tourist in China trumped the statistics and the actual objective data.

He dragged the discussion there With cherrypicked pictures (or indeed, visits to selected areas) you can make most countries look good or bad.

Fact is Chinese healthcare is not on par with the West no matter how much the apologists here try to spin it. It may be one day but it's not there yet.

>> No.11443460

>Fun fact: the Wuhan Institute of Virology and L4 biosafety lab didn't start operations until 2017 after construction took 10+ years.
Really? Why would it take so long? Things in China don't normally take long. The whole Wuhan metro (9 lines, IIRC) was built in that time period.

>> No.11443474

I shouldn't even bother. I ain't even saying CHINA.NUMBER.ONE. Just pointing out that things are changing. Want a real indicator? Let's see how COVID-19 goes for every other country. Even Japan is struggling, and I'd go as far as to say Europe currently has its own Hubei in Italy. The sooner they figure it out the better.

>> No.11443483
File: 315 KB, 1280x720, wuhancity_1280p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


every city has run down neighborhood, Wuhan is overall pretty clean

>> No.11443499

life expectancy isn't the same as healthcare though. I certainly agree that China needs to get its shit together in terms of sanitary conditions. The west absolutely blows them out of the water in this aspect, but after this pandemic they'll definitely shorten up distances. Just like they slowly removed a lot of malpractices they used to have.
And this is not because they are the bestest. They have the resources for it and the western world already did these things more than half a century ago.

>> No.11443547

>that green south america
Dang, that's a surprise, I thought all of south america was a hellhole surpassed only by africa.

>> No.11443548

Even weirder when it was built in response to the original 2002-2003 SARS outbreak, but apparently construction was finished in 2015, and according to these state media's promotion videos it began operations in August 2017:
(1:30 mark)

>> No.11443562

>Who do you think you're fooling? Most of urban China is held together with duct tape, doesn't follow protocol and is barely "maintained" by incredibly lazy, underpaid people who wouldn't understand why doing something properly is important until a building collapses down on their own head.

>Understand why
Its not that they don't UNDERSTAND, its that they don't CARE.
The chinese culture was changed in the Maoist revolution to think that actually being nice to people was "burgoise" and so basically got it drilled into their heads that being sociopathic assholes was a "good" thing because being nice was a life of the rich.

Add on how their government is run by opportunistic assholes who blatantly and openly kill and oppress for the sake of power and pass it off as "For the greater good", and chinese culture has indoctrinated their people to behave like Social darwinists, I.E., only care about yourself and immediate family.

This is the entire purpose of their sesame credit thing to try and get them to stop behaving like amoral assholes since the people at the top prefer their society to work together.

>> No.11443608


>> No.11443622

southern south america is pretty nice. i was there three years ago on a cruise tour.


>> No.11443631

argentina is white so

>> No.11443650

Ah, so the only reason they're doing well is they probably exploited and waged war upon the neighboring brown and native populaces, like usual.

>> No.11443664
File: 47 KB, 1164x360, china cannot afford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously the world cannot afford for the CCP to be anything but kill.

>> No.11443684

no. whites get preferential treatment in every area of life which helps a great deal

>> No.11443691

Right, what'd I say?

>> No.11443703


>> No.11443715

t. seething mutt

>> No.11443726

it was a joke.

>> No.11443739

im going back to /pol you retards have no science here WTF. more science at /pol

>> No.11443781

you tell'em. no one even doubts globe Earth here. What a bunch of fools

>> No.11443797

>It has a 3% death rate
Isn't that basically Spanish Flu?

>> No.11443806

>North Korea

>> No.11443812

lol, they're probably just worried that their loved one is clearly developing psychosis.

t. legit schizo

>> No.11443958

I like when cretins make smug posts like this.

>> No.11444148

Gabriel Leung, HK epidemiologist livestream:

>> No.11444158

>This pandemic does not have as lethal a CFR as the 1918 Influenza pandemic, but a much more lethal CFR than the 2009 pandemic
So it's going to eventually kill anywhere between 575,000 (2009) and 3-5% of the global population (1918).

>> No.11444162

*but probably closer to 1,4% overall

>> No.11444224

i don't speak ching chong

>> No.11444293

brainlet here, so if the sCFR is 1,4% that means 1,4% of those infected who show symptoms die overall? so if half the population got it 0,7% dies?
it's part English part Cantonese part Mandarin, they answer questions from English reporters in English, you can just skip ahead to the English parts and the stream's over already anyway

>> No.11444306


stopped reading right there

>> No.11444540

This bioweapon idea is the perfect red herring to distract from the fact that it escaped from the Wuhan lab and probably was just Chinese incompetence in handling a zootropic virus.

>> No.11444554

Study: Men more vulnerable than women, and women asymptomatic for longer
>On the 3rd, a preprints with the Lancet research paper was published on the preprint server and early research platform SSRN, entitled "Women May Play a More Important Role in the Transmission of the Corona Virus Disease ( COVID-19) than Men ", the Wuhan University People's Hospital team analyzed for the first time the particularity that women may have in the transmission of the new coronavirus. Researchers believe that the characteristics of women may be a key point influencing the spread of the disease.
>This study shows for the first time that women show different characteristics from men in the transmission of COVID-19. Women not only have relatively mild symptoms but also have a longer incubation period than men. This may be because women are inherently stronger than men. Antiviral immunity. Based on this, the team urged that during the screening process, regardless of whether women have symptoms, as long as the contact history is clear, they should be tested for nucleic acids, and the period of isolation for women under medical observation should also exceed 14 days.

>> No.11444573

So basically because only an estimated 40% of cases are diagnosed, these figures are simply
>3,5% times 0,4 = 1,4%

>> No.11444579
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>> No.11444592
File: 628 KB, 1458x2248, 1583470368293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are the implications here that people living in china are either dirty mongoloids and/or have terrible practices with handling their own bio weapons?

>> No.11444657

Most Chinese hospitals don't have soap in the bathrooms, because if they do then people just steal it.

>> No.11444667

I love how right below your post, an epidemiologist said the exact same thing on livestream.

>> No.11444668
File: 356 KB, 680x548, 1582962013715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11444670

How come no Germ dies of this thing? They got over 500 cases and no deaths

>> No.11444754

>because if they do then people just steal it.
Crime is minimal in China.

>> No.11444801


>> No.11444832
File: 529 KB, 600x599, 1492191123045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't ebola supposedly come from someone eating green monkeys?

>> No.11445030

A large country with enough capacity. They acted quickly when the first cases arrived in January and have been able to manage the situation. South Korea is much closer and was his harder but they also had an efficient and wide sweeping response that has minimized the damage.

Things get out of hand when they're left to develop naturally and the country isn't prepared but instead tries to sow misinformation to avoid panic.

>> No.11445181

That's not really a satisfactory answer. Over 500 cases reported and yet no deaths

>> No.11445326

There's also that kraut virologist that outright said the death rate is completely below 1%. My German is shit but I believe he has a background of studying SARS or something along those lines. https://www.focus.de/gesundheit/news/unsicherheiten-abbauen-sterblichkeit-ausbreitung-dauer-virologe-raeumt-mit-zahlen-wirrwarr-um-corona-auf_id_11723764.html?x-fol-utm=true

>> No.11445420

>Culture of responsibility
Confirmed for either gook shill or never actually lived in Asia

>> No.11445512

Never trust Focus. They used to be Ola but sold out almost 20 years ago. Treat it as propaganda.

>> No.11445536

>almost 700 cases in germany and not even 1 (ONE) death
am i allowed to call into question the german official figures yet?

>> No.11445544

Yes. The death rate is extremely high in Washington state, so Germany is lying.

>> No.11445552

There's also a podcast with him at ndr.de where he seems to have said the same thing, is that reliable? I said seems because I didn't manage to understand anything.

>> No.11445586

Not necessarily, it may take really long time to die.It still seems more likely Germany found the cases earlier than others, so it will take a bit longer because they get severe.

>> No.11445588
File: 112 KB, 1000x964, time-adjusted-mortality-china-march-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11445592

germany is very this infection started, and they only started paying attention after they spread it to italy

>> No.11445598

is where

>> No.11445603

Hm, NDR is usually relatively trustworthy. Can you link the podcast? I'll give it a listen.

>> No.11445616

I think it's this one. But maybe it's somewhere else on the page. https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/info/podcast4684.html

>> No.11445665

NPC is whatever is opposite to specific anon believes and opinions

>> No.11445675

Where is this from?

>> No.11445711

among the 0-40 age group the fatality rate is like 0,1%
that's like rolling post number ending with 000
for example, this guy won't make it
but the rest of us are safe
the only people who actually need to worry are 60+yo and people with already terrible health - vegans, pozzed fags, heavy smokers, deathfats (and doctors under terrible stress and people with nasty diseases, but that's the price we pay)
your grandma and your druggie friend from highschool will die, but they would bite the dust in 5 years anyway

>> No.11445714
File: 19 KB, 373x473, CFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the CFR (case fatality ratio) calculated as:
deaths/total (active & inactive) cases?
That makes no sense to me, as it includes unresolved cases?

Shouldn't it be
deaths/(total recovered+deaths)?

(CFR would be 5.8% instead of 3.4%)

>> No.11445798

>Financial bears will have made huge profits betting against the market.
Market doesn't care about corona. It goes down because quarantine is fucking up liquidity which at a certain point becomes irreversible.

>> No.11445875

Numbers from

[math]R = \frac{I(t-11)}{D(t)}[/math]

where [math]I(t)[/math] is number of infected, [math]D(t)[/math] is number of dead and [math]R[/math] is the mortality rate. Reasoning behind this is that median time from emergence of symptoms to death for those that die is 14 days (with range 6-41 days) [https://doi.org/10.1002/jmv.25689]. There will also be a delay from symptoms emerge to people get a positive test result for that minority that get tested. Say 2-3 days. Putting all of this together yields an estimate of median time from positive test result to death at about 11 days.

Interestingly, the estimate of R seems to be decreasing. Since R > 0, it is converging.

>> No.11445895

they're both inaccurate, but deaths/total is less inaccurate
Counting it as you want to over-weights deaths and inflates the CFR because of the fact that there's a delay in counting; deaths will always show up faster, since it takes way longer to fully clear a disease out of your system than it takes to die on day 2 in the hospital.

>> No.11445907
File: 102 KB, 808x960, LaughingTitans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoomers first superbug
Social media was a mistake.

>> No.11445915

Right makes sense, thanks

>> No.11445927

For fuck's sake, how are governments expecting people to follow expert advice when experts don't even follow their own advice?


>> No.11445936

we would be so screwed if this was even more lethal

>> No.11445942

Let [math]\alpha_i[/math] be the ratio between reported infections [math]I_r[/math] and actual infections [math]I_a[/math]
[eqn] \alpha_i = \frac{I_r}{I_a} \iff I_a = \frac{I_r}{\alpha_i}.[/eqn]
Let [math]\alpha_d[/math] be the ratio between reported deaths [math]D_r[/math] and actual deaths [math]D_a[/math]
[eqn] \alpha_d = \frac{D_r}{D_a} \iff D_a = \frac{D_r}{\alpha_d} .[/eqn]
Let [math]r[/math] be the reported mortality rate and [math]R[/math] the actual mortality rate, then
[eqn] R = \frac{D_a}{I_a} = \frac{ \frac{D_r}{\alpha_d}}{ \frac{I_r}{\alpha_i}} = \frac{\alpha_i D_r}{\alpha_d I_r} = C \frac{D_r}{I_r} = Cr[/eqn]
where [math]C = \frac{\alpha_i}{\alpha_d}[/math]. We want to estimate [math]R[/math], thus we must try to determine [math]r[/math] and [math]C[/math]. Let us assume that we have an time-adjusted* estimate for [math]r[/math] and let us try to estimate [math]C[/math]. Assume [math]0 < \alpha_i < \alpha_d < 1[/math]. I think this is reasonable as it is easier to record deaths than merely infections. This implies that
[eqn] 0 < C < 1 [/eqn] thus the actual mortality rate [math]R[/math] has to be LOWER than the reported mortality rate [math]r[/math].

Close to all of the passengers aboard the cruiseship Diamond Princess has been tested, thus giving very good indications for [math]R[/math].

Tested: 4061
Confirmed cases: 705
Asymptomatic cases: 392
Dead: 6

Gives [math]R < 1[/math] and [math]\alpha_i < \frac{1}{2}[/math].

>> No.11445944
File: 112 KB, 366x500, 1581327147357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a Türk I don't have any ACE2 receptors and it feels good desu!

>> No.11445951

why do boomers lick their fingers to turn pages?

>> No.11445983
File: 12 KB, 290x325, repent_avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







Any figures coming out of china can not be applied to X place where smokers are 10% and in many places less than that

Countries like TURKEY BOSNIA ARE FUCKED because they are 80% to 90% SMOKERS


>> No.11445991

this isn't /pol/ fuckhead, you don't need to spam your message in all caps in order for people to read it

>> No.11446011
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x2246, Screenshot_2020-03-06-00-50-10-116_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11446105

Thanks. It's the other way around, right?
Also, how can the graph on the lower right go over 1? More people dead than cases?

>> No.11446117 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Everybody seems to have assumed that people were just kept locked in rooms, and waited to recover or die. That was a critical mistake. China is no longer a shithole, especially not Wuhan which become among the wealhiest cities in China. Also doctors for a one billion country could be sent to help in that one city. The people got the best care and roughly 3% recovered.

80% are mild. Mild meaning you don't need to be hospitalized. It may still be pretty bad, you just don't need breathing support, or any other treatment. 13% is severe. Oxygen mask, or non invasive ventilator. 6+% require full ICU stay.

The possible contacts of every case have been meticulously tracked down, it's extremely unlikely the numbers are way off. Italy reports even worse numbers. 10% go to ICU. It's virtually impossible that all these nubers are wrong.

It's also virtually impossible that any western country can deal with that if the infection goes out of control, and it will go out of control since no western country will quarrantine people to the exten of China. The west won't fare much better than Iran. Iran in the same situation just gave up and told people to pray.

It cannot be really overstated how bad it is. No event in living history approaches this level of bad.

>> No.11446119 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Everybody seems to have assumed that people were just kept locked in rooms, and waited to recover or die. That was a critical mistake. China is no longer a shithole, especially not Wuhan which become among the wealhiest cities in China. Also doctors for a one billion country could be sent to help in that one city. The people got the best care and roughly 3% recovered.

80% are mild. Mild meaning you don't need to be hospitalized. It may still be pretty bad, you just don't need breathing support, or any other treatment. 13% is severe. Oxygen mask, or non invasive ventilator. 6+% require full ICU stay.

The possible contacts of every case have been meticulously tracked down, it's extremely unlikely the numbers are way off. Italy reports even worse numbers. 10% go to ICU. It's virtually impossible that all these nubers are wrong.

It's also virtually impossible that any western country can deal with that if the infection goes out of control, and it will go out of control since no western country will quarrantine people to the exten of China. The west won't fare much better than Iran. Iran already gave up and told people to pray.

It cannot be really overstated how bad it is. No event in living memory approaches this level of bad.

>> No.11446132

Don't spam and post a fucking source for the 0,1% claim. But it seems that smoking does cause corona to progress rather than subside.
I would really like to know how many cases are smokers ion a per country basis, but that data isn't being released, I think.

>> No.11446133

Wrong. Everybody seems to have assumed that people were just kept locked in rooms, and waited to recover or die. That was a critical mistake. China is no longer a shithole, especially not Wuhan which become among the wealhiest cities in China. Also doctors for a one billion country could be sent to help in that one city. The people got the best care and roughly 3% did not recover.

80% are mild. Mild meaning you don't need to be hospitalized. It may still be pretty bad, you just don't need breathing support, or any other treatment. 13% is severe. Oxygen mask, or non invasive ventilator. 6+% require full ICU stay.

The possible contacts of every case have been meticulously tracked down, it's extremely unlikely the numbers are way off. Italy reports even worse numbers. 10% go to ICU. It's virtually impossible that all these nubers are wrong.

It's also virtually impossible that any western country can deal with that if the infection goes out of control, and it will go out of control since no western country will quarrantine people to the extent of China. The west won't fare much better than Iran. Iran already gave up and told people to pray.

It cannot be really overstated how bad it is. No event in living memory approaches this level of bad.

>> No.11446140

Not anon you replied to but that's false and I watched the entire thing. Leung said that the CFR of 3,5% is "naive, simple" because only 40% of cases are diagnosed, so the *CURRENT* "actual" CFR is probably closer to 1,4% based on a model that estimates the percentage of cases that go undiagnosed. So that's actually a fairly high af figure, but on the plus side he said it's likely to be an upper limit, but with an 80% attack rate and likelihood of spreading to every corner of the globe this is still going to be, best case scenario, a devastating and crippling pandemic, especially in how much strain it'll put on hospitals worldwide.

He also said that the CFR was or seemed to be 2% *during* the first SARS epidemic, but after it had concluded it turned out to be 17% (while for other epidemics the later figure is adjusted downwards so it varies for each pathogen and outbreak). Not to mention he put the overall lethality globally somewhere between H1N1 and the Spanish Flu (but probably less severe than that) and there is basically no way of predicting the outcome, because we won't have the true figures until the pandemic has run its course (or at least gone through its first set of waves).

And all of this was based on data from a few weeks ago, and assuming it doesn't mutate much when it's already developed two mutations (called S- and L-mutations with the latter being much more deadly). If you listened to what he actually said it's pretty fucking far from being a nothingburger.

>> No.11446165

When is a vaccine going to be ready?

>> No.11446188 [DELETED] 

Never. No vaccine possible for viruses that use the ACE2 mechanism. Attempts that have been made usually made it even worse. Not any time soon, without sudden major breakthrough.

>> No.11446195

Not any time soon, excluding a major breakthrough. It isn't a kind of virus against which you can make a vaccine easily.

>> No.11446225

How does testing work? Do doctors have clear ways to test or is it just based on common symptoms? I can't find concrete info on this

>> No.11446229

no it goes down because nobody can price equities because they dont really have a comparable event to compare this to, so instead of figuring out the prices, they just panic and sell and get into cash until someone else figures out the prices, or they do, or something else gets resolved

>> No.11446241

> It's the other way around, right?
Yes, sorry!
>Also, how can the graph on the lower right go over 1? More people dead than cases?
Nice observation! It's comes right out of the data. The first datapoint is t = 1 february. Then t-11 is 21 jan. From WHO reports

Date Infected Dead
2020-01-21 209 6
2020-02-01 11821 259


D(t) = 259
I(t-11) = 209

which gives R = 1.24.

But what does it mean? I think it showcases the exact property I am discussing here >>11445942, that [math]\alpha_i << \alpha_r[/math] which means that they are much worse at recording infections than deaths. As the epidemic slowed down in China, they caught up with the testing and have been able to record a much larger portion of the new infections. I am neither saying that China have managed to find all previous or existing infections nor able to find all new infections now, the numbers are obviously too low (both the old and new), but as the the number of infected and dead are stabilizing they are becoming proportional to the actual numbers.

>> No.11446315

Why not?

>> No.11446343

Scientifically speaking, how do I prepare for this as a poor uni student? So far I have canned fish, canned veggies, a ton of peanuts, electrolyte drinks, clorox wipes, multivitamins, protein drinks and bulk rice.

>> No.11446347

Where do you live?

>> No.11446352

Upstate NY

>> No.11446353

>China is no longer a shithole

>> No.11446357

You're probably fine.
If you notice symptoms, actually do something about it. Aka go to a doctor. Don't be a selfish cunt and go places anyway. Or tank it like you would a flu.

>> No.11446372

>No event in living memory approaches this level of bad.
You know we still have people around who remember the second world war, right?

>> No.11446383


>> No.11446386

this is the cope /sci/ has to resort to

>> No.11446394

So on the basis of 100,000 infections and a few thousand deaths you're going to conclude that this is worse than a war that completely flattened all of Europe, all of industrialized Asia, and killed like 80 million people?

>> No.11446400


perfect for normies

>> No.11446415

100k is a huge sample size. No idea where you got that 80M, the usual estimates don't go above 60, not that it matters too much. It will kill some 150 million, assuming 20% infected and 10% death rate.

>> No.11446416


>> No.11446420

If China is a shithole then western cities are worse than shitholes. Detroit, Philadelphia, and Brooklyn are literal junkyards. California is as nasty as mexico now.

>> No.11446425

kys chink amerilard, nobody cares about your perspective

>> No.11446429

>100k infections
Correct me if I'm wrong, but 100k is the number of cases isn't it? That doesn't mean infections, just suspected infections, right?

>> No.11446430

>The entire world is shutting down because of a virus similar in severity to the flu and because it's chinese and sounds scary

Fucking epic.

>> No.11446435

That means confirmed infections.

>> No.11446437

People are dying because of cardiovascular problems, not asthma.

People are dying from complications of pneumonia caused by the virus, which is nothing new.

>> No.11446438

100k is the number of diagnosed cases, yes
the actual number is likely quite a bit higher, but you can expect that virtually all of the unreported cases are mild. people who literally can't breathe all go to a doctor.

>> No.11446442

Oh no we're all gonna have to stock up on dayquil shiiiiiiit

>> No.11446443

and they said we couldn't cut down co2 emissions, it's impossible they said we're too reliant on co2 they said

>> No.11446461

Honestly, this is what I think happened. I work in a research lab that is 90% mainland Chinese, except for me. The cleanliness of the lab is a bit lacking and general hygiene as well. I could see this happening in China where regulations aren't observed/not in place.

>> No.11446475

Your personal anecdote about lazy grad students has really convinced me that a max-security biohazard research facility isn't following protocols

>> No.11446482


>> No.11446490

I mean they pretty much completely halted the spread of the disease in China through their protocols.

>> No.11446492

Close to all of the passengers aboard the cruiseship Diamond Princess has been tested giving very accurate stats to several crucial properties.

Tested: 4061
Confirmed cases: 705
Asymptomatic cases: 392
Dead: 6

Notice that 55% of the infected are asymptomatic. We aren't testing people without symptoms (except for in the very beginning of the outbreak, like less than 100 cases, when capacity is good and we can trace the spread back to specific individuals). Thus we can certainly multiply the number of confirmed cases with 2. Consider this a lower bound. Academics have estimated that in these early stage the confirmed cases are likely 10 times less than actual cases, and as the epidemic progresses the number will be even further behind.

>> No.11446502

>wtf he doesn't believe that my anecdote from my shitty irrelevant grad lab applies to a government research facility
>better whip out the racial slurs, that'll convince him

>> No.11446511

maybe if they actually followed preventive protocols instead of damage control only the outbreak wouldn't have happened or could have been identified and actions be taken promptly rather than weeks too late

>> No.11446515


>> No.11446519

>the idea as ridiculous and dangerous
kek, so it's true
>The only other likelihood is that it was released from the lab accidentally.
Yeah that's what I'm putting my money on

>> No.11446524

>over 1/2 of infected never even get sick at all
sounds exactly like Chinese design quality, honestly
it probably is one

>> No.11446535

I'm trans btw, not sure if that matters.

Anyway, I'm not the person you think you're talking to.

>> No.11446539

Spanish flu was estimated at 10. It literally killed 3% of the world population

>> No.11446872

Spanish Flu was incredibly lethal mainly due to 1. cytokine storms and 2. bacterial superinfection in addition to the world recovering from the 1st World War so this is lethal for different reasons/different mechanisms. It's actually possible this virus is (or rather will turn out to be) more lethal on paper, but because we're much better equipped to deal with it (and so avoid ie bacterial superinfection and other secondary complications) the overall death rate might simultaneously turn out lower. Unless a strain mutates to cause cytokine storms, then with a virus which spreads this easily it's basically gg even (especially) for young people.

What caught my eye reading through the 1918 wikipedia page;
>The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much deadlier than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu epidemics; those most at risk were the sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. By August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone, and the United States,[95] the virus had mutated to a much deadlier form. October 1918 was the deadliest month of the whole pandemic.[96]
This is why, unlike the CCP, you always err on the side of caution, because the cost of being wrong is measured in lives lost. Yes panic buying toilet rolls is stupid but closing schools is most definitely not.

>> No.11447460

Sounds like you have worst-case scenario bias to me.

>> No.11447740
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>unlike the CCP
Nigger they are the only ones taking actual measures so far. Europe and the USA still don't have the balls to cancel major events or put proper controls. The WHO and western governments even say masks do not work and mock people who wear them while the CCP fucking enforces people wearing them on the street. This is being allowed to spread out of incompetence. We could have just literally shut down things for a few weeks on a few cities and we would have been fine afterwards, but no, now if shit actually hits the fan we'll be paralysed for a month and a half. I hope at least Trump was right on this one and the good weather kills the virus for good instead of causing wave 2.

>> No.11447748

>masks do not work and mock people who wear them while the CCP fucking enforces people wearing them on the street
you're not helping your argument here

>> No.11447749
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I blame China, but I'll find a way to trace it to jews some way or another

>> No.11447763

They are only spreading these news so that people will not buy too many masks and hospitals will not have enough. Which is already the case in a lot of European countries.
I don't think this virus is LE HABBIDING, but this pretty much shows we are unrepared in case this shit really gets out of hand. I'm not saying the response of China was absolutely flawless, I'm saying that the response of the west is going to be worse.

>> No.11447769

masks literally don't work especially out in the streets

>> No.11447770

>Masks don't lower the chance of contracting this airborn virus

>> No.11447776

I haven't seen a pharmacy guy or a doctor without them. I guess it gives them courage for their rituals or something.

Masks keep out droplets to an extent. Do not 100% reliable, but they do their job to some extent. The real issue is that they are becoming expensive and rare.

>> No.11447779

Do not expect them to be*

>> No.11447785

only surgeons wear them and for obvious reasons and certainly don't wear them outside the operating room let alone in the fucking streets

>> No.11447795

When interacting, with infected people or with possible cases, you should wear them.
If the delivery guy is coughing and you have the mask on when you meet him, you might avoid infection. If your sick coworker suddenly comes to your desk to ask you for a pencil, you might avoid infection. If you are outside and a guy was coughing uncontrollably in front of you, you might avoid infection.

Perhaps now there are less than 30 cases in your city. When there are 10000, you go and tell me they are not useful. I am the worst part about it is that a lot of people bought masks but do not know how to use them properly and touch their face with the hands. There is zero education on how to wear them and when. Zero awareness.

>> No.11447805

What do you mean?

>> No.11447842


>> No.11447864

The shit is really about to hit the fan Italy
We're losing money out of the ass
With no cure, economics collapse is sure to happen, and once that happens the hospitals will crumble too.
Only the healthiest will survive, and society, as well as the actual country, will collapse. Probably Mad Max levels, might take a hundred years to go back to today's levels, if ever

>> No.11447902

maybe shitalians will answer this wake up call and start working instead of loafing around all day long

>> No.11447914

4% mortality so far over there, right?

>> No.11447916

Doesn't Italy have one of the oldest populations in Europe? Perhaps that's why it's hitting harder there? Other than that, your country is not going to collapse.

>> No.11447921

Dear /sci/, I work in a very small italian University, we believe we found a way to detect the virus and cure it in 2 days, (with no perishable materials used or even touching directly the patient) with 2, 30 minutes treatments.

Now I am not the "top dog" here, people higher than me told me they tried talking with the Spallanzani Hospital and got no answer back.

Whom do I have to contact to get the word out?

>> No.11447927

Shitalian here. not only are we old but our elderly are for the most part in terrible shape, but they just won't die and cling onto life for years. Shitalians are apparently unaware of the demographics of their country and think this is some kind of apocalypse

>> No.11447938
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Well, how do you cure it? I'd like to hear about this method.
>inb4 mustard gas or nintendo dad

>> No.11447947

I am not an engineer, I don't know how the machine works, I used it to cure my psoriasis, given the right combination is easy to use, what I am told is that the person's body actually does the work, kinda like using a vaccine, we had a research going, doing some test up against traditional method months ago but the person doing it hasn't answered the phone in months.

Well is not managed well, but we have gotten results, is just that we haven't published anything (personally I don't have the credentials and the know-how).

>> No.11448043

masks work as they stop droplets, stop with the disinfo, masks are not perfect but much better than nothing

>> No.11448086

what do you think droplets are? mouth seeking missiles? they literally serve no purpose out in the open and are only effective at preventing passing it on, not catching it

>> No.11448090
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>> No.11448126

I don't see why it should matter at all if it kills you by cytokine storm and bacterial superinfection or by pulmonary fibrosis and immune system collapse.

>> No.11448214
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Fun fact: the Spanish flu isn't named such because it originated in Spain, but because the Spanish press was the only one not censoring articles about it.
That tells you something.

>> No.11448250

Congratulations you've listened to the same shitty podcast we all have.

>> No.11448286

30% hospitalization rate though

>> No.11448294

For those calling other people schizos, this is what a real schizo looks like.

>> No.11448411
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oh nonononono

>> No.11448632

Errr, no, I read this in Wikipedia. I don't listen to podcasts. Information density is too low.

>> No.11448643

they really can't catch a break can they

>> No.11448652

+1 social credits, chang.

>> No.11448669

The problem with China's overabundant infrastructure is that they built it with no intention of it all being used, so there are long stretches of ghost buildings with a lifespan of a few years before they collapse. Sometimes they forget which ones those are, or the real estate in the area is enough to make them take the risk anyways. Their main incentive is government kickbacks, who use these projects to lure actual businesses and people to move there, believing it to be a well established place when they see all the buildings erected in a month without foundations

>> No.11448802

I'd rather be inside corona-chan

>> No.11448830
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Why did the graphposters stop posting? Don't they want to show the negative growth rate of new cases?

>> No.11448867

the death rate of around ~3.4% does not include one important group. It does not include those who get infected and never report it. That group can be broken down into two sub-groups:
1) those who die and the death isn't linked to coronavirus
2) those who get infected, recover and never report it because they believe it is the regular flu

Sub-group 1 is very small or non-existent, since if anyone dies unexpectedly they will certainly be tested for the virus. The important point is that this sub-group is countable so it can be safely assumed to be 0.
Sub-group 2 is entirely unknown, it is uncountable, but it is likely to be huge. I'd bet the amount of people who have been infected and recover without reporting it is comparable or greater to the number of confirmed cases. But what is important about this sub-group is that anyone in it will reduce the death rate.

So the 3.4% death rate is an absolute worst case scenario and the true value is definitely far lower. Why does no one ever discuss this? If we treated the seasonal flu with the same level of reporting we would have coronavirus level hysteria every single year, even multiple times a year

>> No.11448873

what about the group of people who have it and haven't died from complications yet? If it's so infectious, and systemic infection is a prerequisite for death, then doesn't it stand to reason that the death rate will lag far behind the infection count until the population has been saturated?

>> No.11448889

no, unless you are suggesting there are people who have recovered that will suddenly die from complications, or the amount of people who do not recover suddenly increases dramatically. we have had a few months fo observe the effects across the word in over 100,000 confirmed people. we also don't know how many countless thousands unconfirmed cases we have, but as people aren't randomly dropping dead we can assume they have recovered just fine

>> No.11448920

No, the 3.4% figure is the number of deaths divided by the number of infections, NOT the number of recovered.

>> No.11448922

Current US flu season, which is bad by itself:
ICUs at 90-100% capacity, e.g., hospital with 20 ICU capacity has 18 filled due to normal flu+general healthcare needs.

Impact of coronavirus:
ICUs at 200-400% capacity, e.g., hospital with 20 beds asked to handle 50 dying people.

Shortages of respirator masks, medications, training, and sufficient staff will likely result in many healthcare workers being infected during intubations etc.

Normally, about 250,000 Americans die (of all causes) per month. In the next several months, we should expect an additional 50k, 100k, up to 200k deaths per month in the USA.

I think there will also likely be panic due to the CDC/administrations lack of testing, instead of the ratio of deaths to overall tested cases being ~1-3% like in other countries, the tests in the USA will be heavily biased towards at risk patients receiving critical care, meaning the initial death rates might be reported as 10% to 25%.

>> No.11448928

Meaning the 3.4% is more likely close to the best case scenario (none of the still infected will die) than the opposite.

>> No.11448932
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Oh, and this leaked from a presentation by the American Hospital Association.

An actual fatality rate of just .5% still represents an overwhelming scenario for US hospitals, which lack the capacity of places like SK or Singapore.

>> No.11448937

That looks super, super optimistic.

>> No.11448939

It's the complete opposite

>> No.11448944

Do you have any more elaborate argument than just stating the opposite?

>> No.11448952

My argument is my original post. We have the number of confirmed cases and the number of those confirmed cases who have died. We do not have the number of cases who recovered and did not report it. So the 3.4% is an absolute worst case scenario number. The group who would lower that number is completely uncountable, but likely huge

>> No.11448961

I don't disagree. The optimistic scenario looks pretty bad.

By this point I had thought that we'd be hearing stories about national guard units and civil engineers constructing field hospitals in parking lots, the US gov granting massive loans to companies producing ventilators, suspending medical student/nursing curriculums and mass training students on supportive care, recruiting retired doctors and labworkers to run labs, etc.

And I thought that at the very least grocery stores would have hand sanitation stations at entrances and produce areas. But lol...nope! 2 million deaths, here we come!

>> No.11448967

Most of the known infected cases haven't recovered yet. For example, there are currently 5883 cases in italy. 233 died, 589 recovered. There are still thousands who neither died nor recovered yet.

>> No.11448983


some interesting graphs of the situation in italy

>> No.11449001

Probably true but you could still have an initial undercount leading to a false ceiling. For example, hospitals in the USA, particularly small ones, are lazy with their coding of causes of death. I don't imagine China or Italy are much better. For example, old people die of pneumonia and diagnosed from symptoms as having flu, but no real flu test was done. A " flu" death (really due to COVID19). Or, a positive test for flu but also had COVID19 and wasn't tested so early in outbreak.

Now I think you're right that 3.4% might be a ceiling, because otherwise we likely wouldn't have just 7 people dead from the Diamond Princess (unless the cruise demos skewed under 40 for age).

But another question is the CFR, given IV fluids andstandard supportive meds alone, vs CFR given intensive support involving ventilation+kidney support+other supportive medicine.

The CFR with limited access to intensive supportive medicine could be over 3.4%.

>> No.11449015 [DELETED] 

>otherwise we likely wouldn't have just 7 people dead from the Diamond Princess (unless the cruise demos skewed under 40 for age).
DM records 6 dead 40 recovered. It doesn't seem anybody even tracks those people.

>> No.11449019

>otherwise we likely wouldn't have just 7 people dead from the Diamond Princess (unless the cruise demos skewed under 40 for age).
DP records 6 dead 40 recovered. It doesn't seem anybody even tracks those people.

>> No.11449020

> China, with much less hospital beds per capita than Europe
Europe is a wide diverse place.
China has more beds or capita than Ireland, UK, Spain, Greece, Italy Netherlands, Australia and the US.

> False. See pic.
Yes your pic shows that China has more beds. Do you want some autistic argument about the meaning of significantly? Because they have over 50% more beds per capita than the US.
It's 2.77 vs 4.34. Call that whatever you want.

>> No.11449024

Testing got ramped up

>> No.11449030
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>If China is good at anything, it's infrastructure.


>"Coronavirus: Dozens trapped as China quarantine hotel collapses"

yes, great infrastructure

>> No.11449031

7th died today.

lol, in Feb, did you not see the pictures of the CDC staff scratching at their goggle and masks on the state department airplane that was repatriating DP passengers? Or that passengers passed their passports across several rows to gov officials?

>> No.11449039

>7th died today.
Oh, I didn't get the news. Well that strongly suggests many are yet to follow. They just got tested early, long before any major symptoms appeared. This may also explain Germany.

>> No.11449058

Breaking News: Institute of Virology researchs viruses
They very much do. Western governments are straight up lying to you to stop shortages. It's basically propaganda instead of telling people the truth.

>> No.11449076


ha, it really is a nothing burger. RIP old people though.

>> No.11449088

Yeah just kills the old people no big deal. How old's the president again?

>> No.11449109

"masks don't protect the public"
"also we need to reserve the masks for medical professionals"

>> No.11449119

Blacks are resistant to the virus

>> No.11449124


>> No.11449128


>In a new study by China, they discovered that the few Africans in Wuhan were never infected nor required treatment despite being in the most infected areas of Wuhan
>China then asks for African donors of their blood and cells and found something damning
>African cells are resistant to the virus

>> No.11449137

Don't give the Chinese any ideas before Africans go extinct like white rhinos

>> No.11449139

tiny little chink virus was MADE for BBC (big black cells)

>> No.11449140

Did you read the article you posted? It says exactly what every governments is saying and what everyone knows: masks' purpose is to prevent spreading not catching.
You're unlikely to spread it outdoors, hence wearing masks in the street is just a scene

>> No.11449164

Does anyone have aec2 receptor expression by race?

>> No.11449169

Isnt this racist?

>> No.11449182

this. let's not forget those 3rd worlders have seen a dramatic decrease of poverty because we moved our production there. the problem is when they get too confident and think they have the abilities and meticulousness of westerners.

>> No.11449188

Yeah the west is impenetrable. The virus won’t hurt a single white man. Those chinks are so uppity.
God bless America. Watch the superhuman American handling of the virus

>> No.11449197
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I was reacting to this
Do you have reading comprehension Cheng? I was reacting to this
>Chinese incompetence in handling a zootropic virus.

>> No.11449203

America is clearly more competent. Had so much of a head start and still let it escape.
Italians are handling it great too.

>> No.11449209

Once it's out of the lab it's almost impossible to stop unless you quarantine everybody and stop all social and economic activity. Those fucking incompetent chinks shouldn't handle viruses in labs and stick to assembling our iphones.

>> No.11449224

Then based on the cases with outcomes the death rate stands at 6% and my argument still applies. Many many more will have been infected and recovered without reporting it, so the death rate must be and can only be lower, not higher

>> No.11449242

Whole of Lombardy is now shut off
Nobody enters
Nobody leaves

>> No.11449251

That doesn't make any sense. How does it still applies if it's exactly the opposite?

>> No.11449303

good. filthy polentas stay at home

>> No.11449306

It makes perfect sense and I don't understand what you mean by it's the opposite. The current % does not include the cases where the person recovers and never reports it, which is likely huge, probably higher than the total reported cases to date

>> No.11449319

>which is likely huge
Based on fucking what? 25000 tests have been made in Lombardy, 4000 came back positive as of today. Would have been a lot fucking more if what you said was true. There are probably only around 5 to 10% undetected cases

>> No.11449321

based on all the diagnoses of cases where the person had returned from Italy

>> No.11449332


>> No.11449340


>> No.11449341


>> No.11449472

People are brainlets who don't want to get worried.

>> No.11449493
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>> No.11449890

>>unlike the CCP
>Nigger they are the only ones taking actual measures so far.
I was referring to the initial response, not the hypermegaquarantine that followed almost TWO MONTHS later (and too late to curb the spread). Had this outbreak started elsewhere doctors would not have been prevented from alerting not just colleagues and the relevant CDCs and officials but even the public directly if they deemed it necessary, instead of being threatened to keep quiet for fear of arrest and so on, and the entire fucking internet would not have been censored to suppress any form of discussion on the virus as the CCP did in Dec/Jan and even now. I think you knew exactly what was meant but just jumping at the opportunity to praise the Party some more so I suggest /ccpol/ as a more suitable hugbox for your delusions. Or if you're genuinely this ignorant, read some damn news:

>Coronavirus: Chinese app WeChat censored virus content since 1 Jan