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11418205 No.11418205 [Reply] [Original]

Jeff Bezos should use his ridiculous wealth to fund a mission to drill a hole through this moon and find out if there is life there once and for all

>> No.11418213
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what the fuck is with this gigantic boner for finding life on other celestial bodies, we already know it's there what good is proving it gonna do?

>> No.11418218

I really want to see what it looks like. Come on anon it would cool as hell and you know it

>> No.11418231
File: 99 KB, 500x750, 1526518550_tumblr_or8v5zftOA1ted4zko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya it would be pretty interesting

>> No.11418242


>> No.11418244

>we already know it's there
no we don't
Finding life that has independently sprung up on multiple bodies inside a single solar system would pretty much revolutionize the way we think of life, it's formation and the universe at large.

>> No.11418259
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He kind of is though with Blue Origin, just very very slowly

>> No.11418262
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>Finding life that has independently sprung up
careful with assumptions

>> No.11418313

then why haven't we drilled the moons of jupiter and saturn?
in fact, why don't we set a small zeppelin on venus habitable zone to see if there is life.

>> No.11418325

there is no point sending a zeppelin to venus.

>> No.11418372

Found the christard fucking idiot

>> No.11418379


>> No.11418418

If there's life anywhere it must be on the surface of a planet with liquid water
The Moon has no liquid water

>> No.11418439

"The Moon" has no liquid water.
But OP image is Enceladus, the moon of Saturn. Cassini detected liquid water shooting out of the icy surface, along with some salts.

>> No.11418447
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Bezos didn't get rich by spending all his money like a fool, he bought the Washington Post so he could spend your money instead of his.

>> No.11418448

Also, it would drastically increase the probability of The Great Filter being ahead of us. Fermi Paradox.
Hope we don't find life on Enceladus, but find it habitable for life.

>> No.11418457

Maximum edgelord here. If he thinks life developed independently on another planet that clearly shows he's not a christard since they would believe it was created by the same God.

>> No.11418548

what if we found a weird life on a planet or noom then we find out they have same religions as hunams bro what would it mean does it make god real or fake lol i think god is so interesting to say ideas of when i wonder about it sometimes i feel like maybe gob is telling me a secret or something but that would be pretty weird ha ha

>> No.11418554
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religion vs. science discussion is strictly forbidden by the jannies and mods of this board. its gay as fuck, but thats the way it is here.

>> No.11419696

>Implying life could live outside of Earth.
Not only is the moon required, but also a Jupiter like planet fucking with it would also be required, life gets rarer each time we learn about the universe, so I doubt any life, especially any worth seeing, is out there.
Religion is a side effect of evolving higher intelligence, as chimpanzee religions show, it would make sense that with intelligent life out there, one would have a religion similar to ours, since so many earth religions are the same.
All Dinos had feathers.

>> No.11419853

I bet life different from ours will either be extremely infectious to us or the other way around. Probably it already happened on Earth and our ancestor bacteria prevailed and devoured all other life forms that generate indipendently. This is assuming life came into existence by itself of course
We will either destroy any lifeform we find or they will destroy us, and this is not even considering intelligent life. If we encountered intelligent life sooner or later weìd fuck each other up like the hooligans we are

>> No.11419863

>Hope we don't find life on Enceladus, but find it habitable for life.
It's going to change a outcome or what?

>> No.11419875

religion isn't science so maybe that's why. also those discussions are what we used to have like 10-20 years ago and science won. it's already over.

>> No.11420085

Life most likely originated on one single body in Solar System and then was spread out through ejecta from meteorite strikes landing on other bodies.
It is also more likely that life on Earth originated from Mars as it had better conditions for life in early phase of Solar System's formation.

>> No.11420087

nice music

>> No.11420088

>what if we found a weird life on a planet or noom then we find out they have same religions as hunams bro what would it mean does it make god real or fake
This is one of the theories pursued by Catholic theologicians(each species has its own revelation)
FYI Catholic Church has accepted existence of alien life as possibility long long time ago.

>> No.11420089

I didn't mean to post that here and I didn't realise that I did until just now, but I'm glad you like it

>> No.11420093

>The Moon has no liquid water
On the surface ? No, but there is possibility that in deep subsurface there could be liquid water.