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11376873 No.11376873 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11376916
File: 10 KB, 445x648, Deaths-from-different-sources-of-energy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antinuclear retards got their wish: more deaths and radiation.

>> No.11377357

This is what happens when you let "green" have any political power.

>> No.11377413
File: 86 KB, 430x441, 1536572709936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11377441 [DELETED] 

This is what happens when you shut down nuclear plants. Get used to it.

>> No.11377606


Slanted news much... what "Climate emergency"???

>> No.11377610

Isn't coal on average more radioactive than a fucking nuclear plant? (minus the waste, of course).

>> No.11377614
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>> No.11377635
File: 183 KB, 1273x1080, PicsArt_02-11-09.41.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My screenshot is different

>> No.11377636

It's a shame and how far Japan has fallen from being techno futurist bug men of the 90s.

There's a ton of geothermal, offshore wind, and tidal energy potential in Japan, and both delivery time and cost is lower than nuclear.

>> No.11377702


They need to go with what works NOW.

Coal plants are EXTREMELY well understood so you get a constant steady supply of energy.

Nuclear is best but the public (ESPECIALLY Japanese) are scared shitless about radiation leaks

>> No.11377711

It's pretty brutal how growth mongers the world over have forced us all into a position where we either sacrifice now, or suffer later.

>> No.11377726

They were never impressive technologically. They just had good engineering standards at a time when American industry was faulty. Everything they have is taken from the West or China. Their society is full of social and moral degenerates.

>> No.11377733

Dangerous? Dude, what are you, some kind of n*cleqr fanboi? Don't you know international petroleum cartels have CEOs in need of fifth yachts?

>> No.11377739

Well, they could always build more nuclear power plants on their extremely tectonically unstable island group.
Not like could go wrong or anything, right?
I'm all for nuclear power plants, but there is such a thing as suitable locations and Japan really isn't the best place to put shit like that.

>> No.11377886

they went this path because they had a fucking disaster on one of their nuclear plants.
They literally had to abandon parts of the island indefinitely

>> No.11378253

Are you a chink by any chance?

>> No.11378257

lol good catch

>> No.11378301

What's next, nanking? Unit 731? Keep chinking gookie

>> No.11378303

>they had a fucking disaster on one of their nuclear plants
Next time they shouldn't place their backup equipment in the basement
>parts of the island indefinitely

>> No.11378306

based japan.
Remember we had the opportunity to make Japan forever our friend before you fucked up with the triple intervention in 1895. We had a second chance with the league of nations when japan asked for Racial Equality Proposal, which was blocked.
They are smart not to give a fuck about the rest of the world because everyone knows we would step over them the second we get

>> No.11378316

Nah, just a realist and not a weeb

>> No.11378375

based and Bobby-fischerpilled

>> No.11378406


How does wind energy kill people?

Like, was someone doing maintenance on a windmill and fell off?

>> No.11378446


>> No.11378447

And a parachutist was decapitated by one

>> No.11378450
File: 97 KB, 550x644, external-content.duckduckgo.c4om.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate emergency
the bigger emergency is our vulnerable global economy

the cheaper that power is the more likely we are to adapt to climate change and corona chan

>> No.11378518

look it up, clown.

>> No.11378556


That's not wind energy's fault any more than it's the floor's fault that slipping on water can break your neck.

>> No.11378578
File: 235 KB, 1000x750, 11907814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another retard that believes every picture they see. Why are you on /sci/, to make you feel intelligent when you post memes?

>> No.11378633

That's a copper mine in like chile or some shit.

Only 20% or so of current reserves in alberta are suitable for this kind of open pit mining, the other ones are too deep and need something more like >>11378450
. Obviously new deposits would be even deeper.

>> No.11378645 [DELETED] 

Imagine caring about the environment like some kind of fucking retard treehugger

>> No.11378653

I happen to live and breath in that environment, you double nigger.

>> No.11378678 [DELETED] 

>I happen to live and breath in that environment

Gay. I live in a city.

>> No.11378705

Pretty much that; same with roof-top solar deaths.

>> No.11379143
File: 35 KB, 500x333, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a gray cube surrounded by other gray cubes
>literally a monkey in a tube
i'll stick with nature, thanks

>> No.11379568

the only thing japan can do is copying things, anon. they have major issues inventing or undertanding new technology. they are good at mastering old tech and that is it

>> No.11379588
File: 150 KB, 2500x1878, amazonas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wounder how much oil i need to pump that river up the other direction.
I wounder how many power this river has.
I wounder if someone has an idea how you can use that energy.
I wounder if the technology to do so is just hidden by Illuminati.
I wounder if more as one river exist on this earth.
I wounder if people are very retarded or super very retarded.

>> No.11379619

I doubt the quality of this data: it seems to go up by 3 each time.

>> No.11379623

it is floor's fault if you slip, you smoothbrain
there are standards and building codes on non-slippery surfaces you need to abide to if you want to build a public pool, for example