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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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11412578 No.11412578 [Reply] [Original]

Why have you not signed up for cryotronics yet /sci/? If you fund it from a life insurance policy its only $10 a month.

>> No.11412587
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>> No.11412663

I'm typing this from inside the frozen tube. It's pretty chill.

>> No.11412681

Because it's bullshit and you must have your body burned to ash after death to properly pass over.

>> No.11412713

who says i haven't? I'm gonna love the robo-fascist overlords when I wake up

>> No.11412730
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Just the odds anon, less than 5k total people have signed up (all companies).

>> No.11412740

maybe when I get older.

>> No.11412749

even if you can prevent brain tissue from being destroyed with cryonic freezing it suffers from a pseudo transporter problem. that said i'll still do it as a last ditch effort.

>> No.11412771

>how to live forever with cryonics
>step 1 give us money
>step 2 DIE

>> No.11412779

If it helps any it's a non profit

>> No.11412786

>it suffers from a pseudo transporter problem

So does going to bed. There’s no such thing as continuous identity.

>> No.11412789

not the same. sleeping still has brain activity.

>> No.11412792

>how to live forever with cryonics
>step 1 give us money
>step 2 DIE

>> No.11412810

where is the

>> No.11413108

i dont wanna live longer than i have to

>> No.11413113

non profit doesn't mean they don't make money off it retard
look at the salaries they give out themselves for starters

>> No.11413114

It does correlate with not profit seeking.

>> No.11413120
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because there are no for profit investors who have financial interest in shilling the company

>> No.11413121


*but it doesn't change that if you purchase their service, they'll get more money, so the points listed stand.

>> No.11413125
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Yes please go off and do your DIY back yard cyronics that continues to operate after your death somehow.

>> No.11413135

hey i have no issue with it, just pointed out that

>>11412771's points aren't wrong

i do think it's bs though, i'm a multi millionaire so it's not the 50k, literally wouldn't wish this shit on my enemies even if it worked. human beings simply aren't meant to live so long.

>> No.11413138

>i'm a multi millionaire so it's not the 50k,
you and me and the next dude bro

>> No.11413141

You can solve it. BAN COMPUTERS. Then all those fuckers will have nothing better to do than to fuck all day and night lol.

>> No.11413152

Because it's retarded bullshit that turns your body into mush. Have you ever eaten unfrozen strawberries (or other fruit? Why shouldn't I expect the same happen to me?

>> No.11413181

if you're under the age of 40 you're better off just waiting for anti ageing technology.

>> No.11413196

One life of suffering was enough.

>> No.11414251

If I had the cash, I'd try it out for shits and giggles.

>> No.11414261

>signed up for cryotronics
You...realize we build this shit on the daily right? If your looking for some autists to power hour your shit, you should talk to /biz/ or /pol/

>> No.11415258

>he does not know what anti-freeze is
They slowly pump your corpse full of shit that stops ice crystals. It's not a fucking veg in a freezer.