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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 728x546, sexual selection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11400209 No.11400209 [Reply] [Original]

Reading articles on sexual selection has made me suicidal. I went from being a child who had those magic ideas about love, to that obvious loss of innocence during the first couple of relationships, but the scientific studies done on this literally make me think we are not above other mammals in any way shape or form when it comes to sexual selection.

I'm someone that always tries to figure out how magic tricks work, or looks up the explanations, but in this case I think I made a mistake. How does one deal with the depression brought about my too much scientific inquiry?

>> No.11400225

when you look under the hood and find things that lower your ability to be happy, you fix it by ignoring those things
I prescribe weed and video games my dude

>> No.11400243

Just disregard humanity and propagation of it, it's a racket.

>> No.11400313

we're not above them. love is, in my understanding, a behaviour evolved in order to optimise the chances of success for the next generation. in short, love exists to have children and raise them properly. it's not incompatible with a romantic view of it. the ultimate expression of love is to bring a new life, the combination of both, into fruition through years of dedication and work.

>> No.11400336
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>Reading articles on sexual selection has made me suicidal

>> No.11400357

Sexual selection: me (a chad) deciding which 10 to peg.

>> No.11400449

psyical attributes matter much less in humans with us being social creatures

>> No.11400453
File: 790 KB, 4924x1396, 1554495242347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse.

Wrong and cope

>> No.11400457

Of course we're not above other animals. This is denied by feminists in order to push the myth of "gender equality". The only thing that separates us from other animals is our greater reasoning ability.

>> No.11400462
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>Yeah he's cute and all, but I don't date ants under 6 mm tall :/

>> No.11400517

I am 9/10 and /fit/ but too autistic to get laid
you can be an ugly manlet and still be Chad if you've got a strong personality and know how to talk with people

>> No.11400530

No you can't

>> No.11400541

Do you people never fucking go outside?

>> No.11400542

Clearly I go out more than you.

>> No.11400552

my old driving instructor was 2 heads under me, balding, in his mid 30s and with a scrawny body but that guy really knew his way around people which made him very good at his job
motherfucker was married, with two kids and still had like 2 side-chicks
shit was insane

>> No.11400555

>muh anecdotes