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File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Anki-icon.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11386543 No.11386543 [Reply] [Original]

>uses spaced repetition, quiz & recall to boost learning
>failing at a card resets it, easy cards won't be seen for months
>can learn and remember literally anything in an efficient manner
Why aren't you using it?

My tips:
Make your own cards, the process of making cards boosts learning
Use images, the brain is better at remembering images, stories, than facts and abstractions

>> No.11386596
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>> No.11386600

Shut up loser. What think you're some kind of smart guy? Do you think you're better than us with your fancy notecards? Who put these ideas in your head?

>> No.11386602

You seem very defensive, what went wrong in your life?

>> No.11386605
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But I'm using it.

>> No.11386670

Rule 1 of the Anki club, do not talk about the Anki club.

>> No.11386678

i have used it at times. it's not that good because it doesn't give your mind a strong memory to relate something to. you're kinda wasting your time with it i feel like. you just add more and more things and you keep forgetting more and more things.

>> No.11386683

This op anki is bad, only failures attempt to use anki, you can't remember anything with anki, just regularly study. It's better for you.

>> No.11386686

I disagree. My experience has shown that it works. If a card in anki pops up, and you can answer it, it means you remember what it is. If that question were to pop up on a test believe me you would remember too. I use anki to learn languages, among other things. If I can recall a word or understand it when a card pops up, I will be able to recognize and understand it in real life too.

>> No.11386687

Anki sucks and only losers use anki. Dont use anki /sci/

>> No.11386688

>only failures attempt to use anki
Say that to med-school students who have to remember a thousand things. Anki is not a replacement for working with math problems but it is useful for remembering concepts.

>> No.11386693

yeah i used it to learn japanese except thats not how you learn languages.

remember when you were a kid putting in anki flashcards from your mother tongue, studying every day? yeah, me neither.

>> No.11386697

Bad bad bad

>> No.11386703

Nope, you can learn languages faster than a kid with anki. Speaking a language is nothing more than being able to read it, knowing a lot of vocab, and grammar rules. Anki can help you with reading and vocab. I can learn dozens of words in a language per day. Can a kid do that? Nope.

>> No.11386710
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But anon, I am.

>> No.11386718

>I can learn dozens of words in a language per day. Can a kid do that? Nope.
Uh, yes. Kids can learn 20 new words a day, and that's disregarding all the other facts and things they learn that you hadn't even considered you need to learn.
I doubt you can learn it faster even when the result is being able to speak a broken foreigner sounding language with often broken grammar.
the kid will probably do it faster while learning to speak the language perfectly.

>> No.11386731

You probably made shit Anki flashcards.

>> No.11386736

No, he can't, dipshit. You don't learn something by hearing it once. You learn it through repeated exposure, spaced repetition, which is, cough cough, anki. Kids can't even read until around 6/7. I doubt their vocab is that strong as well. If I'm making 15 cards per day, and learning the language, my vocab will be at 5000 words per year, more than an average speaker. Then, I can watch movies or read books in the language. Doing the math, that means I can learn one language per year. A kid is lucky to be bilingual by ten years.

>> No.11386742


>> No.11386764

>No, he can't, dipshit.
Doesn't seem like you've managed to learn English even. Good luck with your delusions.

>> No.11386768

You failed to respond to anything I said. Keep seething while I learn one language per year.

>> No.11386773


>> No.11386788

You disregarded what I said to begin with. Also you're projecting your own anger onto me. Good luck with your language delusions. Brainlet.

>> No.11386803
File: 302 KB, 1696x2560, 810+oL3M0cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't disregard anything. What you said (that a kid can learn a language faster than using anki) is wrong, plain and simple. Pic related is a book written by a polyglot, and he advocates the use of anki and estimates that a language related to English can be learned at 4 months using it. Something like Japanese could take over a year. If you're too much of a shit for brains to take me seriously, maybe that will do it.

>> No.11386834

I literally don't know how to study without it. It's quite the hindrance but I literally don't know how to study a textbook unless I make anki cards out of it.

>> No.11386844

Studying really doesn't mean anything. You forget whatever you don't think about. I reckon many students think passive reading is an effective study strategy. What's great about anki is that it shows how easily and quickly you forget things.

>> No.11386845

How to people actually pass subjects without it? Most of my cohort for a hard as fuck anatomy class didn't actually use it and still all passed. No idea what they did.

>> No.11386848

Well, they may still use flash cards. Anki is more effective though.

>> No.11386854

same, Anki brought me through law school

>> No.11386872

It’s standard rotation settings are way too slow and I got tired of fiddling with the settings. It’s junk

>> No.11386874

Lel, I am a polyglot myself and I'm quite familiar with the polyglot community and the various ideas.
I'll see you in a year when you still haven't learned shit except how to speak like a foreigner at a low level. Only anki, remember.

>> No.11386890


>> No.11386891
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>nOoOoO you're wrong and it doesn't work.. because... because I say so!
No, you're just a faggot.

>> No.11386902

Your posts are becoming more desperate and degenerate by the minute. If I keep replying you won't be around by next year due to having killed yourself.

>> No.11386907

Desperate and degenerate? I've debunked all of your horse shit and provided a source for my reasoning. "I say so" is not an argment, it's called being a faggot. Even if I am capable of speaking at a "low level" that doesn't mean I will be stuck at that level. My skill and fluency will be developing further. It's called learning the language. Fluency is relative, if I understand what's being said and respond in a grammatically correct way, it means I'm fluent. You are yet to explain how having a low level of fluency in a language is bad. Keep seething.

>> No.11386922

Ah, but do you truly know how to communicate if you've only answered flash cards in your head?

>> No.11386938
File: 45 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fluent in a language you need to know vocab and grammar. When you get grammar you can watch movies, to the point where you understand them. At that point you know vocab, grammar, you have listened to and understood the language, you can think using the language. Anki merely accelerates vocab acquisition beyond anything naturally possible, especially for an adult. At no point did I claim that flashcards alone would let you communicate, on multiple posts I state that you still need to learn grammar rules and listen to the language through movies. If you keep this up you're bound to get mental disability paychecks soon.

>> No.11387156

Why not just write shit in your notebook and quiz yourself on it later? If you forgot it just write it again until it’s ingrained

Either I’m missing something or this seems stupid desu

>> No.11388471
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Anon, I agree with you. Anki has many benefits
But please shut up about it. Let's keep it to ourselves instead of spreading it and decreasing our chances of success in this cruel world. Now please delete this thread, anki is retarded and doesn't work and no one should use it.

>> No.11388505
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I use it for reinforcing vocabulary in second languages and remembering numbers (memorised CC, ID numbers, lock numbers etc). I also used it for things like memorising the amino acids and metabolism pathways while at uni but I haven't kept up with that, so my memory of them has become flaky.

It's an automated system to do that and time things more "ideally".

My mum used to go through flash cards with me when I was young, so, yes.

>> No.11388526

its just an electronic flash card system lmao. there are legit people that act as if its some piece of alien technology when it's existed for over 200 years in different forms

>> No.11388533

Hi, OP here.
I'm a huge faggot, please let me suck your cocks.

>> No.11388867

yes...yes goy, it's not that good. don't bother trying it

>> No.11388872


who said that lmao . it's literally just flash cards electronically done

>> No.11388878

Can't delete it, but I'll admit that I was wrong

Yeah, you can just use quizlet, like everybody else. Why would you waste your time trying to figure out this broken software which isn't even that useful in the long term?

>> No.11388893


anki has some upsides over quizlets, but at its core its just an electronic flash card system
its more efficient than if u d make them with paper but not by that much, simply because a lot of remembering comes down to the make up of the card itself, and not how many times you repeat it
i've used it for a long time (med student) and haev around 20k cards with 95% retention, and as somebody else said above you just learn new things and forget others at some point

>> No.11389026 [DELETED] 

How do you guys update your anki? uninstall then reinstall every time? wtf

>> No.11389067
File: 34 KB, 280x234, 20200216_003849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11389219

anki is highly efficient, you can use it to learn literally anything with ease
only cucks claim otherwise

>> No.11389969

Can I learn programming and IT in general + maths with anki

>> No.11389985

Don't use anki guys, it just doesn't work, huge waste of time. Do notes and outline text, it's enough.