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11390000 No.11390000 [Reply] [Original]

To any Medical anons out there: what the fuck are these dots?
>Six months ago
>Break my fucking back and almost die; L3 Vertebrae fucking explodes when it happens
>Have to get a spinal fusion on most of my lumbar and some of my thoracic
>Also get Sacral fracture that the docs decided not to mess with; placed on toe-touch restrictions on my right leg for like six weeks
>also broken ribs, collapsed lung, nerves are kinda fucky in my legs, etc.
>Now I have to take blood pressure medicine because accident raised blood pressure for some reason
>Like a month ago me and my gf start having oral sex (yes my dick works)
>These fucking dots start showing up
>Ignore them
>They get worse
>No pain or anything, I'm just concerned
Am I fucked? Or is this something fucking stupid? I also smoke weed, tobacco, and vape, if that changes anything.

>> No.11390015

Why not just go see a dermatologist?

>> No.11390016

You are going to die

>> No.11390184

clear case of ligma

>> No.11390186

Where are they located?

>> No.11390195
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or shingles (adult chicken pox).. which is herpes.

Also it's a virus that lies dormant in the nerve fibers within the spine.

You woke them up.

>> No.11390357

Your liver is failing

>> No.11390369

nice dubs op

>> No.11390502

it’s not lupus, though.