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11429993 No.11429993 [Reply] [Original]

will he be able to thwart the coronavirus?

>> No.11430013

Yes, right after he prays the gay away as he does every morning.

>> No.11430034

If you really want to know more about coronavirus...

>> No.11430266
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>> No.11430272

Free electro-convulsive therapy for all.

>> No.11430343

The US ironically would be one of the worse countries able to deal with it.
Euro nations can and have already accepted lockdowns, freedumb burgers would lose their shit and demand the right to infect others.
Add that onto the terrible state of healthcare and laughably non-existent testing in the last 3 months while people freely travel back and forth from China/Japan/SK without being questioned in the slightest it's ripe for a blowup.

>> No.11430424


>> No.11430555

yep it's a shitshow
a nurse friend of mine was telling me about how the ditzy girl who works the sign in counter up front(there is a proper name for this position but I do not care in the slightest) wasn't following protocol and would just let patients walk straight back to the rooms when the doc was ready. Supposedly she was too embarassed to ask people if they'd been to asia/china recently.
But she felt wholly comfortable calling the police on a plain clothes police officer for open carrying while he was in the waiting room. Scary gun bad! Protocol in response to an epidemic? Eh.

These are the people in charge of our health and safety.

>> No.11430590

It would have been nice if Trump hadn't fired the US pandemic response team in 2018 and then failed to replace them. Also, it would have been nice if he hadn't put a man in charge who has a proven track record of mismanaging public health crises and who literally believes that a prayer can change a person's sexual orientation. And also, it would have been nice if the US were a country where it is standard practice for people to actually get payed sick leave, so that they could afford to stay at home instead of spreading the virus.

In max two months, the virus will be in every state in the US. It's already too late to stop the spread, and with this idiot in charge, the effort of slowing it down won't be nearly as effective as it could have been.

>> No.11431969

shit how will trump win 2020 if all the boomers die?

>> No.11432246

I feel like blaming trump/pence entirely for this situation is somewhat off the mark.
That fact is that the CDC has bungled this from the beginning. They have failed to do their jobs. From weak testing requirements to their most damning failure: their inability to provide accurate test kits when the rest of the developed world effectively been able to deploy them.
While I don't doubt that the administration is incompetent, my feelings are that much of the blame lays on the CDC at this point.
It seems that the states themselves will be taking a leading role in combating the spread of this virus because the federal government has proven to be inept.

>> No.11432638

Q predicted boomers won't die and JFK Junior will cure coronavirus based on the knowledge that viruses don't exist

>> No.11432685


The CDC has had problems before with SARS and h1n1 outbreaks. At this point, not having this council seems to not be a factor in how things have been handled.

I think like most of government and bloated organizations, the kiss ashes rise to the top and don't know how to do things. It takes constant diligence to run an organization.

Though this is one half of the story. I hope Congress sees medical supplies as strategic industries and creates manufacturing incentives here.

>> No.11432703
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Of course, he will make corona repent.

>> No.11433625

>blaming trump/pence entirely for this situation
that's not what I'm doing though

>> No.11433676

>Looking at the camera
Wow chinks can't do anything right.

>> No.11434242

>rubs nose with left hand
>shakes with right
if anything we are doomed because of the retards in this country

>> No.11434262

So he only ever rubs his nose with his left hand? You know that for certain?

>> No.11435941

I was being evaluated and i was asked who this guy was. ??? Why would I even need to know that? What fucking good is it to waste memory for something so insignificant? How can anyone give a fuck. But I'm the one with brain damage. Oh, okay.

>> No.11436817

Well if he doesn't, he's in the age range for 10% death rate.

>> No.11437494
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with his Lay on Hands ability

>> No.11438901

No one can thwart the virus, at least not in the immediate future. What he can do is mitigate its effects to the best degree possible. The guy is a highly intelligent and capable leader and administrator. He has at his disposal a team of some of the world's finest medical experts. It is only a matter of time before they thwart the coronavirus.

>> No.11439132

why do you keep making this thread, it's not even sophisticated russian psyops
then again you will die before thirty from live disease won't you ruskie