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File: 386 KB, 1692x2374, Jordan_Peterson_June_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11384789 No.11384789 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the power of Humanities and social sciences ?
How does a person manage to say so little in so many words , this the complete opposite of mathematics.

>> No.11384793

You ever write a thesis?
You just explained all the papers I’ve ever submitted

>> No.11384847

What major ?

>> No.11384852

Stop watching pop sci bullshit on YT. Exposing yourself as someone who has never read a peer reviewed or cited article in their life.

>> No.11384861

Pop sci ? What is that ?

>> No.11384885

Look up the Conceptual Penis and the Sokal Affair. Soft sciences are completely rigorless and an absolute joke. I would say that they're based on rhetoric instead of empiricism, but you can just literally write garbled nonsense and get it published.

>> No.11384904


>> No.11385022

Math has literally hundreds of concepts that can be represented in few symbols and describe more than you will ever discover in your life. How the fuck can you make this shitty of a thread?

>> No.11385030

>Reading comprehension
Are you dyslexic or something ?

>> No.11385069

So little in so many words? It's the complete opposite. When Peterson use words like: Order, Chaos, God, Meaning, Sacrifice, Self etc, they have multiple meanings - yet when you add the context, the meaning is exact and says a lot in just a few words.

For instance, the idea of the highest values of the intrinsic* principles that humans have can be summarized by the figure of Christ.

*Neurology, Darwinism and the very fashion that our eyes look at things imply that humans naturally assign more or less value to everything

Order and Chaos can mean the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which makes connections between concepts using logic/unlikely connections between concepts respectively; at the same time Order can mean when our expectations are met and what we know; Chaos is the opposite but it's also the potential for growth.

With only one word, Peterson can imply a complete philosophy with several different ideas and values.

"Humans are protected by something invisible from something that they can't comprehend", the first something is culture - with every meaning relevant to the context, the latter something is Chaos, with every meaning relevant to the context
This phrase has so much meaning and implications that one could read a complete book about it.

>> No.11385076


It's the other way round. The humanities are necessarily verbose, whereas math develops concise terminology meant to express things as succinctly as possible (though this does require exposition when first learned). Math dissertations run about 80-150 pages, near the short end, whereas, say, history dissertations are true book-length, anywhere from 350 to 600 pages.

>> No.11385092
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, if you ever wrote a paper or an essay for any STEM major then you would know how fucking hard it is. you need to have good reasoning without being educated about reason and logic, you need to combine rational theory and empiricist data without knowing anything about rationalism and empiricism, you have to present good methodology without being taught about methodology, write too much and you will be judged, write too little and you will be judged, stray only a bit from the main subject and you will be judged, don't include relevant information and you will be judged. all of that and i didn't even mention anything about peer reviewing.
philosophy fags are spoon fed with everything you need to write a good paper but they still write shit that can be summarized with inequality bad while getting bombarded with praise from their hipster professor and peers.

>> No.11385103

This is what i mean , so little information in so many words

>> No.11385105

You should rejoice for being judged and embrace it ultimately, that’s how you improve
inb4: >t. Neet

>> No.11385110

All that is die to the influence of social science fags , the unorganized scribble of pierre de Fermat are worth more than any paper published in the last 40 years

>> No.11386138

>Is this the power of Humanities and social sciences ?
Not really.

>> No.11386167

Peterson is intelligent, which means he's not an idiot. He's a con man

>> No.11386268

He is still less intelligent than he thinks he is, though.

The man absolutely butchers anything related to statistics, mathematics, biology and climatology.
It's incredibly ironc that he rails against postmodernism ruining the humanities while being a perfect example of unfalsifiable bullshit masquerading as psychology. Maps of meaning should be the ultimate reference when showcasing the power of eloquence in disguising pseudoscience, trivial truths and pure bullshit as profound insights.