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11400316 No.11400316 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit I just knowingly broke out of a dream, it felt so trippy.
How do I cause more lucid dreaming in the future?

>> No.11400401

I've gotten pretty good at this. Maybe too good at it.

>learn how to break out of a dream if they don't like it
>realize your in a dream and decide to wake up
>wake up in bed, go about day, go to work
>realize you're still in a fucking dream, so you decide to wake up again
>wow, that was weird, but gotta go to work
>realize yet again STILL IN THE DREAM!
>wake yourself up again
>wake up in own bed and go on with day
>it's still the fucking dream!!!!!!!! wake up from the dream

this happened to me once. Must have gone through thousands of cycles of waking up, realizing it's a dream, then waking up again. It literally felt like months had passed. Maybe years.
When I finally did wake up, nothing felt real anymore. At least for an entire week I was questioning everything. Trippy as hell.

>> No.11400424

You're going to wake up when you're old and realize you are the captain of the enterprise

>> No.11401439

>captain of the enterprise
Captain of the stinky poopy diaper retirement house enterprise, more like.

>> No.11401470

You're still sleeping :)


>> No.11401472


>> No.11401476

I can confirm that he is not because I am real.

>> No.11401496

What's the scientific reason that Tyler's head shape is so fucked up?

>> No.11401499

homunculi genes

>> No.11401515

Now wake up one more time and you'll be Buddha.

>> No.11401524

you're just part of the dream bro. We all are

>> No.11401526

His 195 iq brain bulges out of his head

>> No.11401561

>when /sci/ and /x/ go larping

>> No.11401801

What do you mean? Lucid dreaming is an observable fact.
Do you mean to say you've never had lucid dreams?

>> No.11401875

Ive been practicing for a few years, from time to time i get a lucid dream..
My biggest problem is to maintain composure during lucidity
Every time i realise im in a dream, i suddenly start getting this enourmous pressure building up in me, i feel like im on a bad MDMA trip, and that sensation wakes me up
Once i realised this and turned myself towards a wall, but i couldnt just stare at a wall and try to stay calm, so i started climbing that wall with ease. Annnd that excited me and i woke up.
That was my last lucid dream

Anyway, heres some stuff you could do to improve your chances

When you wake up, dont move. Try to sleep without an alarm clock - even moving your hand to turn it off might be bad
When you move in the monring your brain flushes unnecessary dream memory - its easier to remember your dreams in more detail if you immediately upon waking up stay still and focus on the dream you had

Write. Down. Everything.
Keep a dream journal. It helps you learn your dreaming patterns. You will be able to become lucid easier when you know how your dreams usually work

Investigate WILDs. If you practice meditation a little bit and try a few of these wilds, even if they dont work, you will increase your chances.

Basically the more you think and work on it you improve your chances..

Dreams are just made up memories.
But lucid dreaming makes them so much more fun. You might even learn something new about yourself.

>> No.11403924

been there except i dremed i was waking but not really. i had to touch my own leg to actually stop it. was a small kid then

>> No.11403937

Last I had a dream me and my ex still lived in our apartment and I woke up angry and drank all day

>> No.11403981

I get this all the time with nightmares
>rationalize and realize this can’t be real
>tell myself to wake up and just go back to bed
Only one time did realize I was dreaming and began lucid dreaming. Wasn’t sure what to do so I just fucked my high school crush in the ass. Shit was so cash

>> No.11405212

>It literally felt like months had passed. Maybe years.

>> No.11405765

many times i realise i'm in a dream so i do whatever i want inside it, i try to fly i jump from buildings etc
one time i realized i was in a dream i tried to wake up by force but couldn't do it
dreams world is very fantastic

>> No.11405975

as funny as the thread is, Ive lucid dreamt before and its very real. I sadly didnt get more than 2 minutes in in total, but ive experimented with the things you can do and its very vast. Ive even made mental notes to remind me when I awake that what I saw was a mirror image of what life feels like (this is all I have to convince myself that the dreams feel real because when I try to recall it, just like real life events, its just fuzzy and theres no way of remembering every detail).

>> No.11406605

Go around imagining things, create an imaginary world in your head.
Start DAYDREAMING and crafting stories constantly with yourself at the center.
The unusual thing about my dreams is they are never like movies where im along for the ride and some things happen in them that honestly fucking baffle me.
I remember playing a game of holographic volleyball that was in the testing phase (there looked like a ring of circular projectors overhead) and your hand would pass through it but it would still react with speed, I remember a girl on the other side who went to hit the ball and bapped the person in front of her on the back of the head, everybody there started to laugh and I looked over at a person next to me and said
>shit I guess I didnt think of that
and shrugged. The guy said
>me neither
and was shaking his up and down in agreement, I ended up waking up laughing.