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11410779 No.11410779 [Reply] [Original]

What is the reason behind asociality? One would lose tons of opportunity to reproduce/jobs/good shits in general if he's asocial. Is it genetic or social construct? Why would there still be introverts after so many generations?
Pic not related.

>> No.11410827

They are either sigma or omega males

>> No.11410840

i thought high testosterone made people introverted/anti-social.

>> No.11410865

I don't believe anyone is asocial or antisocial. It's just that people are often forced to socialize every day with people they hate (e.g. school or work) so they check out of society and instead socialize online.

>> No.11411234

Most people are retard. By being introverted, you avoid being around retards which naturally increases life expectancy.

>> No.11411812

It's more useful to socialise with the people you hate compared to socialise online.

>> No.11411851

>Why would there still be introverts after so many generations
Eugenics don't work.

>> No.11411901

but less pleasant. and people are naturally more convenient

>> No.11413133

In general retards produce more, and therefore you should be attracted to and fuck your brain out with the retards.

>> No.11413144

What do you mean by "is social"?

Do you know having a job can also inhibit your growth?

Maybe it can help, but having job that sucks is nightmare...

People shouldn't do things for the need of money.

>> No.11413151

it's all in your head. people are complex, you can't just fit them into neat little packages.

>> No.11413316

you can't match a single human with a single personality type or a single identity, but there exist certain personality types, because they're like a unreachable "limit"
if you wanted to quantify it and had a reliable way to measure, you could say that someone is, for example 56% schizoid, but not a single human can be 100% "something".
but it's not useless to have those types, despite that "humans are complex and nobody really fits anyway"
the purpose of the tool is being able to express the TRENDS of human behaviours.
And trends of human behaviours are more predictable and noticeable, just like any others animals, than the behavior of a single one of them.

>> No.11414416

>Why would there still be introverts after so many generations?

this isn't physiology, it's psychology. there's people will all sorts mental illnesses just like there's physical sickness. it has much more to do with their environment not their genetics

>> No.11415226
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hermit gang

>> No.11415349

Then why doesn't the society consider introverts as a psychological issue and force them to go to the clinic?

>> No.11415370

source: your ass

>> No.11415380
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I consider myself asocial, but mostly it means I don't keep male friends well. I have several female friends, but mostly they're exes or I'm actively dating them and it's always 1-on-1 interaction. I'm introverted, but not shy—I've spoken publicly in front of hundreds of people and have no problem hitting on women. I just don't want to go to parties or bars or concerts or malls because being around too many people is exhausting and grating.

>> No.11415385

Congratulations, you're smart enough to not want to be in a large yammering crowd of retarded strangers.

>> No.11415430

Because a disorder is classified as a condition that is stressing to the afflicted, causes severe dysfunction, and is abnormal behaviour. Introversion doesn't go under that. Whatever does, would be something other than mere introversion.