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11387518 No.11387518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, most males shouldn't reproduce
They should suffer inceldom until they cave and go trans. Less than 10% of males are genetically suitable for reproduction

>> No.11387519

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.11387520

Scientifically, nobody should reproduce and all babies should be made in a lab and distributed based on capacity to care

>> No.11387522
File: 17 KB, 364x344, wruf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these guys just look like regular fucking college age boys. Most of them aren't particularly attractive, but I wouldn't call any of them downright ugly. You need to curb your sociopathy.

>> No.11387524

no one should reproduce and life should go extinct

>> No.11387534
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>> No.11387559

Yes, and most women shouldn't neither. Have you seen how many are basically subhumans?

>> No.11387594

>most males shouldn't reproduce
>until they cave and go trans
Kill yourself

>> No.11387603
File: 1.40 MB, 1886x906, Screenshot from 2020-02-15 18-08-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, humans are much better at controlling evolution than evolution itse-

>> No.11387628
File: 188 KB, 1248x678, zfv88j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget bassett hounds. little fucking cock sucking needy disobediant defiant mutants

>> No.11387670

"genetically suitable"
Who defines this? Not nature, nature will let reproduce whoever is physically able to breed.

>> No.11387755

if only the 10% of males reproduce genetic diversity will decrease and humanity will become too inbred

>> No.11388170

Lol. Women make Men. If anything it's something you are responsible for. Typical feminist projection at its finest.

>> No.11388426

This is the r/shortcels Valentine’s Day meet up

>> No.11388429

I wish I would've known. Can you imagine being a tall man at that table? Everyone hating you because they think you're superior?

>> No.11388430

Proof? They don't even look short.

>> No.11388438
File: 114 KB, 700x466, naro bushman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How were those males born in the first place you absolute fucking idiot? 98% of mankind are what you consider inept males and females, and they reproduce just the same.
Ugly and stupid people reproduce in droves, in every single fucking continent. Otherwise they wouldn't form the vast majority of mankind. How fucking dense do you have to be not to see this?
Also being beautiful/tall/strong is not as useful now as it was before, so ugly/short/weak people can still figure out their lives if they have enough brains.
And finally, if you want to talk about being adapted to live in nature or some shit like this, like some highschool "i'm 14 and i'm a genius" social Darwinism, the man in this picture can outrun you, outperform you in every single aspect, make his own clothes, weapons, kill and process prey, and everything else. He is infinitely more adapted than you to the conditions in which mankind arose.
Yet I'm sure this is not what your fantasy of a "real man" is.

>> No.11388449

In cattle breeding they've seen problems with pedigree collapse since one bull can potentially sire millions of calves, this has shredded genetic diversity potential since the gene pool basically gets reduced down to a few thousand bulls

>> No.11388460


r/shortcels is the main incel subreddit ever since r/braincels got nuked

>> No.11388464

So sad these guys think their appearance/height is the reason they can't get laid. Damn.

>> No.11388477

yeah, it doesn't help things. if they were taller with better faces women would put up with their autism. of course, they can lower their standards and learn game, but they are still swimming against the tide, so to speak.

>> No.11388486

A handful of those guys are really cute, though. They don't need to lower their standards. They need to fix their personalities.

>> No.11388491

the only cute guy is the one making the "ok" sign and he's probably short. asian guys with good faces lose points for being asian in the SMV

>> No.11388498

Guy in UCSC sweatshirt isn't bad looking either. Do you realize how many chicks/faggots like chubby dudes? Asian guy in front of him is also handsome, so is the guy in white next to him. You're delusional if you think these dude are sexually unsuccessful because of their appearance.

>> No.11388509

this, eugenics niggers deserve the rope.

>> No.11388513
File: 8 KB, 503x644, average.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're delusional if you think anyone besides "ok" guy is above a 5, maybe 6 on their best day. they are effeminate, short (remember you can't see how many are below 5'8), not so good looking faces. (remember how women rate men on ok cupid? i included a picture to remind you of how many men they think even qualify as 'average') their girlfriend's would be 4's if they made an effort to get laid. not good looking men. again they can get laid but it will take decent effort - these guys have a mild handicap, never said it was a death sentence.

>> No.11388524

weird how I see guys way uglier than that with girlfriends/spouses often, then

>> No.11388532

Now where will I find manlets to look down on?

>> No.11388538

>everything is 100% genetic and environmental factors don't exist

>trust fund babies aren't real

>> No.11388552

>what is money?

>> No.11388556

>Less than 10% of males are genetically suitable for reproduction
Unfortuantely, those are exactly the 10% who have no intention to reproduce in your motherfucking zoo.

>> No.11388557

>Most men are incels
Then why is being a virgin considered weird if its supposed to be normal OP you fucking retard?

>> No.11388560

damn I didn't know the 5'6" Guatemalan dude who does landscaping at my apartment complex was wealthy

>> No.11388565

>i base what is reproductively viable on looks alone
this is the entire issue with roasties and why they end up with bad boys who treat them like shit. bet you a bunch of those guys are genuinely friendly people who are capable in a number of valuable areas. most could go on to become doctors, engineers, programmers, pharmacists, etc while the average roast will at best become a blog writer or journalist with no value except what is between her legs.

>> No.11388570

> searches for ugliest dogs
are you part of that cancer responsible for replication crisis and whatever depth of idioty is hidden beneath it?

>> No.11388573

trades can pay very well.

>> No.11388581

and yet the kids in the OP are middle class ~18 year olds. they aren't poor off. you're coping and its sad.

>> No.11388584

And scientifically those 10% of males should be allowed to breed with as many women as possible right? Since utilisation of a single uterus is a 9 month bottleneck.

>> No.11388591
File: 218 KB, 1200x917, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They need to fix their personalities.
bet you most of those guys are genuinely friendly. idk what there is to fix? become more dark triad? strange how that is attractive to females.

>> No.11388597

"friendly" is only part
>idk what there is to fix?
>have some interesting hobby and be decent at it
>be confident
>be sociable
>be tolerant
>be cool

>become more dark triad

>> No.11388604

>have some interesting hobby and be decent at it
i bet you they have many hobbies and are good at them. your average chad on other hand doesn't.
>be confident
why is it ok for females to be insecure but men cannot? aren't we equal?
>be sociable
why is it ok for females to be introverted but men cannot?
>be tolerant
lol, because women are bastions of tolerance and acceptance.
>be cool
so dark triad, because that is what is considered cool.
>Women rate the high DT personality significantly more attractive than the low DT.

>> No.11388620

>>be tolerant
so why do females flock to bullies?

>> No.11388622

>i bet you they have many hobbies and are good at them. your average chad on other hand doesn't
Then why don't they meet a girl in their hobby? Sounds like they aren't trying
>introverted means you aren't sociable
Do you have autism? Insecure women aren't attractive, btw.

>> No.11388627

Because dominant men are attractive

>> No.11388630

Ok-hand boy kinda cute tho

>> No.11388632

>Then why don't they meet a girl in their hobby? Sounds like they aren't trying
maybe because women don't have hobbies. what hobbies do girls have?
>Do you have autism?
late stage. ;p
>Insecure women aren't attractive, btw.
so why are they in relationships?
so much for tolerance then.

>> No.11388633

Honestly, I want to cuddle with UCSC boy

>> No.11388642
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ITT: pic related

>> No.11388643

>late stage
Good news, I found your problem!

>> No.11388646

it was joke. and they say autists are bad at social cues.

>> No.11388840

>Less than 10% of males are genetically suitable for reproduction

Would be a reasonable argument if you could not say the same about females. Having a pussy does not exactly makes you genetically suitable by default.

>> No.11388841

Scientifically, OP is a nigger, an incel and a retard

>> No.11388859


If people that look like this are seriously 100% unable to find a partner, it is not because of their looks. I can't believe the people crying so much about this stuff are just average looking normies.
What the actual fuck.

>> No.11388862

You are a furfag, your argument is invalid.
You need no apply, GTFO

>> No.11388870

>hurr durr you are autistic hurr durr autism is funny
kill yourself neurotypical, you are even more retarded than OP

>> No.11388903

He has a huge dick though.

>> No.11388914
File: 14 KB, 255x255, 1456447072013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't reply or sage if you do

>> No.11388919

I can tell by looking at them which are actually alone because of their looks, and which ones it's because of their personality and bad habits

>> No.11389169

See the thing is, it literally doesn't matter what a women says. They have such high standards but they don't actually believe in them, or at least they're not hot or special enough to.