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11411166 No.11411166 [Reply] [Original]

So do masks even work against Corona?

>> No.11411171

They do. If you're infected, wear one to help prevent it spreading further. Otherwise, they don't work to stop YOU from getting infected by others.

>> No.11411176
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I've tried and it mostly just splashes over your clothes and face but eventually soaks the mask and you get a very damp feeling but no liquid enters the mouth and you don't get a buzz.

>> No.11412203

N99 & N100 work the best

>> No.11412322

Not on their own, they protect you from inhaling droplets however your eyes are still exposed, and if you don't also wear gloves droplets can remain on your hands, if you dispose of your mask incorrectly or forget to wash and disinfect your hands and then touch your eyes or mouth, or eat, or sleep, or anything else that could spread virus particles to your home that will infect you later, then you'll still run a risk of becoming sick. Masks are best used when wearing full PPE (gloves, goggles, and you rigorously disinfect yourself) or when you yourself are sick, so you can avoid spreading infection to other people. If you are thinking about halfassing your PPE, better to just buy extra food and water and bug in for a week or two if people happen to freak out and strip the shelves bare.

>> No.11412550

I've been thinking about masks a lot. I have a snorkel mask, and thinking of ways to make a filter for it. One thing I've considered is a two stage cartridge. The first stage is a cloth filter, the second stage is an electric grid that ionizes air. However, I can't find any literature on how will ionized air deactivates Covid-19.

>> No.11412555


>> No.11412584


>> No.11412624

Standard masks have ~80% chance of reducing infection rate, regardless of ratings.

>> No.11412637

Wrong. They help in 70-80% reduction of getting sick for a healthy person. Its not just for sick person to reduce spreading, but also for healthy to not get shitty airborne virus. Its VERY effective.


>> No.11412720


>> No.11412890
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Yes, they absolutely do, but you can't rely on those disposables to do more than reduce your risk of contraction by a moderate amount. To entirely eliminate it, you need a full face respirator with N100 or P100 filters (P are for working in oily industrial environments, N are fine for this application but P are more commonly available).
The reason why you need something like pic is because coronavirus can be contracted through the conjunctiva (eye tissue), those disposables are almost always N95 (not good enough), and unfiltered air easily makes it around the edge of disposables. A real respirator has a thick gasket around the edge. After putting it on, you do a vacuum test to ensure the fit. You MUST be clean shaven for the gasket to be reliable.
These things are also much more comfortable. They're designed to be used in toxic environments for a full work shift in tough conditions.

This will work if you can produce enough ozone, but then you'll be breathing ozone... Buy a real mask.

>> No.11413147
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>have a micro-sore on your hand
that's what you get for being a fucking casual

>> No.11413207

>gets caught on a nail or jagged edge

>> No.11413210

>Going outside

>> No.11413226

>he doesn't wear multiple layers of suits with kevlar in between

>> No.11413559

>Use hand sanitizer
>Put gloves on

>> No.11413573

80% is shit. That's not at all very effective. And this is assuming proper usage.

>> No.11413681

Not all ionized air is ozone. You get ozone when the voltage is too high.

>> No.11413688

The super cheap surgical masks are mainly to protect others from you, not you from others. They are still a lot better than nothing though.

>> No.11413711

The problem with ozone is that it attacks the immune system.

>> No.11414292

All ionizers make ozone even if they're terribly inefficient at it. If the power output is so low that the ozone generation is negligible, then it's also too low to destroy a significant number of viral particles in the very short exposure time. The ozone is actually desirable because it's a strong oxidizer, until it enters your lung. So the best thing would be to crank the ionization up, and use a catalyst to convert O3 back to O2. This is all very complicated though. All you really need is a N100 filter.

>> No.11414314

epic carlos post

>> No.11414326

N is for Niggers

>> No.11414455

And P is for Pussy. I crush both, so either is fine.

>> No.11414489

>You MUST be clean shaven
agree with everything except this. big beards and stubble, yes, but anything from 1 week to a month's worth doesn't affect most masks. and even then, you can just get some hand lotion or fat to get your beard to fit.
-t bearded diver and gas mask enthousiast.

>> No.11414500

i disagree, it's much much worse. it gives people a false sence of security, meaning these fucks will just congregate like it's nobody's business. with the current infection rate there is no way it's just droplet carried, and breath from the infected will not be stopped by these. just hold basic hygiene rules, get a sanitizer bottle, try to avoid mass crowds and try to stay at least 2 meters from people.

>> No.11414568

I don't know how fast you grow hair, but three days is enough to fail a vacuum test if I tilt my head too far down or up with a respirator. A week and forget about it. I'm sure diving is less of a big deal because the increased external pressure and the surface tension of water will make an otherwise poor seal more than adequate.
Adding grease is certainly a useful cheat, but talk about gross to deal with.

>> No.11414589

i have a 1/1.5 cm long beard, about one or two week's worth, and my mask holds up even without grease. could be due to the rubber being soft or the amount of seal under the chin, i have a military nat rubber mask from like 1960 but it passes everything i throw at it. do agree that it's not good using grease though, but for stopgap, it's perfectly adequate. I'm honestly not ready to get a babyface for this shit, and having to shave every fucking day to get a good fit. i'll do that when we get confirmed cases in our country.

>> No.11414647

this is a blessed post, can't argue with that

>> No.11414883

How can America make n95 domestically?

>> No.11414889

They help but not for the reasons you would consider.

They make it less likely for you to rub your nose or make contact with your mouth--which is almost always how people become infected with cold/flu virus (touch a contaminated surface, then touch your face at some point).

>> No.11414890

hopefully not. i'm so goddamned tired of dealing with the chinese. i thought i had escaped it but somehow i'm stuck dealing with their bullshit again.

>> No.11415573

N95 is worthless. You need a 100 rating. Based 3M corporation manufacturers these in St. Paul MN. I'm sure there are other domestic manufacturers as well.

>> No.11415630

It keeps you from touching your face when you're out in public which is a major vector for infection.

>> No.11415874
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>> No.11415876

Yes, but it's a waste of money cause depending on the mask you have to replace them every 30 minutes to 5 hours.
The best thing you can do is wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your face.

>> No.11415883

What about wearing goggles?

>> No.11415886

Wearing goggles helps because they keep you from touching your eyes and you don't need to replace them.

>> No.11415893

Is it greater than 0? Yes. Boom!