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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1143409 No.1143409 [Reply] [Original]

If Science is real then what stops a rocket taking off from Earth to just keep going up into space and then past space by just keep going up?

>> No.1143417
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>> No.1143419
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>> No.1143424
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PROTIP: once you reach space there is no longer an "up"

>> No.1143427

Says who? How do you know theres no more going up and we just can't get any higher with our current technology.

Also how can you just stop going up? What stops you from going up? Do you hit some type of barrier?

>> No.1143429


Your weakling species could never comprehend such a thing.

>> No.1143431

because up and down are determined by gravity.

in a zero g environment, your body has no reference, therefore, you do not go up, down, left, or right in the traditional thread.

>> No.1143434

Then why in a zero gravity can you still see up? Does that mean up doesn't exist?

Is everything above you in that environment just an illusion then?

>> No.1143439

Why does no one at this board know what the sage function is?

>> No.1143440

nonsense-troll is saying nonsense.

>> No.1143444

Why does everything have to be so damn planar? Why can't planets orbit the sun perpendicular to each other?

>> No.1143446

so, what happens when your upside down?

the floor is now above you

>> No.1143452

And I'm able to touch the floor. The floor serves as a barrier showing me as far as I can go.

If this is true then... Can one collide with the 'top' of space? Can one touch it?

>> No.1143455


>> No.1143458

If space is flat/horizontal, then what exists when you go straight up or down relative to Earth? Is there just nothing there?

>> No.1143461

what i was saying is that up and down, in zero g's is relative to your position

>> No.1143465

Because they all form from a single flat disc.

>> No.1143467

Then why in Zero G's can you still see up?

>> No.1143471

but what is up? is it what is above you? then up is every direction, depending on which way your body is oriented

>> No.1143477

Above me is the sky. That is up. No matter where you are that will always be up.

So if I was in space. Up would be just above me just like I was in Earth.

And no above doesn't count as down-- down is down and up is up.

>> No.1143496

there is no sky in space, no frame of reference. and being upside down in zero g's doesn't feel like being upside down here on earth, you feel the same no matter how you're oriented.

>> No.1143500
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>> No.1143504


we must define "up"

>> No.1143505

Its just like that when you're underwater. But underwater you can always swim up.

So why in space can't you keep going 'up' like in the ocean?

>> No.1143507


Fucking vogons. How do they work?

>> No.1143530

because gravity still has an effect on you, though it's lessened by the water. you know what is up and what is down because of gravity.

>> No.1143531

The direction orthogonal to the plane represented by the enemy's gate.

>> No.1143539

and also, if you take off from a launch pad on the south pole, and exit the earth's atmosphere, does this mean you flew down?

>> No.1143554

Fuck. You.

>> No.1143687


Space isn't flat, our galaxy is, though. Well, not perfectly flat, but it's pretty damn flat. If you want to get somewhere, you'd have to go horizontal, because otherwise you'd have to find another galaxy.

>> No.1143692 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 29d119a107ffc6ba524d9e1479c87526

>> No.1143949

well, we actually do live in a "flat" universe, but this term does not mean it is perfectly flat or that galaxies sit on a gravitational plane it really only means that the universe is open and will expand infinitely. Either way "up" is a concept humans have developed because of our existence in an environment with a center of gravity pulling us toward it. So, technically speaking "down" is wherever gravity is pulling you. You stand on the moon, that's down. Asteroid. Down. It's as simple as that if you are floating in vast empty space down is everywhere. and so is up.

>> No.1143962

>If Science is real then what stops a rocket taking off from Earth to just keep going up into space and then past space by just keep going up?

>If science is real

>OP has no brain

>> No.1143971

You cant pass the "edge" of the universe because of the fact that nothingness in itself CAN go faster than the speed of light.

>> No.1143986

up is away from a gravitational pull, down is towards it

whenever there in space, because there's no gravity to refer to, we shall not give a fuck because there is no way define up in an environment where anything can be in any direction

also, here's food for thought: since most of you fags are thinking US and Euro, if we fired a rocket off of Antarctica and kept ot sailing into space, would that be going up since the rocket is sailing into the sky? or is it down because it's in the southern hemishpere?

>> No.1143997

could we accelerate a light beam past the edge of the universe then?

>> No.1144000

actually the funny part is we don't know if nothingness is past the expanding- at-the-speed-of-light-universe. Who knows, it could a completely different universe expanding right beside ours. Or our universe could be destroying and older, dead universe. There maybe something existing past our universe or there could be nothing. But the funny thing about nothing is that it always has to become something due to quantum and mathematical laws(of course given that quantum fluctuations or mathematical rules actually apply to what's on the other side of the universe. It's kind of sad though, because we may never truly know. sad scifag is sad. :(

>> No.1144004



>> No.1144015
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