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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11435115 No.11435115 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I guess many of you guys have been through this (especially math/STEM majors, I guess): you learn about a guy who has done more at the age of 14-18 than you in your early twenties and you get thoughts about being fucking worthless and "why am I even trying" kind of thing.

Does this happen a lot to you, /sci/? Does it have a name? How do you cope with it?

>> No.11435121
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why the fuck do these threads keep happening?

>> No.11435128
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>> No.11435130

NEETs trying to justify not doing anything with their lives

>> No.11435133
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I vastly overestimate my own intelligence and rationalize my lack of success by making excuses like "I don't work hard enough" but in the back of my mind I believe I'm going to wake up one day and become super motivated to unleash the full power of my genius and make a paradigm-changing discovery but in reality I'll look back at my life when I'm 80 with disappointment and regret still believing the delusion that if I had only tried harder I could have changed the world.

>> No.11435137

I read Faust and understood that knowledge doesn't make you happy

>> No.11435138

I let this very fact motivate me. Everyday is a chance to better than yesterday.

>> No.11435145

To quote Tom Lehrer
>It's a sobering thought to think that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for 3 years.

>> No.11435149
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Yep, same for me. If you will try to reach the standards of top talents in you studies, you will definitely accomplish bigger goals.

>> No.11435162

It's called intellectual insecurity. I got over it within one year of uni.

>> No.11435229

It's simple. I ask myself "Do you enjoy doing this?" If the answer is yes then I keep at it. I don't expect to be the best mathematician in the world. I just do math because it brings me pleasure and life is short. I enjoy my own personal discoveries and I am satisfied with that.

>> No.11435271

this. crab mentality is rampant on /sci/

>> No.11435341
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>> No.11435360

i’m at that point for many years now since i’m in my third decade. but at the same time i see the ordained “smart guys” wasting their time on dead ends or trivial pursuits because they got sucked into the “hard math and theoretical physics” sub-universe. so at least i can do experiments and arbitrate their nonsense, and i entertain the thought that one day i may have a thought that comes to fruition. you know like Faraday or Rubbia or even Veltman

>> No.11435405

I know that i am kind of a smart guy, but not top material desu. I guess now my goal is to make some contribution to my field (even if small) and have a comfy life. It could have been worse i guess.

>> No.11435522

I cope by telling myself that I have plagiocephaly + some other forms of craniosyntosis, which I do, so I would have never gotten anywhere. My cephalic index is 95 and my height length index is definitely well over 80.

>> No.11435861

Based Ramsey Theorist

>> No.11435911

You're not stupid, you're just not that interested in whatever it is you're trying to learn. These geniuses or extreme overachievers you hear about actually enjoy the stuff they learn. The work is fun to them.