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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 411 KB, 684x504, madmikedies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11411549 No.11411549 [Reply] [Original]

Madmike dies.

>> No.11411550


>> No.11411559
File: 80 KB, 600x944, Astronaut_Famer_Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11411564


>> No.11411569

They literally had to kill him to prevent the truth from coming out.

>> No.11411570

Did he hit the roof?

>> No.11411576

Don't kill us with laughter,
their rockets didn't even reach the clouds

>> No.11411581
File: 2.94 MB, 800x450, Mike Lawn Dart Hughes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11411583

>Did he hit the roof?

hit the lack of common sense

>> No.11411587

Isn't gravity also supposed to be a NASA hoax?

>> No.11411593

>tfw your own hobby water rockets made in the late 1990s flew higher than anything he launched
I think 1km is pretty much the limit for any water based rocket, but I never did the math on it. I think the world record is close to that now.

>> No.11411594

Did they do a retake?

>> No.11411598

Added another to the list:

>Wan Hu, a possibly-apocryphal[32] 16th-century Chinese official, is said to have attempted to launch himself into outer space in a chair to which 47 rockets were attached. The rockets exploded, and it is said that neither he nor the chair were ever seen again.
>Max Valier (1895–1930) invented liquid-fuelled rocket engines as a member of the 1920s German rocket society Verein für Raumschiffahrt. On 17 May 1930, an alcohol-fuelled engine exploded on his test bench in Berlin, killing him instantly.[25]
>"Mad" Mike Hughes (1955-2020) was killed when the parachute failed to deploy during a crash landing while piloting his homemade steam-powered rocket.[26]

>> No.11411599

Sounds like he set a record for negative altitude as well

>> No.11411601
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>> No.11411605

Anyone got the stats of his rocket?

>> No.11411606

Rocket 0, gravity 1

>> No.11411607

Mike "Splat-earth" Hughes

>> No.11411608

Sorry his family, but he is just a idiot like a lot of people today

>> No.11411612

Spirit: 14
Constitution: 8
Agility: 4
Int: 3

>> No.11411615

Wonder what the last thing going through his mind was

>> No.11411616

the best coment, wow

>> No.11411620

Common sense: -27

>> No.11411621


I fucked myself!

>> No.11411623

failed to deploy? the thing deployed at launch.

>> No.11411633

>that fucking ACME-style rocket launch
Mike might be in the ground, but my sides are in orbit

>> No.11411636

If that had not happened, he would by now have made a phone call from the Andromeda galaxy to president Trump to tell the world about the truth. You would not have been laughing then.

>> No.11411652

"failed to deploy DURING A CRASH" kek

>> No.11411658

Does anyone know how /x/ is taking the news? are they blaming the illuminati for his death?

>> No.11411659
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This is like the white boomer version of those African helicopter builders.

>> No.11411662

Probably think he was part of the conspiracy to ridicule FE & /x/

>> No.11411667

Who from /sci would volunteer to spy?

>> No.11411731

I value my sanity, so no thanks

>> No.11411829

Wasn't he going to prove the earth is flat? He was clearly assassinated.

>> No.11411834

obviously nasa sabotaged it. calling it now. dont want world knowing the truth they lyin about. fucking scientists always makin me pissed.

>> No.11411847

Probably something like
>Hey, I can see the curvature of the Earth from up here

>> No.11411854

It's even worse than that. Africans lack the resources to make anything remotely functional, so they're safe from their ignorance, while boomers have more money than sense, so they can build expensive contraptions that work just enough to kill them.

>> No.11411882
File: 29 KB, 238x357, 1510395395534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not /sci/

>> No.11411885

He didn't fly so good. Who wants to try next?

>> No.11411899

lmao who designed that? The Jackass crew?
Was the retard even on board or did the hoaxdag hoax his death to bow out of the ridiculous flat earth corner he painted himself into.
It looks like it did exactly what it was designed to do.

>> No.11411937

My roommate watched a documentary about this guy, he would literally scrounge junkyards for supplies to build his rockets. It was a surprise this didn't happen sooner.

>> No.11411942

>Hi, I'm Mike Hughes and welcome to Jackass

>> No.11411948

Should have just stopped believing in gravity

>> No.11411951

last thoughts
>But my math was perfect, every variable accounted.. oh no..

>> No.11411953

I unironically respect this man way more than 99,999% of the scientist I have met in my life.
I hope it didn't hurt too bad.

>> No.11411955

> oh shit oh my god I’m dying fuuuck fuuuck oh my...

>> No.11411964

He had plenty of time to panic before everything cut to black.

>> No.11411974

His legs

>> No.11411975
File: 570 KB, 2114x990, Capture+_2020-02-24-01-09-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically he could have flown to NYC and could have asked a few permissions to climb on top of the antenna, he would have reached a higher altitude than he did with his rocket.

>> No.11411989

>Wonder what the last thing going through his mind was
The cold hard floor

>> No.11411992

Or just climb a moderately high hill

>> No.11412013

I lived the last few tim-

>> No.11412020
File: 276 KB, 1462x2048, afc5d255ab97aa761e9c079f8311f3f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just hoborig a weather baloon with hydrogen strapped to a lawnchair, grab a good parachute and some oxygen, and go as high as you want? maybe some warm clothes and sunglasses?

>> No.11412066

looked at his stuff online and everything i found was pure nonsense cancer like holy shit is this real life

>> No.11412092

I wonder what NASA used to shoot his rocket down?

>> No.11412209

>"Dear Lord Jesus, if you love me, you'll make this rocket FLY!"

>> No.11412248

So he didn't get more air than Elon's shitbox, right?

>> No.11412253

The last frog I launched into space had a similar fate.

>> No.11412282

>Ironically he could have flown to NYC
He would have reached even higher on the commercial jet that took him there.

>> No.11412453
File: 13 KB, 261x193, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Lawnchair Larry; back in 1982 he did just that, and reached a peak height of 16,000 feet. Others have managed similar feets since then.

>> No.11412474

Can't stop laughing bro

>> No.11412557

I dont get it.

This guy was very clever. Look at that rocket. A steam powered rocket, what is more.That takes skill and intelligence to build. He had previously flown it it successfully.

How can someone with the intelligence to build such a rocket subscribe to the flat earth nonsense? Where simple experiments and elementary reasoning confirms a spherical earth? Aristotle and others figured this out over 2000 years ago. Today we have a plethora of modern evidence and tests which can be added to prove it.

Yet this guy, who is capable of building a rocket, which previously successfully flew, a feat requiring ingenuity, engineering, physics and math. That requires rational thought and critical thinking, unbiased observation, experimentation. Yet he throws all this, all reasoning and evidence, out the window and says the earth is flat. I dont understand how can someone can hold such contradictory thought processes in their head.

>> No.11412671

All he thought about was the rocket.
The only maths he learned was to make the rocket fly.
It's a classic Asperger trait.
I have it. People do stuff like this all the time. Work towards a goal regardless of the cost.
The end justifies the means.

>> No.11412683
File: 455 KB, 200x150, giphy_3E4g26uDjjqKUMs73y_fixed_width_128944966756491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11412686

Nah you can't see it below 160000 feet.

>> No.11412892

do those go high enough to notice curvature?

>> No.11412900

I mean, if he does not pussy out and uses absolutely no unnecessary ballast as well as hydrogen to maximize some word I forgot

>> No.11412918

What was he even (supposedly) trying to do? I mean what did he say to people funding him? Was he like "oh I went to 500m last time, maybe one day I'll go to space if I try enough times" and they bought it?

>> No.11413048
File: 36 KB, 480x480, 1532241576307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth may not be flat, but Hughes is.

>> No.11413103

This man had a dream and the courage to go after it.

You can laugh but between you and him, he's not the one who lost his life.

>> No.11413107

Some say he just wanted his own rocket, and just conned the flatearthers into funding him.

>> No.11413116

I cant imagine selling snakeoil to flat earthers is all that difficult desu

>> No.11413239

>he's not the one who lost his life.
ummm anon, you might want to finish watching the video

>> No.11414531

>How can someone with the intelligence to build such a rocket subscribe to the flat earth nonsense?
>he throws all this, all reasoning and evidence, out the window and says the earth is flat. I dont understand how can someone can hold such contradictory thought processes in their head

>> No.11415042

The sides of the rocket as it impacted the ground

>> No.11415065
File: 5 KB, 250x248, 1579002252298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11415171

you have to invent something to be on that list, not just build it.

>> No.11415213

Like it or not, this guy was more of a scientists than many of the people we call "scientists" these days, people that the only thing they know is shoving data into Python and pressing enter.

>> No.11415647

>tfw this guy was just doing this as a hobby and used flat earth retards to bankroll him

>> No.11415824

His ass

>> No.11415825

Literally Jeb Kerman