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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11402456 No.11402456 [Reply] [Original]

If you are never going to be top 5% of what you are doing, be it Math or Physics or whatever, what's the point? You will probably never discover anything as big as the ones from Paul Erdos, Pierre Deligne and the likes.

>> No.11402485
File: 3.52 MB, 2154x2824, Dr_Robert_H_Goddard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I enjoy my work and what I do. Sure, I might not be the next Robert Goddard or Wernher von Braun, but I'll be the master of my craft in my own corner of the industry and that's still something to be proud of.

>> No.11402632

Why arbitrarily draw the line at 5%? Why not 10% or 2% or 0.0001%? Why not just have two or three top researchers in every sub-discipline? Why not just one?

Scientific advancement is a cumulative process, driven largely (in the modern era at least) by networks of teams of researchers. Anyone who has interest and competence in a subject should be free to pursue that subject.

>> No.11402648

Thats bc. its actually top 1%. And you should reach at least in one other area top 5%. Or you are genetically trash.

>> No.11402649

And even if you are, and you discover something, you can count the vicious political class to steal it and leave you with nothing.

>> No.11402833

I'm a physics teaching professor at my state school. I don't have to do research and my job isn't hard. Don't have tenure (work on contract) but it'd be too hard for the department to find someone else and it isn't like they have a reason to fire me. Summers off, too.

>> No.11402847

This guy gets it

>> No.11402849

>what's the point?
there is far more math and science to investigate than any single human could possibly do in 100 lifetimes

>> No.11402859

This board's obsession with other peoples' achievements will always make me chuckle.

You are a nobody and will die one. Legitimately cope with this.

>> No.11402874

And who the fuck are you?

>> No.11402875

Being one of the greats in the only way to reach immortality. For me, it's Caesar or nothing. If I'm not a famous researcher or writer by the time I'm 35 I'll just kill myself haha
>t. genetic trash

>> No.11402878

pure slave morality lmao

>> No.11402961
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Deligne is a hack and a thief, don't believe him.
t. Grothendieck

>> No.11403026

Same as you dude.

>> No.11403057

I learn for myself, and to understand reality a bit better before i die. Not for recognition.

>> No.11403140

Wrong wrong wrong. Read Thomas Kuhn.

>> No.11403144
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x1440, 1481963632579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it for myself, and not for other people

>> No.11403158


This is why robots are so important
So that the top 5% can do everything that matters along with their horde of robot drones and everybody else can just go off and be the waste of space they truly are

>> No.11403398

Doing physics or mathematics at any serious level easily puts you at the top 0.5 % of overall humanity by intellect.

>> No.11403400

Not with that attitude faggot.

>> No.11403468

There is no way to reach immortality. You will die and be utterly forgotten within only a few generations, at best. Come to terms with it so that you can attain freedom.

>> No.11404039

Then with what attitude? You tell me.

>> No.11404187

Why? That's the paradigm dude with his paradigm book, right? So things accumulate within the paradigms, but whole paradigms might be thrown away? Is that the point?

>> No.11404197

3pi ?

>> No.11404209

> haha
You joke about suicide you should really consider getting some help, that's not normal. You might be depressed and not even know about it.

One way to look at life is as an optimization problem - you are given certain parameters and you have to get the best from them. 'The Best' is vague as shit because it it up to you to define what that means. Start a business, contribute to a social or environmental cause, contribute to research and help move humanity forward.

Fame also comes and goes m8. I think there are plenty of examples of folks who became famous after they died.

Look, do the best you can and toss this nonsense about suicide to the trash where it belongs.

>> No.11404214

Ok fuck me, I first tried to do it on my head using my intuition and got 3pi, now I did the integral using the shell method and got 2pi.

Can someone tell me the correct answer pls?

>> No.11404218

Please ignore this posts I am retarded.

>> No.11404222

Ok, I got it the answer is pi. I thought the function was 3x when it was actually -3x+3

>> No.11404228


Ok, but I am still curious, the loli in the image says that you can do it without calculus or the formula. Who does one solve it like that? That's what I tried frist but evidently I don't know how to.

>> No.11404236

Why do you care about how other people perform when you're doing what you love?

>> No.11404246

OP we know you are really good as sucking cock and are eager to show us why you are in the top 5%

>> No.11404340

Are you dumb

>> No.11404341

Eaay to be in the top 5% when youre 100% of it because yoy created the field

>> No.11404355

What part of the restriction where we cannot use the formula everyone learns in high school you don't understand?

>> No.11404366 [DELETED] 

>shitty normie-tier life advice
>reddit spacing
yep, you need to go back nigger

>> No.11404655

I’m too 1% in Wealth, so I’m good.

>> No.11405189


>> No.11405191

have fun killing yourself

>> No.11405577

You mean bottom 1%? Shit. Do you need me to send you some bucks over paypal?