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11389491 No.11389491 [Reply] [Original]

Why has my placenta turned blue?
It's set in Polyester resin, I cured it in table salt for 2 weeks, turning it and changing the salt diligently removing moisture as is all good and proper, it's been sterilised cleaned and before it went into the resin it was a vivid red.

Why has my placenta turned blue?

>> No.11389492
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Before the resin

>> No.11389496
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After the resin

>> No.11389498

who the fuck does this? disgusting

>> No.11389505
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Welcome to 4chan
Why has it gone blue?

>> No.11389506

Add me on the screencap pls :D

>> No.11389514

Blood turns blue due to oxygen process. The vivid red anyone sees is the result of a resource being consumed. Blue is the energy resting state.

Impressed by your home project.

>> No.11389516
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It was so red before the resin

>> No.11389523

can you explain further?
because i believe you are incorrect
also, thankyou

>> No.11389528
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>> No.11389537

I used acetone in small amounts on a polyurethane plastic block and mould release resin made from....something...it doesn't say on the tin

>> No.11389541

Hemoglobin is pretty much all you need to google for whatever sub-branch of explanation you require.

Did you resin purely to keep the aesthetic?

>> No.11389584

I used clear resin so it can be seen and preserved yes.
I cured it so it would not rot inside the mould.
And built a vacuum chamber to withstand 7kgs psi of pressure to get the bubbles out.
2% catalyst for a low temperature exothermic reaction
It was red on day one and has turned blue on day three

>> No.11389615

You sicken me. Why did you do this?

>> No.11389618
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I am overtly aroused by the obvious serial-sexualite tendencies you demonstrate.

Have you considered being a sex ed teacher at all?

>Welcome to 4chan/Country. This does beg the question of whose placenta it is or if unknown science donor or 'victim of OP's curiosity'.

>> No.11389620

Well give me a moment and OP may respond.

>> No.11389645

because you do nothing

>> No.11389650
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In the sense of either present, promote, or punish?

>> No.11389655

It is my friends placenta.
She had a lil girl a few weeks ago
In November when i found out she was up the duff, I drunkenly asked for her placenta
She called my bluff and I will not fucking backdown.

>> No.11389659

Just, nothing interesting that I am aware of.
I really would like an answer to my question, although I think through further reading I have found it myself.

>> No.11389662

Well, you haven't... hence your presentation.

What however do you feel currently unfulfilled by, fellow Falun Gong of Chinese Community Party member/practitioner?

Just curious if there was more or if you are lamenting outcome or wish to try with another random chance encounter in the future in order to succeed in obtaining such a lustful red zeal in your serial killer cabinet?

>> No.11389664

Fucking disgusting women are filth.

>> No.11389666

tits or gtfo

>> No.11389667

I kinda want this to be OP's response because the psychological gymnastics I would have to do in order to tie this complex narrative up in my head are giving me palpitations.

>> No.11389668

Oh there will be more, I asked a nurse friend if she could help me and she went full ed gein with it, has now started sourcing other animal placentas and talking to art galleries and things.
We have a process, and I'm thinking of using potassium sorbate for the next one to maybe...maybe preserve the colour.

>> No.11389670
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The sheer avoidance of describing your specific fetishism with this newfound passion is infuriating.

>> No.11389671

because yo mama threw your placenta away?
because your little life support system meant nothing to her?
Because you were unplanned and unwanted and every thing that could be discarded of you was and will be discarded for ease of making you go away?

>> No.11389675

oh no man, I wretched when i first saw it, I couldn't touch the damn thing, it smelt like a bag of pennies my nurse friend however, relished in the visceral morbidity of the whole project.

>> No.11389676

Because women hold an eternal stranglehold on birth potential/energy and no man will ever invent an artificial placenta, ever?

>> No.11389678

Yes but nurses be fucking crazy. Seriously, every single one. Batshit. My mother was one, and she is divinely the worst mother that will ever exist. Books will be written about the bitch and her crazy.

I guarantee it.

>> No.11389685

Are you writing one?

>> No.11389688

Publishing houses are fighting over the option and film rights whilst the local universities are dedicating an entirely new field of psychological treatment around it, combined with a new language requirement of how to reintroduce me back into society.

>Artful shit-imposter

>> No.11389716

Try potassium nitrate. It works on meat. Any flesh colored cold cuts have potassium nitrate.

>> No.11389719
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Christians detected.

>> No.11389724

nice i'll check it out

>> No.11389725
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>> No.11389735

Da fuck is this bullshit?
Go back to /x/

>> No.11389737

I guess it was attempted symbology match trap meme magic.

>I would NEVER identify as master of anything because then somebody would just whip up some retarded *I NEED SOMEONE MORE ADULT THAN ME, FOR I AM A BABY GOOD SIR!

>> No.11389751

Single mothers, mostly.

>> No.11389767

I ask: "why?". Why do I expect a logical answer? Silly me.

>> No.11389771

Not a Christian, either. Honestly, I ask "why" out of curiosity. The "sicken me" part is just an honest reaction.

>> No.11389781

It’s from some Gardnerian-tier reinterpretation of Norse pagan practices. Most Norse neopagans are Wiccan level retarded.

>> No.11389785

I have no fucking idea OP. But great thread, OP is not a faggot this day.

>> No.11389794


>> No.11389821

I’ll confirm that it has nothing to do with hemoglobin on why the placenta turned blue.

Polyester resins set in different colors. It’s the result of the product you purchased

>> No.11389831

Why would that not be one of the first things OP checked, given the details and lengths described thus far? Would strike me as an amazing oversight.

Didn't they have to dye the presentations for The Human Body exhibit for similar reasons?

>> No.11389839

The question is never "Why?", it's "Why not?"

>> No.11389846

It's been starved of oxygen and has died.
You've basically strangled it to death
>Source: tons of rekt threads on /b/ where a someone gets a broken neck and turns blue, freaky shit

>> No.11389869

I don't buy this as an answer...the umbilicle cord was also a vivid red before casting...you can see in one of the pictures....it also changed colour over time turning back to it's original creamy white colour

I deep keep it in the vacuum chamber, this could be it, but the iron in the blood is still present.

>> No.11389884

The heme (red) is breaking down into biliverdin (green/blue)
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biliverdin

>> No.11389928

So further colour changes await?

>> No.11389951
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Biliverdin and bilirubin have been shown to be potent scavengers of peroxyl radicals.[4][5] They have also been shown to inhibit the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic amines, and oxidants — all of which are mutagens

>> No.11389962

Maybe but it's not certain. If the breakdown was enzymatic, then the enzymes may have degraded to much by now for further processing, but may still function. If it was plain chemical, it may not have the right conditions. However if it does change to a yellow color, then that pretty much confirms it was the heme breaking down.

>> No.11389974
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I've seen a lot over the years, but this caught me off guard

>> No.11389976

Reminder that Vargfags actually pray to human body waste.

>> No.11390026

If it is the hemoglobin, my suggestion >>11389716 should work. The potassium nitrate binds to the hemoglobin to make a pink pigment.

>> No.11390128

well that sounds like round 2 has some extra steps, cheers nerds

>> No.11390427

I wasn't prepared for the schizo namefag autism in this thread
somebody's friend's placenta? whatever
namefag autism? wew

>> No.11390459

Actually it is Potassium- or Sodium Nitr(i)te, that performs the complexation of the iron(II/III) in Heme to a pink Chelat. But the idea is viable.

>> No.11390634

If you want to practice your procedure without wasting your supply of human placentas, you could try experimenting with animal livers from the butcher.

>> No.11390658

It's more fun doing it for realsies, and cheaper on the resin and materials.
This ones cost was around £120 for all the materials.
And my housemates sanity took a big hit too.

>> No.11390782

so uh, wat do you mean with "your" placenta? Like, the one from when you were in the womb?

>> No.11391002

I can't stress this enough, read the source material before asking questions.

>> No.11391045

>tfw my placenta got stolen by the neighbours cat

>> No.11391253

Please elaborate

>> No.11391346

It’s a shit thread anyway. Faggot OP couldn’t be bothered to give a thorough explanation in the first post.

>> No.11391386

Fuck you....d'ya want some vodka?

>> No.11391542


>> No.11391576

>blood turns blue
Unsure if trolling or if you think water in a garden hose is green because the hose is.

>> No.11391740

wew lad thats weird

>> No.11391970

cause its dead.

>> No.11392024

Simplification over-interpreted becomes meaningless. News @ 11.

>> No.11392027
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Still surprises nobody uses 4chan to improve their ego language.

I guess it is because so much of society still subscribes to punishment by some group/individual running up to some future iteration of them with a narrative of their past as ready justification to punish.

Node vs Exponent vs Iterant

>> No.11392029


>> No.11392771

oi vey thats fucking disgusting

god do i just hate women some time

anyway its because its fucking dead are you actually this retarded?