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11386403 No.11386403 [Reply] [Original]

>graduate with computer science degree
>spend months trying to get jobs competing against poos
>finally get hired to work
>this is your team
Is it better to just fall for the engineering meme?

>> No.11386421
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Just join the military, get some static investments, and lean back watching everything crumble. Apt people are not getting hired and the apt people currently working are either going to retire or get fed up enough and quit.

>> No.11386461

>get shot at
>spend 4-8 years getting a piece of paper that allows you to compete with poos
Life is tough

>> No.11386582

Heard they have cushy intel/it jobs in the military. Navy CTN I think is one. Not gonna get shot at with one of those.

>> No.11386604

Could I be a weapons designer? I love weapons. What's a degree for it?

>> No.11386607

What kind of GPA abs experience did you get, fucking retard? My money is on below 3.5, and no internship. You belong at the bottom of the barrel with the pajeets, 5 bucks says you're a lazy "c's get degrees" dumbfuck that is typical of stem and employers can read that shit in you easily

>> No.11386608

GPA and *

>> No.11386609

>t. Pajeet Muhammad Bangladesh

>> No.11386611

Wow, reading this post, I am certain that this is the case. You sound like an absolute dimwit.

>> No.11386613

Go call up a company to fake your GPA, college credentials, and work experience Alabadash Muhammad.

>> No.11386620

I always thought people made shitloads of money from cs

I met this guy when I was a door to door salesman in this very rich part of Toronto and he was a cs major. Rich as fuck and just programming.

He was Indian also lol

>> No.11386622

Lmao retard is mad that he got read like a book, try putting some effort into school next time, or pick a different major if it's too hard for you. Too many burnout weedbro dipshits like you think compsci is a free money printer and then don't put any effort into your studies. I'm white btw :)

>> No.11386624

>I like weapons, what degree would allow me to design weapons for the army
>noOoOO you are an ABSOLUTE DIMWIT

>> No.11386627

I likely get better grades than you. Last week's test, 98%. The only reason I lost marks was because one of my answers wasn't detailed enough for the teacher. Get blown the fuck out kiddo.

>> No.11386628

The simplicity and naivete of that question makes me think he has the intelligence of an adolescent.

>> No.11386629

>I'm white btw :)
No you're not. All of the 'white' pajeets are back in India living in the higher caste system.

>> No.11386634

I thought you had already gotten your degree and are looking for a job, assuming this is op. What then is this about "last week's test"? If you are not op, then why are you responding?

>> No.11386636

All of the poop fumes are getting to the heads of pajeets in this thread

>> No.11386639


>> No.11386642


>> No.11386645

Why exactly do you think I already have my degree? What exactly gives you the credibility to judge other people's intelligence, pajeet.

>> No.11386648

Probably the very first line of your post that says >graduate with computer science degree
It was ambiguous and now I see that it was a hypothetical. Carry on.

>> No.11386650

>bragging about his fake degree
Take a picture of your degree or we don't believe you.

>> No.11386656
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>> No.11386657

I don't have one yet, nor have I been employed in the field :)

>> No.11386660
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>> No.11386663
File: 3.87 MB, 3740x4044, muh stock prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11386664

Basically this thread

>> No.11386665
File: 124 KB, 1460x613, india abusing the immigration system.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to call your senators and join American tech organizations.

>> No.11386671

Indians tech was a mistake.

>> No.11386674

>29 posts
>6 posters
We can all see your samefagging, you retarded mongrel.

>> No.11386675

Kill yourself faggot, the 737 fiasco happened because a while male CEO and his board of directors decided to cut costs at the expense of the security of the passengers.

>> No.11386685

>is not us pajeets fault
>it's the white man's fault because he hired us!
>what the fuck is toilet paper
>*on internet* hello are you a girl plz am desperate can you send vagoo pics girls won't get within a 24 foot radius of me. please i don't want to go back to raping cows and goats

>> No.11386699
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>> No.11386712

Sorry, the notoriety is just too much at this point.

>> No.11387936
