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File: 488 KB, 3072x2048, Zion Williamson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11423809 No.11423809 [Reply] [Original]

>19 years old
>264 lbs

How is this genetically possible? Is there anything you could do to produce a kid of this size when youre only 6'0 ?

>> No.11423872

he`s probably a myostatinlet

>> No.11423880

tons of steroids by middle school and high school coaches especially growth hormone.

>> No.11423888

Burgers cheat as much as Russians and Koreans, they just have more resources to hide their misdeeds.

See Lance Armstrong.

>> No.11423899

West African genetics.

>> No.11423929

>west African genetics
Most Africans are manlets. North Europeans are the tallest in the world on average. Surely, you mean eugenics. Slave owners bred these guys to be big.

>> No.11423938

I saw freshman Shaq play against AZ in the early 90s, he was bigger than that. Patrick Ewing was probably bigger than that when he was at Gerogetown too. Georgetown is a crappy university in a nice neighborhood, thats the only reason its an expensive school is that its in a high rent district. AZ has much better optics and astronomy departments, extremely solid research university.

>> No.11423985

Our meat and milk is filled with growth hormones.

>> No.11423992

genetics for height and then you just eat and workout a shitton while growing up, it isnt difficult. i was 6'3 250lbs at 13/14 and there were a few other lineman i played against my size during football kek. played three teams that had 3-5 people my size on their line and shit sucked as everyone else on my was normal or undersized

>> No.11423994

also to get a large kid you could try to find a girl with tall parents. my dad is only 5'10 or 5'11 and i turned out 6'4. my grandpa on moms side is 6'4 or 6'5 and i think i got most of my height from him, grandma was a midget though so not sure if that matters as much

>> No.11424010

africa isnt a country you retard.

>> No.11424014

neither are west africa or north europe, what the fuck is your point

>> No.11424438

steroids and milk

>> No.11424459

Why can't I build muscle?

>> No.11424575

My parents are both 6'0 or maybe 6'1 and I'm 6'6. You have to find yourself a tall girl

>> No.11424581

blacks at 16 are whites at 25

>> No.11424587

I don't understand the line of reasoning from people who with one side of their mouth say "Slave owners bred these guys to be big" and then out of the other side of their mouth say "Eugenics doesn't work" or "Race isn't biological". It seems fairly obvious that one implies the other, but while the first position is generally accepted as common knowledge, the second is controversial enough that it will get you thrown out of graduate school if your research lab has significant findings in that direction.

>> No.11424588
File: 95 KB, 512x370, 264236534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North Europeans are the tallest in the world on average
Wrong, tallest ethnic group is the nilotes

>> No.11424605
File: 823 KB, 1133x1654, 1581527570266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based af. My girl gonna be at least 6'1.

>> No.11424610

West Africa is a region. North Europeans is a region. Africa is a continent. Average in Africa = Average in continent. Average in North Europe = Average in region of Europe.

>> No.11424614

Yeah, malnourished people are smaller. Give them proper food and suddenly their height skyrockets. See: Europe the last 10 centuries

>> No.11424629

See immigrants in the US and compare to their home country. Any immigrant kids who are either born in US or raised in US are huge compared to ones in their home country. Nutrition is a huge part of height.

>> No.11424656

Doesn’t steroids slow down your growth. Height wise?

>> No.11424659

growth hormone

>> No.11424662

My dad is 6’3 my mum is 5’8 I’m 6’9. My older brothers dad is 6’6 and he is only 6’3.

>> No.11425885

African-americans are on avg slightly shorter than European-americans. Are they malnourished too?

>> No.11425903

Yes, cuz poorer and stupider, therefore their parents don't feed them properly

>> No.11425932

>19 years old
>264 lbs
>How is this genetically possible?

You could have just ask about 6'6. Sure he's going to be heavy at that height and the age is where he'd be about as big as he gets. What's the point of those 3 bullet points?

>> No.11426151
File: 35 KB, 296x446, 2010080987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people aren't 7 feet tall because it's not optimal for humans. but people with extreme proportions are perfect for international/national level sports so you see them a lot there.
between 190cm and 160cm (probably lower than 160) is the optimal height, anything above or bellow comes with trade offs.

>> No.11426181


>> No.11426190

Go to any high school in northern germany/netherlands or croatia/serbia and you'll see over 30% of the guys are above 190cm already.

>> No.11426796

My dad is a little under 6 feet and my mom is 5'4" and I am 6'6".

Yes, they are my biological parents, DNA verified. Its possible.

>> No.11426805

>i was 6'3 250lbs at 13/14
There should be laws against people like you, you should have been sent to monster island not sent to school with normal humans.

>> No.11427072

>Multiple people in this thread are 6'6