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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11385206 No.11385206 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11385209

Some device that would break every piece of technology would probably do it. Zoomers would have to do something other than shitposting on 4chan, using social media and watching netflix. This would cure every mental illness.

>> No.11385214

>stop diagnosing
"western population" is no more mentally ill than any other population outside or intersecting with it.

>> No.11385218

Not science

>> No.11385220
File: 1.07 MB, 500x492, vzh77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love this idea. uncle Ted was right, aside from blowin shit up and killin mother fuckers

>> No.11385221
File: 132 KB, 590x612, power process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use science
Destroying science would be a lot more effective at treating mental illness.

>> No.11385225

The image proves it is. I have no information about non-western population, may be they are as well, I just don't know.

>> No.11385227

The only scientific solution I can think of is implementing eugenics/genetic engineering to make people more resistant to mental illness. Do a GWAS to find what genes make people predisposed to mental illness, and then genetically engineer the population to be more mentally stable/have a higher hedonic set-point.

>> No.11385230

That won't work when the amjority is affected. It appears to be some kind of damage to the amygdala.

>> No.11385236

Source: http://theconversation.com/trust-is-unconsciously-determined-thanks-to-the-amygdala-study-30076

>> No.11385238
File: 84 KB, 527x650, 401f9079366e4e8de3fe84bbc4835e66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we be more like china then? stigmatized mental illness so people are afraid to seek treatment? if people are afraid to seek help then it'll appear that less people in the west are mentally ill.

go to bed wu mao, it's almost 5 in the morning

>> No.11385239

Scientific source: psych.nyu.edu/freemanlab/pubs/2014Freeman_JNeuro.pdf

>> No.11385242

>destroy technology
>get raided and outnumbered by billions of 70 IQ dark brainapes

way to go uncle Ted!

>> No.11385250

I meant destroying technology in a global level, going back to 1900's.

>> No.11385261

what part of
you don't understand?

>> No.11385283

The anon you respond to means technology gives smart people an edge over retards, and it seems to me quite obvious he's right.

>> No.11385327

The profligation of science is undoubtedly the cause of the increased mental illness of modern society. Especially when the sciences have been successfully perverted and converted to a political tool used against self-preservation. Bring spirituality back and people will stop being so neurotic. Force the sciences to be more honest about natural demographic differences. People are being forced to accept leftist scientific dogma as fact when it runs counter to the reality they experience. Of course white people are going crazy.

>> No.11385350

>eliminate technology
>Africans reinvent wheel and have to stay in Africa
problem solved

>> No.11385409
File: 115 KB, 860x1242, SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen !

>> No.11385415

All white societies were at one point started by a group of autists that wanted to fuck off /innawoods/

>> No.11385423

That's wrong. What gives smart people an edge is having technology that others don't.

Without technology, africa can't sustain a billion people and those guys can't cross the sahara and come bother us in large numbers.

>> No.11385452

bottom left looks prototypic slav

>> No.11385476

Looks german to me.

>> No.11386397

low competence & cold guy looks toughest to beat in a fight. what does this mean?

>> No.11386407

>scowling guy not trustworthy
Wow big find here guys

>> No.11386443

Ban pornography.

>> No.11386445


>> No.11386449

There is no difference.

>> No.11386450

me at the upper left. have unusually big eyes for guy, could probably pass if i go tranner.

>> No.11386837

Hope you get enslaved by slavs.