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File: 137 KB, 750x821, materialist gymnastics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11428360 No.11428360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when did you realize materialism was false?

>> No.11428428

when did you realize you were gay? did your mother cry when you told her?

>> No.11428433
File: 91 KB, 550x413, 65ea4ff91a4b6c05cad55e426de0e86d4a4dcff0cf40e91ab3d618fdfd087386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11428439

So bash your brains in, since it's only worthless material.

>> No.11428498

Something that does not possess the properties of physical material can not act upon that which does. The notion of the mind is inexorably absurd gibberish, the brain is a machine just like every other structure in nature. With enough know how it can be duplicated and manipulated to exact specifications. Ideas have geometry, and so the same goes for them.

>> No.11428533

is democracy a physical material

non-physical things are real

>> No.11428542

What are these powers and what causes them?

>> No.11428549

No I said ideas have geometry. The geometry of sound waves produced with the voice, the geometry of written words and reflected light waves. The geometry encoded in each and every neuron to form your totality is completely physical and undeniably material. Form denotes function.

>> No.11428575

The apparent properties of physical material are not physical thing themselves

"approximately in the share of a sphere"
"looks blue"
"100 microns wide"

are not physical things
they are linguistic descriptions

you can't hold a circle, you can't hold a length, and you can't hold the color blue

>> No.11428586

you can hold this L

>> No.11428594
File: 474 KB, 1576x1490, physicalism btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11428607

russell wasn't a panpsychist. he was a neutral monist. postulating microsubjects to explain our macro-level subjectivity is a brainlet move

>> No.11428609
File: 65 KB, 1500x900, disproving idealism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any idealists refute pic related?

>> No.11428636

I think it might all really be a misunderstanding in the meaning of the original uses of the concept of mind. The notion that the universe is mental is not so different from the notion that the universe is a machine. Perhaps the attribution of priority was given to the mind, instead of the universe, by some vain brainlet eons ago.

>> No.11428647

Neurons only fire in response to stimuly, never on their own if they're isolated. I'm sorry, anon, but the switch cannot flip itself.

>> No.11428665
File: 377 KB, 1577x822, lit pseud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental properties are just physical properties of the brain. Retard. The "mind" the the set of these properties. Retard

>> No.11428680

>non-physical things are real
not this retard again
Fuck off pseud and see>>11428665
PS you are confusing language with reality. Democracy is a vast pattern of material actions. Blue circles with a certain radius length are material objects.

>> No.11428690

You observing the Cube in Step 1 causes it to exist.

Placing the cup on the cube in Step 2 removes it from the existence. The cube no longer exists.

You removing the cup in Step 3 and observing the cube causes it to spontaneously exist once again.

I repeat. It is your observation that causes the cube to exist. It does not exist in step 2.

>> No.11428704

ok schizo

>> No.11428709

Don't mind me, just sharing you the exact way ALL modern successful physicists think about it.

Or, you know, you can go back to your caveman beliefs about "observer independent reality and spooky action at a distance" -universe.

>> No.11428837

You're wrong and retarded. Proof: go in a completely dark cave. Your body cannot be observed. Yet it is still there. Better, go with another person. There will be a time when you both cannot observe eachother. But yet if you call out to eachother you will still be there

>> No.11428917
File: 66 KB, 638x479, God in the Quad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11428920

>appeal to authority
>misquotes the description of an effect that is well understood
are you even trying?

>> No.11428932

>is democracy a physical material

Democracy is a behavior the material can perform. Thus, it is material.

>> No.11428937

>never on their own if they're isolated

Really? That’s weird, but I suppose they don’t have anything to “do” per se so what would they be firing about? Nothing.

>> No.11428940

A modern pessimist. No point in arguing with you now that you have shown your nature. Remain ignorant and never publish. :)

>> No.11428941

>Modern physicists think things stop existing when hidden from view


>> No.11429045

But they do actually. Trust science, not emotions, senses, instincts, and tradition.

Also use the word 'observe'. Why did you say 'view' brainlet? Observe refers to any interaction between observer and object (electromagnetic, weak, strong, or gravity)

If you dont observe an object it doesnt exist.

>> No.11429051

>what is dreaming

>> No.11429060

>Mind is meaningfully separate from the body.
>Digestion is meaningfully different from the digestive system.
>OP picks both because he's retarded.

>> No.11429072
File: 258 KB, 1156x1600, Arthur-Schopenhauer-1855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panpychism is just another materialist cope. Idealism is the one true path to enlightenment.

>> No.11429081
File: 473 KB, 680x486, 24777287-53AF-4FFC-A698-C69554950474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another pseud that learned about the “observer effect” at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment.

>> No.11429085

Enlightenment is not obtained by the pursuit of it. It is a transformation that is not in your control. It is either a fact of your existence or it isn't.

>> No.11429093

Who’s top left on the right side?

>> No.11429118

>implying there is a god to observe reality

>> No.11429123

I never understood this mindset. Is it really just that people refuse to believe something exists if it can’t be observed, even if there’s prior knowledge?

Like don’t get me wrong, if we’re talking about ghosts and shit then I get it, but examples like that just make me scratch my head

>> No.11429130
File: 375 KB, 2048x1880, Mørch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedda Hassel Mørch

>> No.11429148
File: 70 KB, 850x400, Father of Quantum Theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the difference between a god and God
It's because of empiricism and a reduction of objects to experience. If objects are nothing more than what is experienced then an object that is not being experienced is incoherent. The good thing about theism is everything is being experienced at all times so the tree is still there when you're not looking.

>> No.11429149

What. Is. Consiousness? That's all it takes. That's the plot hole in the materialist world. The fact that there is an *I*, is something which makes absolutely no sense in a materialist world. According to them, my brain is nothing but a ball of fat floating in goop with a bunch of neurons in it. But me having consiousness is a phenomenon that transcends the materialist world, otherwise I would simply be a machine. The fact that I'm in the state of being alive freaks me the fuck out on a daily basis because it technically shouldn't be possible, and the fact that it is only shows there's a whole lot yet to uncover about this universe and what lies beyond it. Also, how did life even begin? The first bacteria did just pop out of nowhere, did they? So, what is it that made life to begin with?

>> No.11429151

I think object permanence just never fully set in for some people

>> No.11429176

I think it might help you to accept that you are wrongly assuming that consciousness is incompatible with super determinism but also with no justification for your reasoning there.

>> No.11429186
File: 21 KB, 212x270, Kurt_gödel_shittin_on_physicalists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essence precedes instantiation

>> No.11429194

super determinism is brainlet shit cope for people who refuse to get out of the false enlightenment classical view of the universe.

>> No.11429222

>all the anti-quantum zealotry ITT

>> No.11429302

We meet again, Mr. Anderson.

>> No.11429319

Literally scientific observations from Quantum Mechanics BTFO materialists.

>> No.11429324

said every pseud ever

>> No.11429332

No, like literally every physicist since Einstein. Classical mechanics description of a particle/object having any sort of properties is modern day delusion.

>> No.11429339

every physicist according to your misreadings

>> No.11429344

Every physicist since Einstein. He was the last big hold out on materialist universe. Literally his objection was about whether or not the moon exists when you look away.

>> No.11429365

What kind of irreducible particles is the cup made of, Heisenberg?

>> No.11429426
File: 323 KB, 947x512, idealism=monism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mind is meaningfully separate from the body.
you don't even know what idealism is, do you...?

>> No.11429550
File: 42 KB, 600x800, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God OP ceased to exist the second (s)he clicked on the Post button.

>> No.11429671
File: 22 KB, 1041x628, sunlight_wavelength.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the behavior of material is not part of the material itself. otherwise, every object would consist of every action it could possibly perform. doesn't make any sense

You're missing the point. There's thing that are not part of reality that do obviously have exist, and have apparent emergences and practical applications in reality

PS there are no blue objects. There are only blue neurological patterns which we link to our perception of the object in our brain