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11405892 No.11405892 [Reply] [Original]

What is the speed of gravity?

>> No.11405894


>> No.11405912

Hardy goes to visit Ramanujan in the hospital and mentions the number of his taxi was 14. "I'm afraid that riding in a cab with such a dull number is an ill omen," Hardy says. And Ramanujan replies, "No, not at all; 14 is a very interesting number. It is the only one which can be written as the product of 7 and 2 in two different ways."

>> No.11405931

It's an acceleration....

>> No.11405934


>> No.11405950


>> No.11405963

Sorry, but no. The flood of newfags are unwelcome.

>> No.11405973

It's also the speed of gravity you mong.

>> No.11405982

Gravity is a force, not an inherit object. No mass=no speed.
However, gravity does place a downwards acceleration on everything on Earth, which is 9.8 metres per second.

>> No.11405992

gravity waves as measured by LIGO travel at the speed of light

>> No.11406002

7 x 2, 2 x 7. It’s amazing

>> No.11406155

hurrr durrrr

>> No.11406179


>> No.11406210
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The real quote is:
>I remember once going to see him [Ramanujan] when he was lying ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi-cab No. 1729, and remarked that the number seemed to be rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavourable omen. "No," he replied, "it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways."[1][2]
Anon made a joke by repurposing that exchange between Ramanujan and G.H. Hardy to use the retarded answer the other anon gave of "14" and replace the way the original anecdote reveals Ramanujan's genius in his casual mention without any self-consciousness about it of how he already has random special trivia about a number anyone else (Hardy included) would consider mundane and without special properties by instead stating the stupidly obvious (and therefore funny) observation that 14 is the only product of 7 and 2 and also 2 and 7 because integer multiplication is a commutative operation.
It's similar to when TV show Community had Abed act like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man except with a comically easy to count answer of 13 bagels recited when they drop compared to the actual Rain Man scene where the character is able to tell there were exactly 246 toothpicks dropped:

>> No.11406234

that would be the speed of gravitons, so it's the upper limit same as light

>> No.11406277

Terminal Schizo

>> No.11406284


>> No.11406316

Gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light.

>> No.11406380

>measured by LIGMA

>> No.11406523

very low iq

>> No.11406856


>> No.11406878


>> No.11406910


The real question is, what is the weight of speed?

>> No.11406956

1 million

>> No.11406968
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>> No.11407091

Its volume in cm^3 multiplied by 0.937 grams

>> No.11407106

What is measured?

>> No.11407114

thank you for your service

>> No.11407131


>> No.11408859

Speed turned the weights against us

>> No.11409139

2.98*10^8 m/s

>> No.11411119

>No mass=no speed.
No mass = c

>> No.11411139

mass is the opposite of speed

speed is just the lacking of mass in a system that must remain constant

>> No.11411188

Im developing a gravitron gun. It shoots gravity waves below the speed of sound to remain quiet. The speed of gravity is relativly easy to control.

>> No.11411235

If a particle has no mass it moves at c

>> No.11411255

we dont know exactly but more than the speed of light.gravity doesnt have mass so it doesnt need energy to run fast

>> No.11411353

the speed at which fields travel at

>> No.11411630

For what it's worth, the information transferred in the attractive force between the planets and the Sun appears to travel much faster than the speed of light.

The reason for this is that the orbits are stable: a significantly retarded force would introduce a torque into the system as the planets would be attracted to the position of the Sun minutes to hours previously as they move through the galaxy. The torque would swing the planets unstably.

This is not observed, and under standard cosmology the planets have been in orbit for billions of years. Make your own conclusions.

>> No.11411651

What do you think of that?

>> No.11411685

Gravity travels at most at light speed c. Though usually slower. As opposed to light, its equation of motion is nonlinear, which is usually interpreted to say that it interacts with itself to slow it down.

>> No.11411729

Well it pretty much nixes both general relativity and gravitons/quantum field theory as possible theories of gravitation, or it shows that the planetary orbits are not due to a force of gravity. I think the former is a more reasonable place to start. Either way, you should appreciate that theoretical physicists are quite serious when we say that we don't actually understand gravity: it fails everywhere in some way.

There's a plasma physicist named Hannes Alfvén that conjectured: "Gravitational systems are the ashes of prior electrical systems." I think this idea is worth pursuing. Recently it's occurred to me that gravity is essentially unobserved in particle physics experiments. The assumption is that it's simply too weak to detect at those scales, but on the other hand we are fixated on analyzing collisions and not their aftermath. Just some intuition, but maybe it could be formalized somehow.

>> No.11411859

>using "schizo"
>not seeing the post-2017 influx

>> No.11411866


>> No.11411892

gravity is a wave, so it is the speed of life.

>> No.11411895

chuck rhymes with suck and fuck. it is fucking funny but hard to notice.

>> No.11412526


no one knows, and no one will ever know. all sources are unreliable, just like the humans we are. you can't prove i exist, so why should constant values?

>> No.11413705


9.78033 m/s2

>> No.11413714
