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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11419089 No.11419089 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11419137

He made some random seething student/ unemployed mathematician post a thread on /sci/.

>> No.11419154

btfo trump in a manifesto

>> No.11419356

You mean he embarrassed himself?

>> No.11419359

You're projecting.

>> No.11419360

OP stop posting these threads everyday it's fuckin sad man.

>> No.11419370

You certainly proved me wrong here.

>> No.11419388

Nothing. He hijacks others' research, and that's all he has to his name.

You should watch the videos where he's talking about how he's going to solve that fluid millennium problem. He sounds like a schizo.

>> No.11419420

He looks smart.
Probably WAY smarter than op

>> No.11419504

more than what you have done, at least so far

>> No.11419520

this. OP is just a dumbfuck

>> No.11419588

Solving Erdős discrepancy problem

>> No.11419680

So is that what he is known for?

>> No.11419688

No, but it makes him credible, unlike a faggot like Christopher Langan

>> No.11419689 [DELETED] 

He went on Stephen Colbert (LOL) and said that
[math]\lim \inf_{n \to \infty}( p_{n+1} - p_n ) \leq 6[/math]
Too bad they deleted all the videos on youtube of this embarrassing interview (what was he even thinking going on Colbert?) and you can only find it, afaik, on archive.

>> No.11419691 [DELETED] 


>> No.11419720

In mathematics? No idea. I do know he somehow accomplished making you very upset.

>> No.11420105

>I do know he somehow accomplished making you very upset.
Let's give him another Fields medal.

>> No.11420124

Green-Tao and proof of the Collatz almost everywhere? Exactly why is he a fraud?

>> No.11420166

There's a reason it's not called tao-green. He's just good at stealing credit for other people's work and doing nothing at all, like all chinks.

>> No.11420175

>there's a reason why it's not called tao-green
unless you have actual evidence for the contribution on this one theorem was more green than tao, this is pedantic.
>"hurr durr, why isn't it Fulkerson-Ford instead of Ford-Fulkerson?"

>> No.11420270

Nah, Erdos gave him the solution when he was tutoring him so he could kickstart his career.

>> No.11420291

Why so angry?

>> No.11420315
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op's just mad tao, along with most of the highly educated/talented academic and professional community thinks trump is a stupid dumb-dumb

>> No.11420316
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Most high IQ people voted for Hillary. Only rural and suburban retards voted for dumpf

>> No.11420320

OP how troubling is it four you to know your penis won't grow bigger than a noodle?

>> No.11420359

>Collatz a.e.
Literally no one gives a shit.

>> No.11420393

Tao vs Mochizuki

who would win

>> No.11420395

He wrote unreadable textbooks

>> No.11420414

more than you.

>> No.11420644

is OP Indian or something?

>> No.11420940
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>> No.11421812

Do you have that stratified by race?

>> No.11422058

On who's the most fraud?

>> No.11422071

What are you implying you racist bigot? Race is a social construct!

>> No.11422106

A social construct yes, but that doesn't mean it's not real.

>> No.11422109

Reported to bernie AND yang. say goodbye to your UBI, bigot!

>> No.11422120

lmao, bring a statistic on smart white people and voting next time.

>> No.11422134
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>> No.11422136

It has nothing to do with IQ, democrats just happen to offer better resources to academics. If republicans keep all of their core except they started giving more money to colleges, all academics would vote for them.

>> No.11422165

That's just a made up excuse because he didn't want to admit republicans are no longer merely bible-thumpers. No experiments were made to support this hypothesis.

>> No.11422184

No, it's literally just verbal IQ, and nothing changed. The headline "smart people no longer identify as Democrats" is not from the author of the paper, it's some /pol/tards "free interpretation" of it.

>> No.11422189

Except the part where republicans are now smarter than democrats is actually verified and actually has supporting evidence.
Grasping hard I see.

>> No.11422199

If there was supporting evidence, you'd have posted it by now, instead of posting a fake news graph with 2 bars where one bar is 3 times as big as the other, but the difference between the bars is only ~5%

>> No.11422206

The supporting evidence was posted by yourself. I know you're clinically retarded (that's what being a libtard does to you) but you could at least, you know, TRY or something. I know it's really hard for people in your condition but come on.

>> No.11422300

This was so cringe.

>> No.11422325
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>I anticipate there will be any number of “tu quoque” responses, asserting for instance that Hillary Clinton is also unfit to be the US president. I personally do not believe that to be the case (and certainly not to the extent that Trump exhibits), but in any event such an assertion has no logical bearing on the qualification of Trump for the presidency. As such, any comments that are purely of this “tu quoque” nature, and which do not directly address the validity or epistemological status of Proposition 1, will be deleted as off-topic.

>> No.11422352 [DELETED] 

Why are mathematicians so cringey?

>> No.11422360
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Don't forget

>> No.11422367

where were you going with this post?

>> No.11422465

>proof of the Collatz almost everywhere
He doesn't prove that the orbits reach 1 almost everywhere, read the paper. The result is much weaker than that, and basically useless

>> No.11422498


It is convention that in multi-authored math papers authors are are listed alphabetically.

>> No.11422555

/pol/ copypasta and everyone falls for it

>> No.11422625

Yes, but people traditionally refer to results coming from many people based on the relative importance of the contribution from each author, irrespective of the paper's author listing.

>> No.11423221
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>What did this fraud accomplish?


I dunno OP. Let's see your wikipedia page.

>> No.11423252

>known for
>bunch of shit he has never even touched but wants to
Wikipedia is a meme.

>> No.11423291

Being a child prodigy.

People assume developing early means you'll be groundbreaking; it doesn't.

>> No.11423343

Wikipedia truly is a meme.

>Scientific racism is a pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority

>Trump has made many false or misleading statements during his campaign and presidency. The statements have been documented by fact-checkers, with political scientists and historians widely describing the phenomenon as unprecedented in modern American politics.

>Intelligent design (ID) is a pseudoscientific argument for the existence of God

Whatever fad academia says is true is "scientific", all else is bad and reprehensible even if it's true. Wikipedia is written by redditors and herd following people of this kind

>> No.11423382

This. Just how many child prodigies have been propped up in the past 2 decades alone, and where are they now?

>> No.11424258

Barnett published you idiot.

>> No.11424268

Inb4 Tao is OP

>> No.11425153

>>Trump has made many false or misleading statements during his campaign and presidency. The statements have been documented by fact-checkers, with political scientists and historians widely describing the phenomenon as unprecedented in modern American politics.

Enough to dismiss anything you say as retarded.

You can like Trump all you want, but if you don't acknowledge that he legitemately spouts bullshit on the regular, you are beyond anything even resembling rational thought.

>> No.11425204

I am aware that he talks bullshit all the time, but that wikipedia page is written in a way that seems to assume that the reader is left-leaning. The article basically invalidates Trump's election on the grounds that "political scientists and historians" consider orange man bad

>> No.11425227


so you admit that the article is factually true, you are just unhappy that the facts are not very flattering for your political stance

got it

>> No.11425250

How come people don't understand that Trump is playing a character?

Honestly you're worse than people who think wrestling is real.

>> No.11425252

You can say something bad about every single politician in the first paragraphs about their corresponding wikipedia pages. But only Trump gets it, because his political stance is not very flattering to the midwit marxist ideologues that dominate academia

>> No.11425340
File: 175 KB, 500x481, obama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can say something bad about every single politician in the first paragraphs about their corresponding wikipedia pages.

Something bad? If it is probably the most defining thing of a presidency it is well worth mentioning in the first paragraph.

Also: you might wanna stop this "everything is basically the same" bullshit.
Pic related. There are definitely different levels to being incompetent.

>> No.11425403

It's all in the lens you use to look at things. Obama caused political chaos in the middle east and allowed ISIS to gain momentum and end up killing countless people. But no one cares about any of that because he is half black and smiles.

>> No.11425562
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>> No.11425625

>where one bar is 3 times as big as the other, but the difference between the bars is only ~5%
I'm a libtard commie but this is a bad argument. IQ is a degree scale, not an absolute, so only relative comparisons matter. 102 and 97 IQ are not 5% different any more than 1 degree celsius and 2 degrees celsius are 100% apart. We could easily set the median IQ at 0 and then this argument couldn't be made.

>> No.11425632

>>Scientific racism is a pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority
That's true, though. Justifying racial discrimination or inferiority relies on normative claims. Normative claims are inherently non-scientific.

>> No.11425644

Sure, but that doesn't make it "pseudoscience" to acknowledge that different races have different characteristics, for instance different IQ distributions

>> No.11425646

He does have a nice smile though

>> No.11425654

Sure. It's also not pseudoscience to claim that you believe lower IQ is a sign of inferiority or that it justifies racial discrimination. It becomes pseudoscience if you claim that those value judgments are scientifically supported.

>> No.11425692

>Obama caused political chaos in the middle east and allowed ISIS to gain momentum and end up killing countless people.

Did he though? Or was it a joint decision made by multiple people most of which were probably military officials?

That's the thing with politics nowadays, you can't really blame a single person for something because most of the time they aren't even powerful enough to do what they want (and that includes the US president).

I don't really blame Trump for anything he did as a political action because I don't really know if he was even free to do something else.

But I certainly blame him for being embarrassing and talking nonsense half of the time - because that's on him personally.

>> No.11425778

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.11425788

Yes and no. It depends on the context of the claim: it wouldn't be pseudoscience to explain through peer-reviewed literature that humans are naturally inclined toward in-group preferences associated with, say, positive indicators of modern success most associated with the group they identify as, should sources for these claims exist. This would qualify as scientific support for these value judgements ("it's genetics", for instance, or "it is highly correlated with success").

>> No.11425812

It's impossible to publish anything associating bad characteristics to certain races. "Peer review" is only a gatekeeping mechanism when it comes to sensitive subjects like this.

Also you are fucking bluepilled if you think peer review is what separates legitimate research from pseudoscience

>> No.11425825

>also man of straw

>> No.11425842

How about you go back to r*ddit

>> No.11425881

That just shifts the value judgment from "It's good to discriminate against low IQ races" to "Natural in-group preferences ought to be considered correct."

>> No.11425896

The point wasn't to argue that value judgement X is scientifically correct, but that there can be scientifically validated value judgements.

>> No.11426319

Where's the IQ of Trump vs. Hillary voters on that chart?

>> No.11426328
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>> No.11426610

(((fact checkers)))

>> No.11426659

he has done literally nothing of value. seriously i dare you shills to tell me something he has done that doesn't boil down to:
>doing some arbitrary type of math 5 years early than average
>touching up other people's solutions
>making marginal progress towards the solution of a problem when the actual proof is decades away and might not use any of his accomplishments

>> No.11427114


>posting the same thread everyday
>samefagging and talking to himself about Tao

lol seething academic failure Trump supporter BTFO'd here >>/sci/thread/11384471 is still at it I see.

>> No.11427766

Get a grip schizo.

>> No.11429610

Hilary and the Dems are cucks, but so is Trump and all of his MIGApede followers.

>> No.11429614

Hilary and the Dems are cucks, but so is Trump and all of his MIGApede followers.

You're a partisan faggot, a loser, and probably a pedophile tranny. Partisan politics is for retards, regardless of whether you're on the left or the right.