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11391868 No.11391868 [Reply] [Original]

Is psychiatry really pseudoscience?


>Rosenhan's study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates or "pseudopatients" (three women and five men, including Rosenhan himself) who briefly feigned auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 psychiatric hospitals in five states in the United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they felt fine and had no longer experienced any additional hallucinations. All were forced to admit to having a mental illness and had to agree to take antipsychotic drugs as a condition of their release. The average time that the patients spent in the hospital was 19 days. All but one were diagnosed with schizophrenia "in remission" before their release.

>The second part of his study involved an offended hospital administration challenging Rosenhan to send pseudopatients to its facility, whom its staff would then detect. Rosenhan agreed and in the following weeks out of 250 new patients the staff identified 41 as potential pseudopatients, with 2 of these receiving suspicion from at least one psychiatrist and one other staff member. In fact, Rosenhan had sent no pseudopatients to the hospital.

>> No.11391992


>> No.11392163

There was a thread here some days ago denouncing antidepressants, did anyone have the active?

>> No.11392521

>is X Y?
>proceeds to answer his own question in the same post

why do people do this?

>> No.11392695

Any test has false positives and false negatives, even more so if it deals with something so ethereal as human behaviour and perception.

Anyone who has ever seen subjects with psychiatric disease will understand that it is a good thing that people and facilities exist to take care of them.

The aversion of some people against psychiatry stems, among simple ignorance of what it really is, from the natural angst that accompanies being "looked into the head", the terror of sickness that pertains to the fundamental attributes that constitute a subject's humanity, and of the degradation that comes with being mentally ill, including not being taken seriously, being considered dangerous, losing all kinds of relationships to other people.

>> No.11392876

Project your retardation harder, inbred.

>> No.11393405

Because nobody talks about how abusive psychiatry is. I saw it with my own eyes when I was admitted to a hospital but I was lucky enough to have a jackass psychiatrist that gave zero shits so he just let me go off the hook.

>> No.11393409

>nd of the degradation that comes with being mentally ill, including not being taken seriously, being considered dangerous, losing all kinds of relationships to other people.
And your solution is...medicate them so they no longer feel upset by this? Wow what great work you do you really helped these people find love and companionship. I'm sure you must feel so good about yourself when you get home at night.

>> No.11393459

>Anyone who has ever seen subjects with psychiatric disease will understand that it is a good thing that people and facilities exist to take care of them.

i agree, psychiatry is a necessary evil for handling low functioning people who would otherwise be disruptive to society. but this is a separate issue from whether it's a pseudoscience - clearly the diagnoses and medications are a crude band aid blindly slapped on a bag of symptoms instead of anything precise and replicable. so long as people acknowledge it's an advanced form of tard wrangling i think it can be seen in it's proper light

>> No.11393465

>IRL only pretending to be retarded
>All were forced to admit to having a mental illness and had to agree to take antipsychotic drugs as a condition of their release.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.11393468

>i agree, psychiatry is a necessary evil for handling low functioning people who would otherwise be disruptive to society.
Nah it really isn't. You can more effectively help them if you abandon medication. I get that a psychotic guy that stabs random people should not be roaming around socieyt but also would not be best kept in a prison. You don't need medication to deal with that though and you also do not need to hospitalize someone who has done nothing wrong.

>> No.11393472

Exactly psychiatrist. Play stupid games win stupid prizes your time will run out eventually.

>> No.11394179

They test you exactly once, and they are happy and satisfied if you test positive.

They are parasites feeding on weak and helpless.

>> No.11394320

Do you have any studies, that reads that patients without pills have better well being life and everything? Please, I need to get out of there.

>> No.11394401


This video has quite a few studies in it. Also in my opinion the stories of the two women in this video are more than enough proof for anyone but people like to feel self-important with their scientific studies.

>> No.11394560
File: 48 KB, 325x500, Whitaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book. It's written by a journalist who slowly became an antipsychiatry activist. One of the big things that changed his mind was studies which found that schizophrenics in third world countries, where there is little access to antipsychotics, had marked decreased relapse rates.

>> No.11394575
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>> No.11394610

>All but one were diagnosed with schizophrenia "in remission" before their release.
I mean they all faked having schizophrenia (hallucinating) and were observed and then acted normal an said it went away. Seems like the shirks did exactly the right thing.

don't see how lying about hallucinations then being diagnosed with having hallucinations means psychology is a fake science

If I went to the hospital and lied and said I could not see then was diagnosed as being blind does that mean eye doctors are a scam?

>> No.11394622

Not schizophrenic, but this is all very relateable. Only 12 minutes in.

Recently a lot of fucked up things that happened to me even as late as high school, which I'd long forgotten, have been coming back to me. Thanks for posting this.

>> No.11394623

I guess if I answered every question on an IQ test with the word banana and was given a very low IQ that would show IQ tests are worthless because I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.11396123

The myth of mental illness is actually an erudite philosophical critique of psychiatric diagnosis. One of Szasz's main points is that "hysteria" - the fallacious reporting of fake medical symptoms - is a behavior, not a disease. It is something that people, not a literal pathology of their organs. This is clearly true and Szasz argues the point skillfully. The only reason this book is discredited is because doctors have a knee-jerk emotional reaction to the subject matter. They take offense at even a modicum of criticism. They fall back on strange defenses like "you don't understand how hard we doctors are working. How dare you question us?" (stranger yet because Szaz himself is a doctor). Most doctors despise this book, yet don't even know what is it arguing. I highly doubt they (or you) have even read the first chapter.

>> No.11396133
File: 374 KB, 245x175, zf0b78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I highly doubt they (or you) have even read the first chapter.
You are correct sir. Thanks for summarizing though.

>> No.11396503

schizos seething


>> No.11396519

Read about how anti depressants are tested on mice. That's all you really need to know about them.

>> No.11396633

This, it's so rare to see sane people on /sci/ when discussing mental illnesses.

You only need to work like a month with the mentally ill to see with your own eyes that psychiatry, psychology and psychiatric drugs are not scam. But it's easier to fuel your confirmation bias when you see it from afar.