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11380278 No.11380278 [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever reach immortality?

>> No.11380330

I don't know about you, but I already have.

>> No.11380363

Lol mortal.
There's more than one way to keep your feet out of the grave. Pick your favorite and take the leap.
Just remember, you're only gambling the rest of your life to try, and 100% of people who don't try, die.

Anyway, if you ever want we can meet up in the year 2200. I'll buy you a beer.

>> No.11380546
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>He doesn't abduct infants for age reducing blood transfusions
Never gonna make it lad.

>> No.11381085

Not in practical terms and not for anyone but the very highest level of society. You can screw with telomeres and put stem cells into people but it will only do so much. Perhaps there will be enough computational horsepower to simulate a human brain on the fly in the next few decades. Well unfortunately even if they manage to get most of you in there nothings perfect and top dollar is the human psyche unravels and goes feral before shattering into billions of simulated imploding neurons. Immortality would likely come if we could create a true A.I. that could escape biological restrictions. We will have to pass the torch to our children and hope they remember us.

>> No.11381099
File: 49 KB, 736x736, Jesus holds the keys to eternal life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11381706


God bless Aubrey de Grey

>> No.11381707

who knows, but fuck your screencap

>> No.11381715

Maybe next century but probably not.

>> No.11381788

Most likely this century we will at least get aging under medical control. Will see first treatments in 20-30 years.

>> No.11381792

This. Extended life is left hand path. But immortality is right hand path. Praise baby Jesus

>> No.11381842

not any time soon, the best we could hope and actually should pool all our resources and best scientists and all research is creating some kind of space time tunnel or chamber where time flows (much) slower, then just put elderly people there while real immortality is being researched

>> No.11382119

stay mad

>> No.11382311

how is this image even fucking related

>> No.11382338

To get bumps

>> No.11382341

good post

>> No.11382517

It is impossible to end aging without at least another 500 years, some idiots would think that just because we can cure some infectious diseases then we will be able to cure something as complex as aging, it's like a retarded dude who is living in an age where they discovered the wheel and he fully confidant that people will invent cars during his lifetime just because a monk told him so.

>> No.11382521

Why would you ever want too? Earth would become a living hell.

>> No.11382522

dude stop watching rick and morty that shit has nothing to do with science

>> No.11382527

I hate that kinda threads
OP is a faggot

>> No.11382530

you have to have an IQ of at least 32 to post here

>> No.11382566

Guys can I start researching how to cure aging theoretically because I'm too poor to have a lab? and where should I start?

>> No.11382900
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>computational horsepower to simulate a human brain on the fly
t. dualist

>> No.11382906

>implying the average joe that can't even afford insulin will be able to afford this

>> No.11382910

>something as complex as aging

>> No.11383014

There are no known living creature that is immune to your choice of immune diseases while having similar genetic makeup to something that doesn't have that trait, yet there are plenty of immortal creatures. Checkmate retard.

>> No.11383030

>to your choice of infectious disease*

>> No.11383038

Literal inbred post, well done.

>> No.11383337

Fucking trannies in the ass and sliding your cock on theirs is based but romance between a man and a tranny is both cringe and disgusting. Trannies serve no other purpose than to serve real men. If you have actual feeling for a tranny you are gay and you should kill yourself.

>> No.11383964
File: 16 KB, 360x301, 1546523003022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im an ugly nonpassing tranner and i deliberately avoid going to /lgbt/ because this stuff hurts me, can you guys please not bring it into the other boards too?

>> No.11383969

the technological singularity will save you, brother

>> No.11383972

do you at least have a cute butt

>> No.11384109

Why should you cure aging pigskins if you can breed and get children, they are basically you !!!...

>> No.11384186

Same Plot https://nhentai.net/g/191401/

>> No.11384297


We need to start with nutrition. Copper deficiency, wrong calcium/magnesium ratio, iron overload can be linked to so many diseases that only fixing those could bring lifespans close to 100. Just stop adding chalk and iron to flour and add copper somehow and there should be far less disease. Other nutrients may be a problem though, more research is needed. It's a shame we don't know what we need to eat, but research focuses on super complex treatments that don't help anyway.

>> No.11384300

>cure something as complex as aging
what makes you think it's complex?

>> No.11384499


>> No.11384518

How about you go back where you crawled out of >>>/pol/

>> No.11384557

He's right though?
The population of a society comprised of former mortals would climb at a terrifying rate and demand for resources will track with that. You'd need to instate strict population controls and the inhabitants of most first world nations simply would not tolerate such a flagrant infringement on their personal liberty.

>> No.11384564

>Will we ever reach immortality?
If you mean "living forever", you can't tell if someone will live forever by observing them in a finite time frame.
It's the medical equivalent of the halting problem.

>> No.11384569

What is the best theoretical explanation of building a time machine?
Is H.G Wells Time machine any good?

>> No.11384587

I can't wait to die and this nigga talking immortality

>> No.11384596

you could definitely find some desperate disgusting obese "polysexual" freak to date you even if you look like like a troll in a wig

>> No.11384597
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 9QmyYWc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the top of my head, some people have proposed relativity-based designs, but they mostly come out something like this:
>make rod of neutronium (no atoms, just solid packed neutrons, densest material possible)
>rod should have a diameter about the size of the moon, a length measured in light years
>spin rod so surface is moving near the speed of light
>fly a space ship at it just right
>universe "confuses" a spatial dimension with temporal dimension
>space ship trajectory moves through time and two spatial dimension instead of three spatial dimensions
>kill own grand-father
>sex your young grandma

>> No.11384682

How about you go back where you crawled out of >>>/lgbt/

>> No.11384827

Immorality? But we're already there.

>> No.11385287

Good read but how is that the same plot? You brainlet.

>> No.11385309

Why the fuck would you want to be immortal? To spend all day watching anime and wasting your life away?

>> No.11386606

what life do you have to waste away if you're immortal? moron

>> No.11386619

For one, I won't have to worry about life I've already wasted.

>> No.11387006

Good point

>> No.11388098

No, it's theoretically possible but society will collapse before we get there.

>> No.11388105

The dream of immortality (which is just a retards version of communicating his dream of transhumanism) is just the dream of negative transcendance, which exposes their physical weakness and ugliness.