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11428509 No.11428509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Anon, let's skip today's Metaphysics lecture and spend the day in earnest conversation at the local hipster cafe with our large boisterous friend group, spend the afternoon perusing the city's museums and parks, catch that film at the indie cinema, spend a few hours writing the essays for our enjoyable college majors, and spend the night passionately fucking."

Why isn't or wasn't this your life? It's easily within reach.

>> No.11428512
File: 338 KB, 245x160, ..21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you posting this faggy thread again? i want to schiz out so fucking bad i fucking hate your fucking guts fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.11428532

>Why isn't or wasn't this your life? It's easily within reach.

it kinda sorta is

I work 10 hrs a week as a dev and basically fuck around 6 days a week.

>> No.11428535

that ugly barbarian cunt you're posting isn't even hot

>> No.11428540

Remote or at home?

>> No.11428582

This was my life until I threw it all away for variety and a fleeting sense of inflated self-worth.
t. perfidious retard

>> No.11428593

no, I wear a suit and go to the office.

>> No.11428644
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>> No.11428654

>comfy middle class life for 10 hrs a week
>calls me a fag


edit: you even posted a gif with a dude in a suit, what exactly do you wanna communicate?

>> No.11428659
File: 84 KB, 1080x672, 1Ehnp3G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what exactly do you wanna communicate?
fun and lol

>> No.11428681

stop posting this shitty thread.

>> No.11428715

It was my life until about 10 days ago when my gf left me. I've been broken ever since. I'm gonna get her back though

>> No.11428722
File: 50 KB, 1154x783, .009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna get her back though

>> No.11428733

that is my current life retard. next question

>> No.11428868

I can't build muscle

>> No.11428876

Because I am not gay. Cute girl, though.

>> No.11428967

>skip the metaphysics lecture
>spend only a few hours writing an essay for your college major
Your job prospects from your degree in liberal bullshit were already slim pickings, and now you want to waste the day doing nonsense and skating by on Cs? You must be out of your damn mind.

>> No.11428984

This is gay. Gayer than a gay's daily life. That's just gay.

>> No.11428999
File: 393 KB, 1080x1350, 1581141149455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because my girlfriend hate spending time with our large friend group and she'd rather play games than going to museums. We watch some art house flicks from time to time though

>> No.11429111

Why the everliving fuck would I waste any amount of my time talking to that vapid whore or any of her normalfag friends? Why would I go to any of those pseud mental masturbation circuses? I finished writing all the 80IQ papers I needed to shit out to get a degree nearly a decade ago, and I don't fancy doing any of them again. I have an onahole that feels better than a woman and won't nag the fuck out of me for not saying her new bracelet is pretty or whatever the fuck.
If that's the life you really want, then you're a fucking idiot. She'll get pregnant and you'll end up marrying without thinking too much. You'll eventually have two or three kids who you know are going to be super great, but they end up being little shitheads who spin their wheels in life and end up as mechanics and salon specialists. Your whore wife will predictably be a whore, but you'll deal with it because it's "for the kids" and you know she'd lie in court and get full custody anyway. Every night for forty years you'll think of ending it all as you get into bed with your unfaithful snake of a wife, then at the end of it you'll die first reflecting on how your legacy is worthless.
Get this normie shit off my board and go back to /r9k/ where you belong.

>> No.11429117

This shit again? Fuck you

>> No.11429124

lol i liek dis anon

>> No.11429170

1) stop posting this stale bait

2) my life is more enjoyable than that bs, writing essays is for retarded faggots.
My usual daily routine:
>Go to uni, where I perfect my mind by learning advanced concepts in math such as topology and then listen to some higher end EE classes(double major bitches)
>Get home, shower and go to the gym where I perfect my body following the ancient greek example
>Pick up gf
>We watch a movie and fuck
>Rest a bit then study for about 4 hours, completely immersing myself in the beautiful world of math and engineering whilst simultaneously training my mind beyond my current capabilities
>Once this phase of my life is over ill have valuable marketable degrees that i can use to pursue postgraduate studies or to make money for my family

>> No.11429247

Nobody cares, and you are probably a 5/10 5'9 manlet

>> No.11429257

It's not my life because I wouldn't want it to be. Sounds dull and unfulfilling.

>> No.11429513


>boisterous group
>earnest conversation
>indie cinema

excuse me?

>> No.11429534

you are never ever ever ever EVER

and by the way no one truly does

get her back

sorry anon

>> No.11429537

nice trips. i love bitter people

>> No.11429578
File: 31 KB, 608x405, cropped_MI_John_F_Kennedy_Jfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking beautiful. i love you anon

>> No.11429586

I'm jealous of you anon
>Skip metaphysics
Who the fuck do you think I am?

>> No.11429607


>> No.11429631

fuck you anon, seriously. kill yourself and die, for real, reposting this stupid shit over and over

>> No.11429654

based anon
however, we do need some more white babies. Don't go too hard on married people