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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11376184 No.11376184 [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific explanation for things like this?

>> No.11376191


>> No.11376195

since when is technology paranormal?

>> No.11376200
File: 76 KB, 400x200, .22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since it was video-taped in sinister fog at night tiem

>> No.11376231

>sinister fog
they're clouds you retard

>> No.11376236
File: 2.15 MB, 960x540, 546456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's fog better horror atmosphere

>> No.11376258

>What is the scientific explanation for things like this?
how am i supposed to know what i'm looking at? alien disco?
Sounds like it's you who needs to go to /x/

>> No.11376259

Looks like a laser light show to me.

>> No.11376271
File: 4 KB, 460x350, 1566977847307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like a laser light show to me.
but look at the angle, the source is in the sky, not on the ground. pic is my drawing skills to make this clear.

>> No.11376282
File: 31 KB, 800x533, spacex-10-7-2018-Allan-Der-Downey-CA-2-e1538997261985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i saw this space x launch I had no idea what it was, and for a few seconds, I wanted to believe I was witnessing a major historical event and extra terrestrials had arrived. Then I used my phone and looked it up. I actually had witnessed a historical event. the reality of the world in my lifetime is amazing. I know what it's like to want to believe is big, mysterious, and exciting things. be careful with those thoughts and feelings. they can steer you away from the amazing things that are actually in front of you. hell, these words reaching you are riding on a mindblowing stack of applied theory spanning back decades. offworld life would be amazing too, but I won't grant that idea a different set of standards of proof.

>> No.11376285 [DELETED] 

but what does this have to do with the specific and totally different looking thing in the OP? do you see the lights change like lasers? sharp and all from a single source? it looks nothing like a rocket launch

>> No.11376292 [DELETED] 

*also, I didn't make this thread about aliens, I want to know what kind of technology can do this.
My first thought was some laser projection, but the source is clearly not on the ground, it's in the clouds because of the projection cone

>> No.11376294

but what does this have to do with the specific and totally different looking thing in the OP? do you see the lights change like lasers? sharp and all from a single source? it looks nothing like a rocket launch
also, I didn't make this thread about aliens, I want to know what kind of technology can do this.

My first thought was some laser projection, but the source is clearly not on the ground, it's in the clouds because of the projection cone

>> No.11376296

>clearly not on the ground
how do you know whats behind the clouds?

>> No.11376299

>how do you know whats behind the clouds?
I don't know WHAT is in the clouds, but I can clearly see the projection angle converges in the clouds and not on the ground. see my drawing: >>11376271
the cone would be the opposite if the projection source was on the ground.

>> No.11376302

there could be a hill, mountain or stage behind the clouds. what's the full story?

>> No.11376308

>behind the clouds
but then the angle would be totally different and it would light the clouds from behind and not from within and then stick out to the right. do you have no spatial awareness?
>what's the full story?
obvious I don't know

>> No.11376313

my general idea was more about how you would approach such a video. musing about what is happening in a video that I don't anything about can't be more than musing. time, date, location, sound, air traffic information, anything more than a video with no context and you might be able to think more critically about it. could be special effects for all I know, and the concept of "scientific explanation" shifts to psychology and computer science.

>> No.11376319

>but then the angle would be totally different
??? wut
you dont know what those things are attached to. could be anything behind there that you dont see. you'd only see the lights

>> No.11376531

And idea where gif is from?
It's not from snatcher.

>> No.11376578

Along time ago some people discovered you could make money off gullible, uneducated and ignorant people with little or no critical thinking skills. The after centuries of hoaxes, superstitions, snake oil, occult shenanigans and voodoo we came to the modern age. Little had changed. The sale of books, magazine subscriptions, videos and tickets to /x/ tier conferences now supplemented the sale of bottles of elixir full of magical healing properties. The start of modern astronomy and the space age opened up new possibilities to sell even more confirmation bias to those wanting to believe anything other than facts, evidence and science, which for many were concepts way too hard to grasp. Along came cheap video cameras and soon many discovered the delights of reflections, back lights, props and blurry images in creating images which they claimed were caused by objects of extra terrestrial origin. The charlatans were delighted. Here was a new source of income. The sale of books, magazine subscriptions, videos and conference tickets continued unabated.

>> No.11376610

hey now don't pick on christians like that.

>> No.11376612

>sinister fog
Fuckin kek, my god you are absolutely retarded.

>> No.11376614

It's aliens. The autists on this board will cry /x/ only because they lack imagination and are threatened by things they cant explain or quanitfy. Everything seems mystical, magical, paranormal... Until it's not.

>> No.11376618

No, we're scared of retards like you having any influence on public opinion or discourse. And rightfully so.

>> No.11376645

All you've done is reinforce my point.
>silence people who think different than I do!
Fuck off back to plebbit where you belong.

>> No.11376662

Nice try, /x/tard. Some reading comprehension would bring you far in life.
All I've said is that you're retarded, not that different opinions should be censored. YOU. As you've just proven correct.

>> No.11376703

I don't know what it is. So it's safe to assume it's extraterrestrial aliens visiting from light years away, that's it yeah.

>> No.11377216

kys retard
>I want to know what kind of technology can do this.

>> No.11377247

That, in our time, something like this, so clear and impressive, would be all over the news if it wasn't obviously non-alien in origin.

>> No.11377250

no one is asking about alien shit you retard, see: >>11377216

>> No.11377293

a drone formation could probably do that. still, that video is 100% fake along with every other CREEPY MYSTERIOUS UFO SIGHTING

>> No.11377310

I doubt drones that can barely fly for 30minuts can carry enough energy to put on such a light show

>> No.11377317

>100% fake
fake what? why do you still pretend I'm in search if ayylmaos? I'm assuming people made it, and I want to know how
"probably drones" is not very helpful, if it's drones I want to know what kind of drones and how they project that kind of light

>> No.11377322

a good place to start would be to look up the source